Recent content by Tony_

  1. Tony_

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - DarknesZed

    + support great guy should be given staff asap
  2. Tony_

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - megamind69

    yeah everyone has been asking about my activity but I've been pretty busy recently plus with pre-exams so not been on a lot but all that is out the way so I've been playing actively since recently
  3. Tony_

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - megamind69

    Your Username: megamind69 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:122288190 Discord Username: megamind_69420 Age: 17 What's your current playtime: 940 hours in the server Do you have a mic: yes Your characters name: nato - tony ussr - tony big man Is this the first application you made? If...
  4. Tony_

    bye bye

    bro left the server for one day and then joined shock army :skull:
  5. Tony_

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - Archiee

    +support very active and dedicated give this man admin.
  6. Tony_

    MrGhost's Third NHC app

    +support and whoever is saying JAF needs help, it really doesnt lol JAF is currently doing amazing compared to other regiments so idrk what yous are on
  7. Tony_

    Leaving CN for Military

    o7 feel pretty appreciated being mentioned on the post broski, good luck in the military
  8. Tony_

    Bobby1 Staff Demotion Appeal

    + support learned from his mistakes.
  9. Tony_

    [MRP] Pacino MacTavish Resignation Appeal

    +support long time player knows what hes doing
  10. Tony_

    MilitaryRP - GM Application - Sandwalker

    + support just give him it already