Recent content by Tyrone

  1. Tyrone

    Damned/Damian's leaving

    free bro
  2. Tyrone

    I quit

    Hello, anyone reading this. I've decided to quit Civil networks for many reasons. Usually I would just blame SL for the shit state the server is in however it came to me that its everyone's fault. From the petty players to the power-tripping SL, this community is barely functional. Despite that...
  3. Tyrone

    [USA] Steve "Driver" Reddingtons Letter of Interest for Site Advisor

    +Support this application has moved me to tears
  4. Tyrone


    You've probably improved but cheating on GMOD as SL is crazy work -support
  5. Tyrone

    [SCP-RP USA] John Nohacks OSA

    let bro raid floor 3 again +support
  6. Tyrone

    [UK] O5-1 'The Consigliere'

  7. Tyrone

    [USA] Marcus Takafuji's Medical Consultant App

    I have to +Support former ECM
  8. Tyrone

    (USA) Madden San Miguel ECM APP

    I have to +Support a former Omega-1 how could I not