Recent content by Vampuffin

  1. Vampuffin

    Accepted Map drawing

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Gives a separate menu or makes use of the current map menu to allow you to draw on it and share it with your side, with different selectable colors to make distinctions between regiments easier and maybe specific symbols but that's pushing it. It...
  2. Vampuffin

    Connor's / Jerusalem / FUDGESICLE's Mapping Application

    Nice work man, I'm guessing that now that the VMF is fixed, Harry is gonna be able to make good changes for the map so the map is not gonna get as much flak.
  3. Vampuffin

    Denied Remove kill confirmed

    +- Neutral, I'd say make it occur only when the numbers are close to equal, like the difference is of like 5 people.
  4. Vampuffin

    Accepted Rule addition

    +Support, strip binds should be considered power gaming, no one is completely takin all the shit im carrying and throwing it on the floor in the span of a second, just make the strip SWEP faster and maybe make it so even if someone is fidgeting you can still strip em.
  5. Vampuffin

    Accepted NHC uniform

    +Support these look better
  6. Vampuffin

    Accepted Backwater Suggestions (But actually organized)

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This is more of a call to action to get more stuff suggested in an organized manner so our poor mappers don't have to sift through discord messages for valid criticism of the map. So now, onto the actual changes I'd personally like to see on...
  7. Vampuffin

    Connor's / Jerusalem / FUDGESICLE's Mapping Application

    +Support, potential is huge from what I'm seeing
  8. Vampuffin

    Accepted Allow SAS/STS to take assassinations

    -Support, takes away use from PCs.
  9. Vampuffin

    Denied Reward RMP/AOR with passive XP while in base

    +Support , it'd be great to have NHC do credits for RMP and AOR, could also open the gate for NHC rewarding regiments for doing more RP, missions, doing great jobs like consistent FOB buildings, kidnappings, interrogations, FOB assaults etc.
  10. Vampuffin

    Denied Sandwalkers Map idea suggestion

    +Support, also fun fact, the first picture has a map made in source already, it's a csgo map, it's called de_castle
  11. Vampuffin

    Accepted Mission Cooldown

    +Support , just have it happen when the timer hits 1 hour left til pre-war
  12. Vampuffin

    Denied Re-rework wars

    +Support One of the reasons I outright stopped playing for a week is the lack of progression and current inbalance in how the modes are made (thankfully S&D was updated), these are a way better idea and since the framework is already there, it shouldn't take too long to implement these ideas...
  13. Vampuffin

    Accepted Make Hooks Removable

    Could have it like I mentioned so you hold E on it for a couple of seconds to detach it, and if someone is on it, you can't do anything because there's someone hanging off it and pulling it down. Very good addition.