Recent content by Vexor

  1. Vexor

    [UK] Vexor's Consultant Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:455512262 Discord name: realvexor For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have 1327 hours Age: 20 years old In what country are you located?: Sweden Time zone: CEST Character name(s): Vexor 'Vex' Vercurion Civilian name: Trevor Arti What server are you applying for...
  2. Vexor


    Godspeed, Ratchie
  3. Vexor

    [UK] Jay Brown's Consultant application.

    Right. I haven't seen you that much, but there are a couple things I'd like to comment on. Some that others have already pointed out. -Support - The formatting and amount of information isn't on the expected level. Like Mase and Casseno1 said, look at other consultant/misc cl4 applications...
  4. Vexor

    Alex 'Monke' Smith's Leaving message

    Godspeed. o7
  5. Vexor

    [UK] Amelia Hughes Medical Consultant application.

    Reeled back in huh? Experienced and professional +Support
  6. Vexor

    Bye Bye CN

    köttbullar*. Godspeed o7😘
  7. Vexor

    "Prophet" Eloi Carmine Internal Affairs Ambassador [UK]

    +Support Let medical be corrupt<3 One day we'll reel you back in
  8. Vexor

    [UK] Michael 'Banana' - Security Captain Application #2

    Reeled back in huh? +Support
  9. Vexor

    Adios from Aurelius

    See ya later man o7
  10. Vexor

    Harold Bridger Jr GSD Captain Application UK

    +Support - Active - Knows what needs to be done - Can wrangle cadets
  11. Vexor

    [UK] Orrical's Medical Consultant App

    +Support +Willing to do RP, and not half bad at it +Appears to be more than just somewhat competent in general +Professional and understands their duties well You'd make a good consultant Imo
  12. Vexor

    Sophia/Venus' Leaving Post

    o7 Godspeed🍰
  13. Vexor

    Favourite Primarch, and why?

    Curze. I know an autistic amount about the Night Lords and their schizo father.