Recent content by Viggo

  1. Viggo

    [USA] Reece 'Indigo' Security Captain Application

    General Security Department From: Chief of Security Viggo "Purge" Gr. To: Captain Applicant: 'Cat' Hello 'Cat', your application has been DENIED If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me via Discord - (viggopurge)
  2. Viggo

    [USA] Adame 'Cat' Adams Gensec Captain Application

    General Security Department From: Chief of Security Viggo "Purge" Gr. To: Captain Applicant: 'Cat' Hello 'Cat', your application has been ACCEPTED If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me via Discord - (viggopurge)
  3. Viggo

    [US] Sule Goodmans' Captain App

    General Security Department From: Chief of Security Viggo "Purge" Gr. To: Captain Applicant: 'Goodman' Hello 'Goodman', your application has been ACCEPTED If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me via Discord - (viggopurge)
  4. Viggo

    [USA] Clark Carnel's Security Captain application

    General Security Department From: Chief of Security Viggo "Purge" Gr. To: Captain Applicant: 'Clark' Hello 'Clark', your application has been ACCEPTED If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me via Discord - (viggopurge)
  5. Viggo

    [USA] Timmy Bill Security Captain Application

    General Security Department From: Chief of Security Viggo "Purge" Gr. To: Captain Applicant: 'Bill' Hello 'Bill', your application has been Accepted If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me via Discord - (viggopurge)
  6. Viggo

    [USA] Michael Sandusky GENSEC CPT App.

    General Security Department From: Chief of Security Viggo "Purge" Gr. To: Captain Applicant: 'Sandusky' Hello 'Sandusky', your application has been Accepted If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me via Discord - (viggopurge)
  7. Viggo

    [USA] 'Watergate' | J. Walker 'Blue' Special Agent Application #4

    +Support Dpt. Chief Viggo "Purge" Gr.
  8. Viggo

    Oscar[Apple]Goodmen GENSEC CPT USA Thread

    General Security Department From: Chief of Security Viggo "Purge" Gr. To: Captain Applicant: 'Oscar' Hello 'Oscar', your application has been DENIED If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me via Discord - (viggopurge)
  9. Viggo

    [USA] Gerald 'Gensec' General Security Captain application

    General Security Department From: Chief of Security Viggo "Purge" Gr. To: Captain Applicant: 'Gerald' Hello 'Gerald', your application has been ACCEPTED If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me via Discord - (viggopurge)
  10. Viggo

    [USA] Camden's Captain Application

    General Security Department From: Chief of Security Viggo "Purge" Gr. To: Captain Applicant: 'Camden' Hello 'Camden', your application has been ACCEPTED If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me via Discord - (viggopurge)
  11. Viggo

    [US] Amenhe 'Oneirophobia' GSD Captain Application

    General Security Department From: Chief of Security Viggo "Purge" Gr. To: Captain Applicant: 'Oneirophobia' Hello 'Oneirophobia', your application has been ACCEPTED If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me via Discord - (viggopurge)
  12. Viggo

    [USA] Mortarion 'Resilients' Captain Application

    General Security Department From: Chief of Security Viggo "Purge" Gr. To: Captain Applicant: 'Resilient' Hello 'Resilient', your application has been DENIED If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me via Discord - (viggopurge)
  13. Viggo

    [SCP-USA] "Rabbits" Captain app.

    General Security Department From: Chief of Security Viggo "Purge" Gr. To: Captain Applicant: 'Rabbits' Hello 'Rabbits', your application has been DENIED If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me via Discord - (viggopurge)
  14. Viggo

    [USA] James Recron's Captain Application

    General Security Department From: Chief of Security Viggo "Purge" Gr. To: Captain Applicant: 'Recron' Hello 'Recron', your application has been DENIED If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me via Discord - (viggopurge)
  15. Viggo

    [US] security captain app

    General Security Department From: Chief of Security Viggo "Purge" Gr. To: Captain Applicant: ZTX Hello 'ZTX', your application has been ACCEPTED If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me via Discord - (viggopurge) (We'll never talk about how you made the app ever again)