Recent content by vlad the comunist

  1. vlad the comunist

    Eyes NHC Application

    -Support not that active
  2. vlad the comunist

    MrGhost's fourth NATO High Command Application

    -Support -He tried to black mail me on his second NHC app after I posted -support clip: -too big of an ego -used to think he is the mesahiah of 17thAR but he left so idk about him in JAF -copes alot -behaviour...
  3. vlad the comunist

    MrGhost's second NHC application
  4. vlad the comunist

    Accepted New NATO CO Models

    +Support yes please BASED + W
  5. vlad the comunist

    MrGhost's second NHC application

    he is black mailing me i have clips
  6. vlad the comunist

    MrGhost's second NHC application

    -Support -too big of an ego -thinks he is the mesahiah of 17THAR -he is ginger(jk) (edit) he tried to black mail me when he found out about the -support
  7. vlad the comunist

    MrGhost's Level 3 Demotion Appeal

    +support chill guy knows how to lead best candedate for reg com in 17th rn
  8. vlad the comunist

    Chaireston's NHC application

    +Support good guy good at leading
  9. vlad the comunist

    Jordans NHC APP.

    -Support -not the best at leading wars as when he copes HE COPES and might snap at people he stated that he has ADHD and says that he rages becaus of his ADHD being trigered -I havent seen him lead much wars for NATO before so I don't know if he will do good as NHC when it comes to leading wars...
  10. vlad the comunist

    Denied Buff heli's there weak now

    -support tanks can tank now
  11. vlad the comunist

    Denied Add skull emoji

  12. vlad the comunist

    vlad the comunist ban appeal

    Your in-game name: vlad the comunist Your SteamID: 76561199069077099 Your steam community link: Date of ban:22/5/2022 What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): MRDM Who banned you: Sins OOL OSH2nd OG3rd Boh Ban length?:2...