Recent content by Vladislav

  1. Vladislav

    Bobby1 ISAF Application

  2. Vladislav

    Partially Accepted Bring back NWO skin for USSR Blackfoot.

    give nato bf the blue tail
  3. Vladislav

    [US] 'Businessman' Overseer Application

    never played scp so i will stay neutral
  4. Vladislav

    MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - vlad

    Your in-game name: vlad Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:464734532 Ban Reason: MRDM A Date of ban: 19/02/2025 Who banned you: Aspen, chillet Ban length: 2 weeks What will you do to stop this from happening again: Let me explain the situation first. To keep it short, as I saw it that...
  5. Vladislav

    Accepted Huge changes to peacetime

    clearance will be basically be the same with 6/8 different ones instead of like 20 something arresting people because u saw someone died on killfeed is literally metagaming i dont understand what are you complaining abt or how this makes ur job more difficult
  6. Vladislav

    Accepted Huge changes to peacetime

    +support good ideas, would help server improve peacetime activity by a lot
  7. Vladislav

    Kaz leaving #2!!!!

    where u think ur going fonem
  8. Vladislav

    SpiderSlayer22's Senior Game Master resignation appeal

    u literally just came back it has barely been a day
  9. Vladislav

    Denied Nerf Guns

    MRP player try to not to suggest 19332457565th gun nerf/buff suggestion challenge
  10. Vladislav

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - Vladislav

    Your Username: Vladislav Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:464734532 Discord Username: wryyy_ Age: 20 What's your current playtime: 2D 17H (according to !Time) Do you have a mic: Yes Your characters name: ABT 1SGT Vladislav Is this the first application you made? If no, link all...