Recent content by Walter Piecebury

  1. Walter Piecebury

    Walter Piecebury returnee Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79693762 Discord name: Walter Piecebury For how long have you played on MRP: on and off since november 2020 Are you a returning player?: yes If yes to the above, when did you last play MRP actively?: 08/03-2025 NATO name (regiment and rank): Walter Piecebury 17th COL and...
  2. Walter Piecebury

    Denied - Tick rate adjustments -

    + support
  3. Walter Piecebury

    Walter Piecebury Staff Application

    Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Walter Piecebury How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 9w 0d 5d 43m Age: 27 In what country are you located?: DK Time zone: BST NATO name (regiment and rank): Pvt Walter Piecebury Previosly NWO name (regiment...
  4. Walter Piecebury

    Marselo's SC Application

    +++ MEGA Support +Good RC +Very mature + danish + not swedish
  5. Walter Piecebury

    Aspen's SC Application

    + support + activity + leadership all of the minus support is based on a former member of sc being a fucking petty arsehole. Aspen is a great leader that has shown both his devotion to NWO and his regiment, he has worked tirelessly to try to fix his regiment and work with other regiments to...
  6. Walter Piecebury

    Accepted AOR/RMP job

    -support i do want Aor/rmp to have something but this is simply not in any way fair to guys like IVG/ISAF that yet another Infantry special job goes to Aor/Rmp. I love that you are trying to better these two regiments but i think that their combat doctrines in both regiments need to change to...
  7. Walter Piecebury

    Accepted Fix the T72 fire rate

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: it changes the fire rate of the T72 from currently 7,2 sec to 5,1 sec. Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: dont know Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): to make it able to fight on...
  8. Walter Piecebury

    Colonel Fielding's NHC Application

    +SUPPORT. +Great leader of men. +Loyal to Nato. +Trusted and loved by his men. +IRL Expierience. +/- Can be some what strong worded and headed. - need to chill abit
  9. Walter Piecebury

    Dr Drew's NHC application

    MASSIVE + i have had my fair shares of incounters with 1lt Dr drew booth good and bad. +he has been a pillar in SAS and a great example of how hard work and determination can make one of the best officers you could imagine. + he is loyal sometimes to a fault and knows that sometimes orders are...
  10. Walter Piecebury

    Shadow NHC Application

    -/+ support I dont really know what to think about your application. + level headed I have had my personal experience with you which sadly is limited to mostly trying to save 17th members from you clutches. And in these situations you have all ways been reasonable, level headed and fair in your...
  11. Walter Piecebury

    Pawn's Moderator Application

    +Support +++great dude +-active as fuck +great de-escalator Good luck buddy
  12. Walter Piecebury

    Walter Pieceburys NHC Application

    It was brendan that did my training but your where a major inspiration for what i am today (your serious side ;-) )
  13. Walter Piecebury

    Walter Pieceburys NHC Application

    Ty mate i just cant do math then its edited
  14. Walter Piecebury

    Walter Pieceburys NHC Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79693762 Discord name: Walter Piecebury#1423 For how long have you played on MRP: 1,5 years on Civil gamers MRP Only Age: 25 In what country are you located?: Denmark Time zone: Gmt +1 NATO name (regiment and rank): Walter Piecebury 17th CPT and former 17th Major under Remme...