Recent content by Wilhelm

  1. Wilhelm

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Wilhelm 'Morningstar'

    yep see that now,will edit it tommorow when i wake up,didn't quite undurstood the concept of the missions :D
  2. Wilhelm

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Wilhelm 'Morningstar'

    i was confused on mission's suggestion so i typed what i think was right 🫤
  3. Wilhelm

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Wilhelm 'Morningstar'

    What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK) Your Username: Wilhelm 'Morningstar' Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59743848 Discord Username: wilhelmas Age: 23 What's your current playtime: 10d (month) Do you have a mic: Yes Your characters name: Wilhelm 'Morningstar' Is this the first...
  4. Wilhelm

    E-11 CPL (Black Model)

    if before aproval i can change from blue to black tell me so i could edit it
  5. Wilhelm

    E-11 CPL (Black Model)

    added E-11 Original color while maintaining in black
  6. Wilhelm

    E-11 CPL (Black Model)

    Alr i change pad's to color blue so it would look like E-11 but still will be in black model
  7. Wilhelm

    E-11 CPL (Black Model)

    Same model same everything,just mask and color changed with a backpack,it even has E-11 Logo on it
  8. Wilhelm

    E-11 CPL (Black Model)

    PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested (Which job): MTF E-11 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59743848 Photograph of PAC: (added E-11 Blue color like it supose to while maintaining in black)
  9. Wilhelm

    [UK] E-11 Pac3 Approval

    PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested (Which job): E-11 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59743848 Photograph of PAC:
  10. Wilhelm

    IA pac3