Recent content by wisard

  1. wisard

    Denied Bank Manager/printer bank QOL

    +Support Would make being a bank manager tad bit easier.
  2. wisard

    Peedudu's Moderator application

    Hello @peedudu, I will give you a neutral heavily leaning towards a +support. + Played with you, maybe even too much. Wholesome lad. + You have a fairly good understanding of the rules. + You are very active, seen you daily. - Never seen you on ts3 - You're application could be a tad bit...
  3. wisard

    Jerichoo's Staff app | DarkRP

    Hi @Jerichoo, I'm going to give you a +/- Neutral. + Good app + Previous staff experience + No warnings +/- Not seen on ts3 +/- Recall interacting with you only once in-game, so can't judge you're characteristics based on that. I'm going with neutral, just because I haven't interacted with you...
  4. wisard

    Mike Davis's Staff Application | DarkRP

    Hello @Jhareno, I will be giving you neutral, leaning towards a +support +Even tough you are young. I have had interactions with you, and you seem like a wholesome lad. +Good app +Seen you lots ingame and ts3. +/- unsure about rule knowledge. I wish you the best of luck with you’re...
  5. wisard

    wisard's Moderator Application

    Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): abdulwithaimbot How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): Currently on this server 37hr's. But I played the old darkrp aswell maybe 300+ hrs. Age: 17 In what country are you located?: Finland Time zone: UTC +3...