Recent content by Wolves

  1. Wolves

    Denied FOBs placement

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Add a rule that an FOB can't be past the final Territory to enemy base as since there is no signs and if things like this continue could cause problems in the near future for the Server. Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your...
  2. Wolves

    Accepted Drone Signal Jammers for FOBs

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Add a form of signal jammer for drones to be built at an FOB as drones are hard to spot or even hit at times. Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Not to my knowledge Possible Positives of the...
  3. Wolves

    Denied Tank scope and spoting system

    Oh you mean if you look through the scope its like an KWK scope then +support
  4. Wolves

    Accepted Dont allow 1276573453 proxys to be placed next to servers

    Proxy mines are good defending from hacking attempts, but I say only allow 1 or 2 Mines guarding the door to the server room and not have a minefield inside a server room
  5. Wolves

    Denied Tank scope and spoting system

    Natural but leening more to -support I like the improve targeting idea for tank combat but reduce visbility is not going to work when heils are hitting you plus the AT4s and might get to the point that armoured regiments won't bring anything out due to the fact we got to retrain to handle...
  6. Wolves

    Denied tanks in enemy territory

    +Support Plus it give a little more leeway for tanks doings training and having risk factor when entering enemy territory.
  7. Wolves

    MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Wolf Carnel

    Your in-game name: Wolf Cranel Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:57384871 Ban Reason: LTAP Date of ban: Wed Jul 3 19:07:55 2024 Who banned you: Jimmy Special Blob Ban length: Day What will you do to stop this from happening again: Follow the roleplaying rules when it comes to kidnapping and not...
  8. Wolves

    Wolves Moderator Applications

    Im just going to cancel my Application as I perfer being straight to the point which sometimes make it short and sometimes undetail but Im not just going to jump around the bush, just cause you want more details for answers I have already given.
  9. Wolves

    Accepted Make NATO Rally Points blue, NWO ones red

    +support It helps as if you find a rally, you need to check map to see if it is friendly then you are dead because it takes time to see if it friendly or not.
  10. Wolves

    Denied Rule Suggestion Change

    Irl what you refering to is broken arrow and that is not even consdered a victory, the reason for calling in Broken Arrow is because a US position is being overrun and can no longer be defended, you getting bombard by your own aircrafts, artillery and whatever else is on hand to point its not...
  11. Wolves

    Denied Rule Suggestion Change

    -Support you can use all the assists outside of base but inside base just seems unnecessary and a waste of warfunds and not alot of people going to be happy that they spawn then get killed from war assists because some HC decided to use a B2 to stop the enemy as there no way to escape it if you...
  12. Wolves

    Denied Hostage Negotiations

    -support It will just destroy the armoured/Heil regiments
  13. Wolves

    Denied Buff the spread of the main tank gun explosion

    I won't mind a small buff to IFVs as 2-3 AT4s can destroy it with a tank its 4-5 as IFVs don't even feel that threating anymore when they were a big danger to the infantry during USSR/NATO time. You get the odd BTR/K17 or Bradley/Puma but no one uses IFV due to them being easily destroyed.
  14. Wolves

    Accepted Smoke Launchers for 1 more NWO Tank

    +Support I perfer if the T90 got the smokes as that to be equal to A2, So T14, T90, A2 and Chally all have smoke launchers to make it fair.
  15. Wolves

    Wolves Moderator Applications

    Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): wolf14111 (Wolves) How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 6W 2d 23h 0Min 0sec Age: 27 In what country are you located?: Northren Ireland Time zone: GMT NATO name (regiment and rank): 17th SSGT Wolves Arde NWO...