Recent content by Yeke

  1. Yeke

    Discord Unban appeal

    accepted - I have unbanned you
  2. Yeke

    Partially Accepted Redacting Specific Jobs on TAB menu

    Just to throw a spanner in the works here. This change has other issues with it; 1. Staff need to see who is on what job for prevention of rule violation, however this is a first hurdle, this will unintentionally lead to staff also metagaming themselves and telling people "oh yeah SCP-7722 is...
  3. Yeke

    Do you think SL is doing their job or not (if not, who & why)

    I am not allowing discussions like this, if people have an issue with an SL member, please create a complaint, this isnt going to be a public bashing thread.
  4. Yeke

    Discord Unban appeal

    Please can you send me a DM via this site with evidence of what was sent.
  5. Yeke


    Although withdrawn and locked. This ban will remain unappealable, you will wait out the whole length
  6. Yeke


    Hi @Recker It does suck that youve decided to ditch us >:( However I wish you the very best on whatever you move onto mate, I know things haven't always met your expectations and you have gone above and beyond in all aspects of your tenure in CN and I hold great respect for the work you have...
  7. Yeke

    Cheetah's hopefully leaving post

    Hello @Cheetah I am sorry to see you leaving so suddenly, you did extremely well in your tenure as staff and I can only hold respect especially with the amount of shit we have to deal with on a daily, you have done solid work and I wish you the very best with whatever you go onto. However, as...
  8. Yeke

    Discord Unban appeal

    Hello. You were banned by me for advertising in DMs, which this reason I only use for anyone attempting to advertise other communities, would you be able to explain that point. As when I ban someone for being hacked, it falls under scamming / phishing. Kind Regards Yeke
  9. Yeke

    What happened to SWRP?

    Site-9 is being worked on currently, and we do not have the resources to hammer out 2 projects at once
  10. Yeke

    Blacklist Amnesty - "Second"

    Hi Second Thank you for taking the time to make an amnesty and giving your side of the story on this. However with your past in the community and the instance that took place, I do not feel it appropriate at this time to allow you to return to CN, I wish you the best looking elsewhere. Kind...
  11. Yeke

    Blacklist Amnesty - hackforyouoin

    Denied. I appreciate your apology, however you came on and enabled the ESP for your own advantage, i do not believe a quick change of heart in this instance. You can re-appeal in 6 months. Kind Regards Yeke
  12. Yeke

    Blacklist Amnesty - Karim Arlabelek

    Denied. Thank you for taking the time to create an amnesty, however you recently just got blacklisted and I do not think you will genuinly learn from such a short stint, you can re-appeal in 6 months. Kind Regards Yeke
  13. Yeke

    Blacklist Amnesty - Cal

    Hi Cal Thank you for taking the time to make an appeal. However after speaking with Ventz we have decided to deny this appeal, we do not feel there is any net benefit to allow you back into the community at this time. Kind Regards Yeke