Recent content by Zakariya

  1. Zakariya

    Theo's Returnee Application

    Neutral you took one down then put one back up can you make up your mind sir
  2. Zakariya

    Content Suggestion Referral Expansion

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Expands the current referral system in adding 1-2 more tiers. Tier 5 (15 referrals) -30% Respawn time +30% Shovel Efficiency Tier 6 (25 referrals) +35% Shovel Efficiency 50k Cash Can include 1-tap cyanide or something useful for the player. A lot...
  3. Zakariya

    Erwin Smith's returnee app

    +support +support
  4. Zakariya

    Bobby1 ISAF Application

  5. Zakariya

    Andrey Zelenskyy's Returnee Application

  6. Zakariya

    Whiskey's Returnee Application

    +support denied.
  7. Zakariya

    Gene rmp returnee app

    +support RMP LTC Gene inbound!
  8. Zakariya

    Kyzent's Returnee Application

    neutral Since you did resign somewhat recently on AG. Will you be able to maintain your activity if given the rank on SAS?
  9. Zakariya

    Denied Realistic Food dynamics

  10. Zakariya

    Content Suggestion Nerf LMGs

  11. Zakariya

    Oceanus' Returnee Application

    neutral Experience is there however it has been a VERY long time since you have last played and left off a bad rep during your exit. Would be nice playing 1-2 weeks getting a better feel of the community and I would say there will be a good chance you can get a rankskip in SAS.
  12. Zakariya


    +support Even though I do not agree with your rankskip on ISAF I feel like SAS needs someone compotent to take over after james resigns.
  13. Zakariya

    Walter Piecebury returnee Application

    +support a actual returning player! omg