Recent content by Zokof

  1. Zokof

    MrGhost's Third NHC app

    +support He can still help jaf as nhc so why not let lil bro go for it
  2. Zokof

    Zokof's Gamemaster Resignation Appeal

    Name: Zokof Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155387041 Previous Rank: Gamemaster Date of resignation?: 15th January 2023 (Give or take) Why did you resign?: Had a lot of exams going on couldn't really find time for the server but no more of those to take so i'm free to play again. Prior to this...
  3. Zokof

    Andrey Zelenskyy's SC App

    +support burger
  4. Zokof

    Muggers' SC Application

    +support Eggy toes
  5. Zokof

    Denied Add back cheese voice line

    +support Cheese
  6. Zokof

    Zokof's staff resignation appeal

    I am withdrawing this resignation appeal.
  7. Zokof

    Zokof's staff resignation appeal

    I main NWO so probs only see you during war. STS SPC Zokof is what i play mainly used to be STS MAJ Seoul as well.
  8. Zokof

    Zokof's staff resignation appeal

    Name: Zokof Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155387041 Previous Rank: Moderator Date of resignation?: 07/07/2022 Why did you resign?: Just got burnt out of the server and lost the will to play the server. Also had college and stuff to do so was losing time to put into the server. Prior to this...
  9. Zokof

    Denied STS and SWB gun swap

    All guns are lasers. All the stats of guns are lit the same I swear
  10. Zokof

    Zokof's Gm resignation appeal V2

    Name: - Zokof Steam ID: - STEAM_0:0:155387041 Previous Rank: - Gamemaster Date of resignation?: - 6th June 2022 Why did you resign?: - From my first app like i've said, there was limited things to do as a gm at the time and trying to host events for a small majority of people just didn't seem...
  11. Zokof

    Denied [MRP] Wars of attrition re-work

    Tell that to Doofy then please
  12. Zokof

    Denied [MRP] Wars of attrition re-work

    Nothing stops them from changing the place they spawn. You die on an FOB multiple times, naturally you’d change spawn location.
  13. Zokof

    Zokof's Gamemaster resignation appeal

    I am withdrawing the application
  14. Zokof

    Zokof's Gamemaster resignation appeal

    Name: - Zokof Steam ID: - STEAM_0:0:155387041 Previous Rank: - Gamemaster Date of resignation?: - 6th June 2022 Why did you resign?: - There was little to do as a GM at the time and essentially just got burnt out trying to do some many events will keeping them fresh and not repeating the...