Deleted member 3523
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:225975605
Discord name: elijah_kamski
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
(Which is about 1 215 hours.)
Age: I am currently 16 years old.
In what country are you located?: I am located in Czech Republic
Time zone: my timezone is GMT +1
Character name(s): Foundation: Elijah Kamski, GOC: Edward Kamski, CI: Charlie Kamski.
Civilian name: Elliot Kamski
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): I am applying for UK
Do you have a mic?: yes I do have a microphone of solid quality, but i prefer using text chat.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-E-11 SGT [Held]
-E-11 PVT 3x [Held]
-E-11 CPL [Held]
-E-11 LCPL [Held]
-NU-7 PVT [Held]
-A-1 SPC [Held]
-CI-A [Held]
-GOC PVT [Held]
-GOC 1SGT [Holding]
-General security captain [Holding]
you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Yes, I have received some warnings (7), but I am under the impression that they all expired as they were given to me a long time ago (in the year 2022.)
Discord name: elijah_kamski
For how long have you played on CG SCP:

(Which is about 1 215 hours.)
Age: I am currently 16 years old.
In what country are you located?: I am located in Czech Republic
Time zone: my timezone is GMT +1
Character name(s): Foundation: Elijah Kamski, GOC: Edward Kamski, CI: Charlie Kamski.
Civilian name: Elliot Kamski
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): I am applying for UK
Do you have a mic?: yes I do have a microphone of solid quality, but i prefer using text chat.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-E-11 SGT [Held]
-E-11 PVT 3x [Held]
-E-11 CPL [Held]
-E-11 LCPL [Held]
-NU-7 PVT [Held]
-A-1 SPC [Held]
-CI-A [Held]
-GOC PVT [Held]
-GOC 1SGT [Holding]
-General security captain [Holding]
you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Yes, I have received some warnings (7), but I am under the impression that they all expired as they were given to me a long time ago (in the year 2022.)
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
Knowledge. They say that knowledge is the key. I have a lot of knowlodge about the site, duties, departments and ethics commitee, as well as roleplay surrounding these roles.
Dedication. I have a lot of dedication and passion when it comes to what i like to do and what i do in Site-65.
Professionalism and maturity. I can maintain a certain level of professionalism and maturity during roleplay, which are important for such position.
Time. I have lot of free time on my hands, which i can use to improve, grow and gain experience as the assistant of ethics commitee. I can be active from 11 hours a day (on weekends) to 5-7 hours on week days.
Traits. My human traits are very useful in this matter as well, such as fast learning or adaptibility, when there is a problem, i will find a solution to the said problem and i can quickly learn from my mistakes.
Loyality. I am loyal to the SCP foundation and Ethics committee.
Communication. I am fairly decent in communication between others, this is important as assistants have to represent ethics commitee and without proper communication between other departments this could go poorly.
Documents. I am not new to making a "good" document, i have made a few fake documents, scouting reports on gois (as a DEA) and some documents as GOC for example "Equipment guide book" and "LAV-25 Operation manual".
Responsibility. I can take responsibility for any mistakes that i will make on my jurney to ethics commitee assistant, i keep seeing people that just blame it on others or just completely deny the fact that they have made a mistake.
Stress situations. I am able to stay calm even in the most stressful situations which sets me apart from others who would crack under pressure.
Experience. I have CL4 experience working as a captain for general security department.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
-Ethics committee assistants should maintain a certain level of professionalism and maturity around the site and while speaking to someone.
-Represent. Ethics committee assistants should always represent the ethics commitee in the best image possible to no hurt the public perception of ethics commitee!
-Always improve public perception of ethics committee, as low public perception could lead to some serious problems such as: Riots, people not respecting the ethics commitee and some others.
-Respect and obey those that are above them, this does not just include Ethics committee members but the Chairman of the Ethics commitee as well. This should be ALWAYS follow no questions asked and not following these orders can be against the interest of the ethics committee and the foundation itself.
- Assistans have to observe the other personnel around them, making sure they don't break the foundation legal codex (FLC). This also involves making sure that they don't practice any unethical actions such as: Termination of a Class D personnel without giving them 3 warnings before the termination, Researchers testing on SCPs without a valid reason (basically just for fun) and not breafing them about that the SCP is and what it does.
-Observe/oversee other departments making sure that there is no corruption present! Making sure that the department is actively not breaking Foundation legal codex [FLC] and that they are not being unethical.
-Attend meetings. Attending meetings on the behalf of the ethics committee is important as the ethics committee won't be always present on the site. This however should be always done with at least 1 Omega-1 operative to ensure safety of the assistant.
-Approving documents and some other things also is a big part of ethics committee assistant's duties, approving things such as mass termination, advanced armoury access for MTFs in the emergencies, but also proposals (should be discussed with ECMs first) tests and documents.
-Create extra roleplay. This is one of the most important duties of an assistant, they have to creat more roleplay on the server even for other personnel.
-Ensure day to day tasks are accomplished and everything is working as it should, departmens have enough staff on and ensure the smoothens of day to day operations.
-Give a helping hand to newer personnel in the site 65, give them tours, advices. Making sure they don't break FLC and they know what it is. Give them the basics and etc (this is not a top priority but can be a nice touch)
-Be active. This is one of the top priory and that is activity, ethics committee assistants with no activity are considered inactive and can be striked for this.
Elijah came and sat in his office of the general security department and started typing on the keyboard. He was quite nervous but then he managet to send what he was working on. He was worried that he might look like a fool, but he sended it regardlessly and prayed for the best as he was looking at the computer waiting for responsePlease give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
from: Elijah Kamski (
to: Ethics commitee(
to: Ethics commitee(
Greetings members of the ethics commitee! Here i would like to send you my personnal file in case its deemed necessary, all of you have a good day!
Best regards,
Captain Elijah "Xenon" Kamski,

(I deeply apologise if i made any grammar mistakes, i am still learning)
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