[UK] Huff's GM Demotion Appeal

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Game Master
Game Master
Jan 23, 2022


Steam ID:


Previous Rank (convert if required):


Who demoted you?:

Jason Taylor

Date of demotion?:


What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


What is the case against you?:


Is this true?:


Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?:


Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:

Yes but similarily to Houston most of them were 2 years ago

What is your side of the story?:

At the time of the demotion I had already been pretty distant from the server, and eventually it kinda started feeling like a chore to get on, I had already been active on the server for over a year by that point and felt as though I had seen and done everything, that coupled with the fact that I felt as though my glory days on the server had finished with less and less people recognizing me, I started slowly coming on the server less and less, participating in less and less events. I told myself that the plan was to leave after the map change event, that we working on at the time, had been finished, but with what we know now as history it never happened, and shortly after I think most of us realized that, I was contacted by the staff lead of the GM team at the time, Jason Taylor, all the best to that legend he knew the tragedy of the situation as well as I, we played together for a while so he knew better than most people how it felt. And so I peacefully went into my CN grave for what has now been almost a year.

Why should you return / what will you change?:

A while back DarkRP came out, and regardless of its state today I saw something I never expected which was almost everyone I once knew playing on the server, it kind of felt like what some people assume dying and going to heaven feels like, the good old days but you can actually feel that it's the good old days. Friends everywhere, a reason to continue etc... Then I heard about Site-9 coming out and I feel as though it will be similar to darkRP, and so it kind of inspired me to get back on the server, I've become active again essentially and I think I'm doing rather well with the community right now. A lot of event Ideas have come rushing in and I feel as though I'm young again. So what would change? I would become active, considering that one of the last bastions of 'people I know' left is the GM team I believe that being with my old comrades would help me get the motivation I need to start putting out quality events again, and the promise of the site-9 server also making me feel hope for the future of seeing the old friends again will give me reason to keep going. On top of all of that i'll ensure to not put myself on major burnout like I did originally, giving myself time to take LoAs and RoAs if necessary, and if one day I feel no longer inspired, I won't drag it out like I did originally, I'll give a week or two's notice and resign, so as to ease things on staff's side.


Active member
Jul 30, 2023
Wasn't around when you were GM but have had good interactions with you so far


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 27, 2022
Huff events are absolute killers bring em back

Jason M.

Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 10, 2021

Inactivity after over a year of dedicated playtime is more than understandable, and should be let off.
Let the man back into GM


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 16, 2022

Appeal Accepted

Hi @Huff ,

Thanks for taking the time to make an appeal.

You will be brought back at the rank of Gamemaster.

Kind regards

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