[USA] Pyro's 2nd Ethics Member Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:440283029
Discord name: ryaeuns
For how long have you played on CG SCP: July 1st 2022 (currently have Almost 4d VTime.)
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: EST

Character name(s):

Foundation -
Site Administration: "Pyro"
Ethics Assistant: "Loyalist"
External Affairs: "Aqua"
UNGOC: "Inferno"
Chaos Insurgency: "Arsonist" / "Fury"

Civilian name: N/A

What server are you applying for? SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Of Course

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Site Director
Ethics Assistant
Special Agent
Senior Agent
CI Delta

Site Manager
Site Advisor
MTF Omega-1 LT
Ethics Assistant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

3x Warnings: All of which are for RDM & are expired.

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

I wish to further my RP journey from Site Administration going into Site Command given more freedom to do such RP enhancements. My goals as an Ethics member are to improve relations between Ethics Committee & other Site Departments eg. Mobile Task Force Nu-7 & General Security as well as solving major Internal Issues within Departments that involves CoE Violations.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:

I believe what would make me the best Candidate for Ethics Committee is my dedication to a role & upholding the standards within that role, during my time in Site Administration I've learnt to understand & be knowledgeable of the Code of Ethics & Code of Conduct, especially the Code of Ethics, as a member of the Ethics Committee it's your duty to investigate departments that lack the understanding or care to uphold the Code of Ethics, this further goes into being willing to create or change documents when a shift of Roleplay Scenarios occur.

Furthermore my previous experience as an Ethics Committee Assistant & Omega-1 LT has given me closer understanding to how all three Different Jobs: Ethics Committee Member & Assistant & Omega-1 Operatives should be acting on-site, from what each member may authorize, have information about & the standards they must having on a professionalism level.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

- The Code of Ethics should take priority of every other responsibility that a member of the Ethics Committee has, they are to ensure the Code of Ethics is upheld by each and every member of the Foundation.

- The Ethics Committee is responsible for giving orders to both their Assistants & Omega-1 Left Laws Hand, ensuring they have some form of operations to enact whilst the Ethics Member isn't on site.

- Authorization of Advanced Armoury for Combative personnel in the case of a Containment Breach.

- Calling a Code black, evacuate the facility, primarily to have all non-combative enter the garage section of the facility so combative personnel may attempt to re-contain the breach.

- Adding, Removing or Changing Sections of the Code of Ethics when necessary.

- Approving SCP-008 testing

- Detonation of the alpha warhead in the case that a Containment breach is not able to be re-contained.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

- Vote & Appointment of Omega-1 Commanders

- Vote on Ethics Committee Member Applications

- Vote on Internal Affairs Director Applications

- Acceptance of Ethics Committee Assistant Applications

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Gregory "Pyro" Shmitt hadn't always an ethical member of the Foundation & definitely isn't perfect, but he has tried his best to have a better understanding of the Code of Ethics.

Mr. Shmitt's Ethicality within Nu-7 as their LTCOM soon to be Commander had definitely been questioned on multiple occasions by members of Omega-1 & The Ethics Committee, having multiple instances of being caught in the act of Unethical Actions or members of his Nu-7 battalion being caught in said actions, he had continued to tell them each time that he hadn't read the Code of Ethics as an excuse of what he'd done & for the most part it'd worked, even going as far as Directly uttering to the Committee Chairman & O-1 COM to their face that he hadn't read it & had no care to.

As the Commander of Nu-7 he hadn't really gotten into much trouble in terms of the Code of Ethics, but his operatives still had been, shortly after he'd joined as an Assistant of the Ethics Committee to further understand the Code of Ethics & why it was Important to upheld which definitely enlightened him, but his Ethical arc wasn't just yet...

Soon after Mr. Shmitt had applied for a position within Site Administration, he'd begun reading the Code of Ethics more as time past and soon had met a member of the Ethics Committee named Walter Unrich, a man who would enlighten him of the powers of the Code of Ethics, which had changed Mr. Shmitt's life within the Foundation forever.

He'd begun devouring into the Code of Ethics & It's information, going as far as announcing to the departments he Overseen as Site Administration to uphold the Code of Ethics to it's highest, further going into detail that the Code of Ethics is to Protect them & isn't evil as Mr. Shmitt though not long ago himself.

After the unexpected disappearance of Site Director Plug, Pyro had begun looking into applying as the Director of Site administration, placing his application into the office of the Overseer Council... Weeks time had passed & a verdict was given on the applicants for Site Director, Pyro was chosen & had been given the opportunity & with such opportunity he utilized quite well, looking into ways of improving relations with Departments & UNGOC & for the most part it had worked overwhelmingly well & the Global Occult Coalition was happy once again with the foundation.

Gregory "Pyro" Shmitt had looked into becoming a member of the Ethics Committee shortly after becoming the Director of Site Administration & had become quite fascinated with The Ethics Committee & it's chairman "Dalton Bruno" for quite a period of time, so he looked into placing an Application into the Committee & with the recent disappearance of the dearly loved Ethics Member Transient he finally had the chance to prove himself to the Committee, he'd written his Application, sending it to the Office of the Committee early that morning.

Until Then...

Music & Melodies!
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  • Wow
Reactions: KaptianCore
+/- Leaning slight -Support
Fit for the job/understands the role
Good staff
Appropriate choice
If he gets it, would open Director spot for Skyfire (joke)

Never see you on at all.
I think there are definitely better candidates.

I like you Pyro, and I think you definitely deserve the role and are an appropriate person for it but with that being said, I never see you on and I fear that you'll just be the ECM that only gets on when absolutely necessary or does purely off-site work ECM work. My main point being I just believe there are better candidates. Best of luck to you though.
Love working with Pyro. His documentation work is some of the best on the server. He is active, a great Site Director, has the experience, friendly, made a great application and is more than suitable for this position. He is not just a pick he is THE pick. Good luck Pyro.
  • Love
Reactions: Pyro

I'll make a serious +support, I've known Pyro since I first joined back in June of 2022, and he's been an amazing person the entire time. He's shown that he is capable of being a leader, having been O-1 LT, Nu-7 Com, and Site Director. Anytime I've had an issue with something in RP and brought it to Pyro, it's been dealt.

Give this guy powers rn
  • Love
Reactions: Pyro
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