Loviatar Executive Researcher App #2 [USA]

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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 7, 2023
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
My current playtime is 2 days and 6 hours, but it only goes back a month. I think it is actually around like 6 days since I have been gone for a while.


In what country are you located?:


Time zone:

Character name(s):

Civilian name

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have been banned for ban evasion, but I have done my time and I am back now. Since then I have gotten no bans or warns.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?:

I really enjoy the research department. I am already level 84 and I can not continue in the research department since I have already gotten all the Jobs that you can get without applying. I believe now that I am ready to continue onto the next stage of research. I am applying so I can continue to progress within the research department and so I can help those who are new to the server and guide them on how they can improve within research.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I have a lot of experience within RP positions. I have played servers in the past like Star wars RP, Military RP and Dark RP all which I was able to do lots of RP on. Within the SWRP I was at the rank of the equivalent of Director of Research within the spot I was in. In that spot I was in charge of not only providing RP for the rest of the people under me but as well as handle things like reports, promotions, tryouts, etc. I believe that my experience within things like this make me already suitable for the spot. However you may ask yourself how does this apply to SCP RP? The reason is because I played other servers where I as well played research all the time. When I played on that I had many tests I did which got very good grades for. (If you want an example of one here it is.). With that I have great experience with leader positions and RP positions within SCP. I believe that my patience, experience, and knowledge of SCP would make me very suitable for the position. With this experience and knowledge it would allow me to make good decisions when handling things like lectures, signing documents, and testing.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?:

At the moment I have written 5 - 6 Excellent Documents since I have returned. I will admit my first document I did got a poor grade. This right away showed me how rusty I was so I right away went to ask for some help. I think that no matter the position you are in you should ask for some help because you can always learn something new from someone. After I talked with a few people I began posting excellent document after the next one. However what makes a good document? I believe there is no better example than what is on the research board. The front page should be an index. An index allows the person looking over the document what to expect from it and what page you can find certain things on. After this you need to mark down the information about the SCP(s) that you are testing on. Write down a brief description of them and it does not hurt to add a picture to make it feel more real. Once that is done you need a goal of study. This allows the person reading to know what is the goal of the test. Are you doing an interview, and extermination test or something else. Once the goal is done you need a hypothesis. You need to write down on what you think will happen during the test and what you can gain from it. Once this is all done you put down your methodology. This is your steps you will take to ensure safety measures are met and what you will do to make sure the test goes the way you want. When this is done you write down your findings. This is a brief summery of what you found during the test and what happened. I like to write down dialogue for when I do interviews so it allows the person reading to know who is speaking and what was being spoken about. After this is your conclusion. This should be a summery of the entire test. You should cover what you found; if your hypothesis was met, and what you will do next if your goal was not met. At the end is an authorization page if you need signatures for things like cross testing, sampling, higher clearance, etc. These are the steps you should take to have an excellent document and it has been working great for me so far.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

I believe that you should be a leader first and foremost. You should be an individual that Jr - Senior researchers come to for questions or help. For me this past week Tomato and Halo were great examples. They gave me lots of tips and showed me how to improve on my documents and tests. This is your first responsibility. If you are not approachable nor can you give help to people you are over, then what are you doing? I believe your second major responsibility is hosting lectures and signing documents that people bring you. Hosting lectures can help people understand how to improve on things. One lecutre that I would host is how to make a better document. I would allow anyone to come to this and give tips and ideas on what you can do to make your document stand out and to get a better grade. You as well sign papers. These are fragile and careful things you must do because of what a person could be doing. You have to understand what you are reading and be cautious before signing because it could be to dangerous or an ethics violation. The final things I believe is working on documents and giving grades. What I would do is I would ask an exec about a recent document I did and what I could improve on. Even if it was an excellent score you always want to improve. What I would like to do is after giving a grade is to find the person and speak with them about it. Give them tips and talk with them how they can do better even if it was excellent. These things I believe are what are vital towards being an executive.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Loviatar was always the best in his classes all the way up to college. He continued to excel in his studies to the point he was the top of his class constantly. He went to Harvard and once more was the top of his class. When college was done he was not satisfied with what he had learned there. He wanted to know more, his purpose in this vast universe. He became a scientist that worked at NASA to further his studies and hopefully find what he was doing there. Eventually he was approached by a person to join a certain agency he has never heard of before. The requirements was to leave his past life. He would be promised everything he wanted but would no longer be allowed to live a normal life like he had been.

Without hesitation Loviatar signed the document and was taken to site 65 and would become a researcher there. Facsinated by this place he discovered things that he knew were not of this world nor should be possible to exist. After hard work he would be promoted to Senior researcher status which allowed his to test on more dangerous SCP's. With this new promotion Loviatar grew very interested in learning more about SCP -049 and SCP - 035. These two SCP's fascinated him the knowledge they had to offer him. Of course Loviatar was still cautious about them, they may seem friendly but they would still kill him. Now Loviatar continues his studies on Site 65 hoping soon for another promotion, becuase even he knew that there were things even he had not seen or knew of yet.​
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Dr. Ternith Plague

Active member
Dec 13, 2023

Hello, Mr. Loviatar

Thank you for your interest in the position of Executive Researcher.

We have decided to elevate you to the interview phase of the application process.

Please schedule a time with me to begin your interview through my email.

Dr. Ternith Plague

Active member
Dec 13, 2023

Mr. Loviatar.

Thank you for submitting an application expressing your interest in the position of Executive Researcher.

We, as a team, have decided to ACCEPT your application.

Please get in touch with me for your orientation date.​
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