[USA] Wrath's Resignation Appeal

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May 17, 2023
Name: Wrath
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:96070938
Previous Rank: Administrator (Event Team)
Date of resignation?: 05/01/2024 (Pretty sure I am still technically blacklisted for two days).
Why did you resign? I was starting a new job and knew I could not maintain the Vtime during their training. I explained to Canoon that I would rather resign than not be able to meet reqs until I lose my position.
Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?: Not from staff or MTF
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: 1 FearRP warn from 28/08/2023
Why should you return: I feel like during my time as staff, and specifically as SL, I showed myself to be an asset to the server. I did not leave under any bad light or anything like that, and simply had a life change which I knew I would lead to not being able to uphold my positions on the server for a period of time. I enjoyed my time on the server and as staff, and thus I am attempting to make my return to both.

why can you now commit to being staff again? I am out of that phase and I am able to have time to play the server again. When I originally resigned I told Canoon it'd be anywhere from 3-5 months, thus why I was uncomfortable sitting on my position for that long instead of passing it on to someone else. I know my vtime is currently low, I am working on getting that up but figured I'd throw the appeal out in the meantime.
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