"Scout" Site Advisor Application [USA]

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Jun 4, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:231340025
Discord name: Goblins#8021
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 10 Days on record (I have bug with vtime – approved by Admin - staff)
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: Israel / Greece
Time zone: GMT+3
Character name(s): James "Scout" Williams + Arik Mauser / Nick Johnson (CI)
Civilian name: Arik Mauser
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP - RP - USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Ethics committeeAssistantHold
Ethics committeeCoordinatorHold
Internal AffairsAmbassadorHold
Epsilon - 11CPLHeld (Resign)
Epsilon - 11CPLHeld (Resign)
Nu- 7LTHeld (Resign)
Chaos insurgencyBHeld (Resign)

as Assistant Coordinator -
I am responsible for several areas of responsibility that I will list below:
- First, as a coordinator, you are responsible for teaching and certifying new assistants, monitoring activity and checking that they are doing their work properly.
Also, even after their trial period as a coordinator, you have the responsibility to make sure that the assistants do their job, to help them and to make sure that they do not deviate from the path.

- Second - as a coordinator I am responsible for a team of assistants, to whom I am more directly responsible, also we are responsible for enforcing ethics in the departments and as a coordinator I am responsible for making sure that the assistants in my team conduct interviews, verify the state of the departments and really enforce ethics.
And also to make sure that there is work in the team and that everyone is getting along if everyone is without problems, and to the extent that it is my job to find an effective solution to the situation.
- In addition, my role is also to be an attentive ear to all the assistants (as a coordinator) and to my team in particular for any problem / question / request for help, I am always available for them.
- In addition, as a coordinator, I prepare a variety of documents and update documents directly for the ethics notice, either with departments or directly.
* Therefore, I actually have a long experience in these areas, areas of responsibility, team work, command and management skills, problem solving, high work ethic, willingness and responsibility

- Senior Ambassador -
As an ambassador in general your job is to take care and make sure that the agents do their job and enforce the law in the facility, enforce the order and actually prevent violations in the facility.

- As a senior ambassador my role is actually bigger and if a wider range of responsibilities.

- First of all, as a senior ambassador, one of the responsibilities is to help the other ambassadors in the performance of their work, to help new ambassadors learn the position and integrate.

- Second, there is a managerial area which is really to manage and command the agents in the field, give them instructions, teach them and train them, and help them when needed.

- Also, as part of the job, we have to examine and accept/qualify new agents.
Actually, thanks to this position, I gained a lot of experience in management, problem solving, training and information, communication, active typing, attention to details and more.

- Also, in the past I also performed a number of positions listed in the table above, in which I had the privilege of learning and commanding.
For example NU-7 LT - in this role I helped command the department, and was responsible for the NCO and other enlisted, I gained command experience and various areas of responsibility, for example working in a team, command and management, solving problems in the department, punishment if necessary, high work ethic, etc.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
N/A – all removed /

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I would like to be a Site Advisor because I have been in the position of ECA / Senior ambassador for a long time and I think I do a very good job, in my opinion I am very professional and responsible, know how to conduct myself and manage. In addition, I am very active and experienced (as I said above) , Also I'm always act responsibly and professionally.

I have been serving as an ambassador for a long time and am performing all the necessary duties to the best of my ability. And also as a coordinator at ECA, I think and know that I am doing my job in the best possible way,
And I think I can help a lot as an SA and I am worthy and qualified for the position.
In addition, I have been in the position of JR.CL 4 for a very long time, and I think that I am worthy and suitable to move forward.
* This position requires great responsibility, high management skills, seriousness, reliability and good interpersonal communication skills. In my opinion, I meet these requirements and always strive to improve and advance so that I can guarantee excellence.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I have really good management skills, I was a manager and commander many times, and I also have experience in many CL4, I am responsible and disciplined and of course do things in the best possible way. I think I am also suitable because I play for a long time and every The jobs I was in I did a pretty good job and promoted things as much as possible.
Also, I have also been an ambassador and ECA for a long time and do a very good job, so I am very experienced at the CL-4 level and know the job.

- In my opinion I am able to handle the position and will perform it well because I have the appropriate experience and I am always in favor of learning and doing new things and positions, also I also think that this will be a significant promotion for me and I will be able to influence and perform things in a better way.

- In my opinion, due to the variety of past roles that I performed, I am more than suitable to perform this role in the best way, first I learned to work in a team, I learned to manage and teach and also explain to people how to do their work, I made good connections with the people in all the departments and even today I am in pretty good contact with almost all the people . I am very nice and also know how to be tough, I know how to perform duties in a good and high-quality way. In addition, apart from relationships with people, I also learned to be a good and responsible commander who cares for his team / the people he works with, teach them to help them and ensure a high quality of people and work.
And so I think I can perform this role well because as a consultant you need these links and a good relationship with the people.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

1. Tracking the current code states for example Code-5 / Code-2 and etc', and giving an appropriate command according to the emergency situation that occurs. (Making sure the site is running good by overseeing handling of breaches/AA Authorizations)

2. Constantly maintaining control of the situation - giving approvals and allowing things according to the appropriate situation and if required of course.

3. Supervise that the department commanders act properly and perform their duties, and also conducting departmental reviews to highlight issues & problems in a department.

-communicate between Dpt. Directors and Site Command to help communicate issues or request by the directors for anything they need for their department.

* The Administrative department is headed directly by the O5 Command

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Williams began his work as a scientist at the facility, his main occupations were in novice SCP objects that do not cause too much damage, after a long time of working hard to achieve goals, the site manager came and offered Williams a promotion to senior scientist, Williams of course took the job and began working in a team with novice scientists who taught same his work and his work values, after several months in the facility, the research team went looking for a new SCP, that SCP was very dangerous, and very aggressive and required the research team hours of looking at that SCP, also known as SCP-173 "The Peanut", the research team struggled for hours many and did not close their eyes, but in the end the team led by Williams caught him and brought him in a container to a facility in a closed department,
When Williams returned to the facility and told the facility commander about how they captured 173, the facility commander was amazed, and since Williams was the one who managed the seizure and was able to manage the people and give the appropriate orders, the facility manager offered Williams the position of "Site Advisor" so that he could move forward and continue the His good management, after a few months when Willams was already a site advisor suddenly there was a Code 5 in the facility, all the personnel of the facility went into a big panic, and Willams who was already relatively experienced in his position gave the appropriate orders, approved heavy weapons and brought the situation back under control, without casualties and with many praises.
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It seems evident that you're actively pursuing senior-level positions across a variety of sectors, showcasing your ambition and drive. While this approach is commendable, I must express some reservations about fully endorsing your applications at this juncture. My hesitation primarily stems from the level of detail present in your submissions, which currently lacks the depth necessary to effectively showcase your qualifications and differentiate you from other candidates.

To provide more clarity, let's delve into some specific areas where your applications could benefit from enhancement. Firstly, a comprehensive overview of your professional background is essential. This should include detailed descriptions of your previous roles, key responsibilities undertaken, and notable achievements attained. By offering a more thorough account of your career trajectory, you can provide hiring managers with a clearer understanding of your expertise and capabilities.

Furthermore, it's crucial to align your experiences and skillset with the specific requirements outlined in each job description. Tailoring your application to highlight how your unique strengths directly address the needs of the role can significantly enhance your candidacy. This might involve drawing explicit connections between your past achievements and the challenges or objectives outlined by prospective employers, thereby demonstrating your ability to add tangible value to their organization.

In essence, to garner my full support and maximize your chances of success in securing senior-level positions, I would encourage you to invest additional time and effort into refining the detail and specificity of your applications. By doing so, you can effectively position yourself as a standout candidate who not only meets but exceeds the expectations of potential employers.
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It seems evident that you're actively pursuing senior-level positions across a variety of sectors, showcasing your ambition and drive. While this approach is commendable, I must express some reservations about fully endorsing your applications at this juncture. My hesitation primarily stems from the level of detail present in your submissions, which currently lacks the depth necessary to effectively showcase your qualifications and differentiate you from other candidates.

To provide more clarity, let's delve into some specific areas where your applications could benefit from enhancement. Firstly, a comprehensive overview of your professional background is essential. This should include detailed descriptions of your previous roles, key responsibilities undertaken, and notable achievements attained. By offering a more thorough account of your career trajectory, you can provide hiring managers with a clearer understanding of your expertise and capabilities.

Furthermore, it's crucial to align your experiences and skillset with the specific requirements outlined in each job description. Tailoring your application to highlight how your unique strengths directly address the needs of the role can significantly enhance your candidacy. This might involve drawing explicit connections between your past achievements and the challenges or objectives outlined by prospective employers, thereby demonstrating your ability to add tangible value to their organization.

In essence, to garner my full support and maximize your chances of success in securing senior-level positions, I would encourage you to invest additional time and effort into refining the detail and specificity of your applications. By doing so, you can effectively position yourself as a standout candidate who not only meets but exceeds the expectations of potential employers.


Anyways; +soup
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Reactions: Goblins
May 30, 2023
From: @Skyfire1355
To: @Goblins

Subject: Site Advisor Application Verdict

Hello Scout,

Thank you for showing your interest and taking your time to submit an application for the position of Site Advisor. After deliberation, Site Administration has deemed you not suitable for the position of Site Advisor at this time. Unfortunately, your application is to be denied.

Should you have any inquires please reach out to me at my email (@Skyfire1355).

You may reapply in two weeks.

Best Regards,

Site Director "Skyfire"

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