[USA] Wick's OSA App

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:556344903
Discord name: z0iwnl8egng8eq9azd9ckg
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I originally started around June of 2022.
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): "Wick" [✧], Jaymes Allen
Civilian name: Daniella Joniqua Ja'Keesha
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?: Most of my punishments are over a year old, and I currently do not have any active warnings.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Nu-7 SGT
E-11 CPL
Security Captain
DEA Senior Agent
DEA Special Agent
DEA Agency Manager/Dpt. Manager

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
There are multiple things that make me a good candidate for this role. First, I have a decent amount of CL4 experience. To me, holding a CL4 position shows that you are someone who does their job well, and is trusted within the foundation to hold more power. Second, my line of work matches up closely with the duties I would have to carry out for this position. During my time in DEA and BORTAC, I have been ordered to complete numerous tasks by my superiors. This includes going undercover in CI/GOC base to retrieve information, conducting interviews, and document work. The second and last part is important, as I conduct regular outreaches/interviews with GOC, and contributed greatly by writing parts of the Special Agent handbook and making multiple documents on departmental policies, such as interview/interrogation formats, Last, I can give a good portion of my time to this position as DEA is the only one I have to be active for, so balancing both shouldn't be that much of an issue.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
Apologies if I don't manage to list all of them, but most of the responsibilities are:
- Reporting directly to the O5 Council on orders
- Enforcing the Code of Conduct and LC (but not all the time, as OSA isn't IA 2.0)
- Authorizing AA (if necessary) during a C5
- Act as a line of contact between foundation personnel and O5
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
The day is 4/18/████.

Wick is sitting in his office when a letter is passed onto him by a random DEA Operative. The envelope is pitch black, with the foundation's logo in the middle.

He opens the envelope, and the letter reads:
Hello there.

We will be in touch soon.

Secure. Contain. Protect.
"What could this mean?" He thought, tossing the letter into his waste bin.

Fast forward a couple of days later, the date is now 4/25/████.

Due to an info breach started by CI (and subsequently rangers), MTF Nu-7 was sent into Pinewood to extract multiple Civilians including the Mayor. DEA on the other hand was tasked with keeping an eye on CI activity in case they tried to make a move while foundation forces were busy dealing with the info breach. Wick was leading DEA's surface operations during this time, sitting on a hill next to CI base relaying information to everyone else.



The time is now 04:00, the next day.

A lamp that hangs from the ceiling is turned on, providing a dim light to the otherwise eerie room.

Wick wakes up, wondering what just happened. His hands are tied behind him, with the letter he received a week ago on a desk. 2 Men walk into the room and then unrestrain him, and leave.

A voice devoid of any emotion plays from the Loudspeaker in the room:
Look in front of you, remember that letter?

We were amazed by your performance in both DEA and BORTAC, however, that stuff is behind you. No longer will you work for them exclusively, You will work for us alongside your current position.

Please take your equipment and step out of the room. You will receive your training shortly.
Right beside the letter is a CL4 keycard with the name "Assistant Wick", and a Colt M1911.
Warning: Message Received... Processing Message.

Incoming Message from: @kennedy.inspector@scip
To: "Wick"

Greetings, upon deliberation with members of the council, We have decided to accept you into the assistant program, please log into your RAISA Credentials and submit a forum for the appropriate adjustments.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact any member of the Council for any Information.

Glory to the Foundation, Signed O5-2.

Application Accepted
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