Keddy's Medical Consultant Aplication [UK]

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Apr 13, 2024
Steam ID:
- STEAM_0:1:678054198
Discord name:
- Naphon__
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- 5 Days
- 14
In what country are you located?:
- Poland
Time zone:
- GMT+1
Character name(s):
- Keddy
Civilian name:
- No civilian character
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes, But i do use a realistic modulator to make me sound more profesional
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Not a combat person
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Micspam = I was playing Lie detector sound on my microphone​
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
- I don't like to play shooting roles like GSD, MTF, CI, GOC i prefer a quieter and more pacifist job. The perfect solution to that is the medical staff. I also would really like to help out the new players to getting their licenses. Im also looking for a way to learn more about being person put in a leadership
What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
- I am commting to become a medical staff while also keeping my profesionalism.
- I am actively trying help other foundation personel such as Helping them with a sickness, an anomalous activites and making medical drugs.
- I am confident that i will be a great medical staff personel to the foundation and be worth my role
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
- EST (Electro Shock Therapy) Helps the patient recover from whatever injuries he had. EST cannot be used if it isnt consented to by the patient, The only way to use the EST without the consent is to be told by DEA/ISD Agent

The patient May experience a sharp sensation for a while. Reasurance is needed towards the patient to make sure he knows its only temporarly

Escort the patient to the exit and ask them if they require any further medical assistance
- Medical drugs
D-Class with an Head Infection.

D-???? arrived at the medbay with a GSD personel. Guide the D Class towards the Infection Tester. Direct The D-Class to lay on the Infection Tester. Turn on the Infection Tester. Verify the infection

Ask the D-Class to stay there while going to the medical fridge and taking the right drug for the Infection. Pour the 50 ml into a flask and leave the rest back into the fridge. Bring the D-Class the flask and ask the D-Class to drink it.
Escort the D-Class out of the medbay and wish them well
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
- Conducting a psychological tests for future class 4 personel to ensure that they are suitable for their job.
- Revoking license from personel that is caught misconducting
- Doing a normal job of a doctor
- Organising medical licenses tryouts
- Making sure that the medical personel is fully professional and that they are fulfilling their duties
Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Keddy was a normal medical school graduate. He started his first job at the london's Saints Peters hospital. He was helping his patients from day to day even thought he wasnt as great as his colleagues he was still good. One day while making a drug for his patient like he always did, He discovered that his drugs kept healing his patient faster and faster. After that he tried to get a better doctor position at a different hospital. While he was awaiting for his uber for an interview.
A black van stopped in front of him, 2 People pulled him into a van and tied him with a rope. When they finally arrived Keddy saw that he was in front of some Canadian military site. Confused he tried to run away but before he could he was put under amnestics. After waking up he found himself in an medical center in his office alike the same one he had in the Saints Peters hospital.​
+/-Neutral -Support leaning towards +/-Neutral
-Application is well made
-Personally haven't seen you on Sr Doctor before (Could just be my inactive ass idk)
-Low playtime on the server

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
- EST (Electro Shock Therapy) Helps the patient recover from whatever injuries he had. EST cannot be used if it isnt consented to by the patient, The only way to use the EST without the consent is to be told by DEA/ISD Agent​
EST is the old one with Harpoons, ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) is what its called when using the machine. (Not a major mistake, i get the names confused sometimes too)

The only way to use the EST without the consent is to be told by DEA/ISD Agent
MTF can do it (Within reason, such as a Nu7 asks you to do it and its a C1)
IA can also tell you to do it if they believe someone is disguised as well.

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- 5 Days​
Is this your total playtime on the server? (E.G. You've played 120 Hours) Or is this how many days you been playing CG SCP RP (E.G. You've played it for 5 days, but might only have 20 hours on the server total)

Either way best of luck.
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Apr 13, 2024

-Application is well made
-Personally haven't seen you on Sr Doctor before (Could just be my inactive ass idk)

EST is the old one with Harpoons, ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) is what its called when using the machine. (Not a major mistake, i get the names confused sometimes too)

MTF can do it (Within reason, such as a Nu7 asks you to do it and its a C1)
IA can also tell you to do it if they believe someone is disguised as well.

Is this your total playtime on the server? (E.G. You've played 120 Hours) Or is this how many days you been playing CG SCP RP (E.G. You've played it for 5 days, but might only have 20 hours on the server total)

Either way best of luck.
i started playing on the scp rp 5 days ago but ive already reached 31 hours
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i started playing on the scp rp 5 days ago but ive already reached 31 hours
Changing it to a -Support leaning towards +/-Neutral in that case
CL4 positions take time to get, and trying to get one after only 31 hours isn't what you should be doing. Its good to stay at a lower rank, get a overall feel for what its like as/for CL3 before hopping over to a CL4 role.
Sep 20, 2023
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- 5 Days
Sorry, but that's simply not enough to get a CL4 role, you have way too little experience
I do wish you luck in the future though, but really, getting on CL4 positions takes much more than 5 days, maybe try again after you played for at least a couple weeks (and even then it's pretty early)
You clearly want to be involved with medical from what you're saying, which is a good start, but you need to learn a lot about the server by just playing on it enough, and 5 days is too little
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Well-known Member
Jun 16, 2023
I agree. The application is good and all, but you need more general experience on the server. However don't let this stop you from applying in the future! Get to know people, show off to MLT what you know when you get the chance and just do your job and you'll do splendid!

Pirate McPirate

Active member
Feb 22, 2024
oki so:


while i met you a bunch, you are too new on the server, try to get a month or two before a cl4 job (cl4 goes brrrr)

Semi -/+:



plenty of interactions

polite, niceto talk to

does quality RP

isnt a minge (god bless)

try to get more time and have more interactions with people, ohter then that youre gold


Active member
Oct 27, 2023
South Africa

The following message is composed via consensus of the medical leadership team.

Hello, @naphon__ . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this role reassignment request. This request is to be
denied. No further action is required.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.
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