SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Egbert burferd the third

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Apr 10, 2024

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Egbert burferd the third

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:556368558

Ban Reason: death threats, harrasment, toxicity, stacked bans

Date of ban: april 13 2024

Who banned you: \"Change\" Z.(STEAM_0:1:485639549)

Ban length: 10 weeks

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I won't harras someone who disrespected my jewish ethnicity just couldn't believe that someone could be anti semetic in front of me while my great grandpa had to suffer in a camp due to being jewish while this medic was able to call it a weakness. I can make sure this doesn't happen by simply forgiving and not speaking very easy.

Why should you be unbanned: I'm not asking for an unban I don't deserve it but I would like for it to be shortened. I understand the toxicity and the harrasment side I was pressing him about the disrespect to my jewish culture so I understand I may have taken it too far, but I did NOT threaten to kill him irl that goes against my religion and personal beliefs over a stupid game, I did threaten him but it was for in game purposes as I thought it would be obvious, I believe he stretched the truth to fit his narrative because in no way can it be argued i threatned to kill him irl that is nuts. I also want to argue the stacked bans as my most recent ban was lifted and removes the stacked ban possibility for this ban. I also didn't get pulled into a sit to argue my case, he just had the anti semite give his story and ban me for an outragouse amount of time without a fair trial for me to prove his statements false, It's nuts that I just got banned out of the blue without getting the ability to hold my own. To recap, I'm not looking for an unban but a major reduction in ban period as half of the ban reasons are invalid and can be proven so.


SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Jan 8, 2023
Appeal Denied

Hello, @Bafoon
Nobody is discrediting your family history, however two wrongs don't make a right and in this situation what was said and done is unacceptable. Given the serious nature of gameplay on this server your real life experiences should not be taking part in your fantasy experiences, and as such I believe your ban should stay as is.

Thank you,

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