Kaz’s Special Agent app [UK]

Jul 30, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
28/07/2022, Around 2k hours on SCP


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
‘Kaz’ / Kaz O’Leary
Civilian name:
Jerome Sandler

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

What are your total levels?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you
hold or have held:


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
RDM x 10 // ERP // AFK Kick // 3x ARDM // NLR // FailRP // RDM // RDM // RDM // FailRP
Last warn was 26/02/2023

How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
1 Week (Perms given by Jorhan)

Why are you applying for Special Agent?:

I’m applying for Special Agent because DEA is currently in need of more CL4 members and I believe I’d be fit for the position. Since DEA came out I’ve always had an interest in it but never decided to try progress within the department until now, since I’ve been enjoying DEA I want to contribute more and become a bigger part of the department to hopefully make it more enjoyable for others who wish to join DEA and the server itself and I feel special agent is the way to go. I want to assist other leadership as much as I can to hopefully bring and keep DEA in a good state for as long as I can. While I understand my short time in the department as a Sr. Agent may be cause for concern I do truly believe the work I’m willing to put into DEA and my leadership experience in other roles both on SCP and other servers outweigh this issue.​

What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:

I believe I’m suitable for special agent because like I mentioned previously I have solid leadership skills which I’ve gained through regimental command and senior CO positions on MRP along with CO and GSD Captain on SCP, I have strong work ethic, I consistently produce high quality and informative in game documents for DEA and plan to get better at google docs to eventually move onto out of game docs as document work is something I’ve always enjoyed in any department I’ve contributed to, I have great communication skills which I intend to use to work closely with other departments/MTFs I am quite active on SCP since returning which I consider an important quality of any CL4 and I plan to apply all these skills and attributes to DEA to the highest degree I possible can.​

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

I’ve written 4 excellent grade documents for DEA, 4/9 currently stickied DEA docs being mine.
I think a good document has allot of different factors, it must make use of good but simple language to quickly get the point across and to be understood easily by anyone, it must be informative and stay on topic throughout, it must be formatted in a presentable matter and not just a wall of text and while in my opinion not required images always help to illustrate your point to the reader.​

What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
Provide introductions to potential members of DEA.

Leading and planning surface operations.

Rewarding agents with merit points for notable work

Deal with reports directed towards DEA agents.

Dealing with GOIs both diplomatically and through conflict.

Make sure DEA is working and communicating with other SOP

Creating documentation for the department.​

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Kaz O’Leary born and raised into a more than well off family as an only child in Cork, Ireland. His mother a successful lawyer and father a Brigadier General for the Irish Defence Forces. His parents demanding careers left them rarely present in Kaz’s early life he grew up craving any amount of attention or recognition he could get from his parents. He spent his school years slacking off, getting into trouble as a means to garner attention from his parents but to no avail. As he approached the end of his secondary school education he realised that his behaviour had left him very limited in career choices. Determined to make something of his life he decided to follow in his absent fathers footsteps and enlist in the military. A finished leaving cert and nowhere left to go, he enlisted the thought of other careers never crossing his mind from that point on. Throughout his military service Kaz distinguished himself through his excellent combative ability in the field, strong leadership qualities and intelligent strategic planning. He received numerous medals for his exceptional work.

As one of the most well known and respected Captains in the military, he was hand picked above all to lead a large scale assault and rescue team on a remote compound in Kabul, Afghanistan, where several Irish citizens and military personnel were being held captive. On the 19/02/████ he carried out the operation successfully completing the objective and almost guaranteeing his well deserved and long awaited promotion to Commandant.

However, late into the night as the troops were returning to base for an operation debrief their camp was infiltrated by seemingly unaffiliated but well equipped soldiers managing to bypass all security and exfiltrate with the Captain. Presumed dead by the military with no sign of him for months, but for Kaz he had in fact been assigned a new role in the “SCP Foundation” an organisation that he, like most had never heard of. He quickly familiarised himself with the foundation through his new position of Sr. Agent for the Department of External Affairs. Having created several high quality documents for D.E.A and participating in many surface operations showing dedication to the department he has decided to try progress further into D.E.A and apply for Special Agent.
Last edited:
May 26, 2023


The following message is composed via consensus of External Affairs Leadership.

Hello @'Kaz' ,

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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