Hanz Powers GM app (USA)

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Hanz Powers "roro"

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
May 30, 2023
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):roro3138
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: over 1000 Hours/mid-late 2022
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Continental united states
Time zone: PST
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Hanz Powers "roro" [A6-LTCOM] | Nu-7 CSG
Chaos name (include your rank): "Deacon" no rank
Civilian name: Han Power
Steam ID:
Discord ID (name#0000):roro3138
Do you have a mic?:
What server are you applying for?:
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: no, Captain App x2 one accepted one denied | CoS app Denied
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: N/A
(one inactive warn from october for a 3 second soundboard clip)
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
yes I have participated in the event team of a few non GMOD related communities. (EG: SR mod on Martincitopants's discord and event organizer)
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: other than my time dedicated to this server some odd 50 or so hours on other Serious RP servers
How many hours can you be on everyday?: 2-5
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?: To me, most departments not related to ISD or Surface operations do not get the experience of regular events or even most major events such as MTF Wargames or major SCP related events. As a Security captain for a good half year now I would like to actively improve the real roleplay experience. What I really want out of this position is to run and approve events that can, and will be available for newer users like cadets or Medical doctors to participate in. My real inspiration for finally applying would be a memory of an actual GENSEC event that took place on September 29th 2023 of the GSDF (General Security Detachment Force) keeping real new players in these sorts of events and for that specific one, even taking newer users to HCZ was the Epitome of my time on this server.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

-I have years over most users on this server and can accurately manage and diagnose how RP Situations are doing and how to actively improve them.

-Since June of 2023 I have been a security captain and have raised and mentored many of the people that now run many RP aspects of the server and even the staff team, the Chief of general security I mentored during his time as a trial captain, I believe I can keep the general idea of the Event and make it simple to comprehend without and of the extra details you might need to read through a 5 page SCP article to look for.

-In many RP and just general large (30 thousand) communities I have been a prominent member to keeping server health active with frequent events.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

1) the Research department has experienced an error in the photographics for testing on SCP-012 due to the nature of the SCP making it a cognitohazard. due to this testing was temporarily shut down while Script-net can refresh archive footage with censorship. During this a rouge GOI agent takes photocopies of the SCP and places copies all over the light containment zone's more secluded rooms. Scramble gear is not accustomed to the Cognitohazard due to it being a word for word copy instead of the actual module it was programmed on, MTF ETA-10 Needs to coordinate an airdrop of the new Updated scramble gear, and needs Flares dropped at a landing site so a helicopter can safely airdrop the supplies. (MTF Nu-7 and E-11 would coordinate together for this event)

2) General Security have found a particular D-class seemingly immune to the effects of any Amnestic agent or cognitohazard. (Told in advance) GSD captains will order the D-class to be taken away to their office for termination but are stopped by the Ethics community and research in front of medbay. a short argument will ensue which will end with the decision that medical, a Non-Bias department will conduct their own tests inside of the quarantine room with Captains, ECAs and EXECs watching. the result will be a new classification for an SCP and E-11 as well as SC constructing a chamber in HCZ until the event ends for it.

3) Pinewood's rangers have received a faulty tip from the Chaos insurgency of the military base holding one of their own hostage over Open comms.
a massive group of rangers along with Local Swat units enter the main facility with no weapons out, as to not get Shot on sight by the military. SOP-C needs to prevent the massive group from knowledge of SCPs and needs to bring them to the embassy in Medbay without seeing and D-class or SCPs on site.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
Due to a Tornado in the united states, an airfield was set up on one of Pinewood's lakes for evacuation purposes then left to the UNGOC and Pinewood to auction off to the Highest bidder. all groups mentioned send men in suits (event characters) as well as site staff to pose for the UNGOC to show them they will take responsible care of a Legitimate airfield. there are 3 groups that attend the main hanger. The Foundation, who wants the airfield for more easy Access to the site for supply reasons as well as transporting important personnel. CI wants the area to take the supplies still left inside of the hangers, and use the base as a bargaining chip for the foundation war. and executives from MC&D want the area to have a legitimate base of operations for their anomaly storage. the Foundation has 100 million dollars to use, MC&D 60M, and CI 80M. during the auction an unknown craft will land at the airfield and Cyanide as soon as they see the GOI and foundation representatives. the auction is put to a halt to see who the plane belonged to and which group did not want to wait for rights to the airfield to start using it. Tensions will be high at the auction and per UNGOC rules only sidearms on security Escorts may be allowed. The foundation needs to bring Site staff and Gensec along to surface to show off to UNGOC their responsibility and available personnel to run the area. whichever party wins the auction will have an aircraft of their choosing drop off a package containing and weapons or gear they request to bring back to their base without any other GOI interruption

List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1: The Ethics chairman has ordered the rifles of each combative department's main front-line units to be inspected for Unethical (Not site provided) bullets. Personnel must be interviewed
A-1: O-5 Demands that all MTF not be allowed to use SCP-914 for a couple hours to ensure High Value SCP testing not be interrupted, A-1 Units will be in communication at all areas of lower LCZ
Nu-7: an airdrop by the actual canadian military (not foundation) has been mis-dropped just by the lake house with 10 minutes until landing, Nu-7 need to secure the supplies before CI, or Nosy civilians find it
E-11: the Sentient SCPs need interviewing, 049 has displayed the ability to speak to other SCPs and understand them, he will be brought along to every sentient SCP for interviews.
CI: CI need to capture Foundation Chemists to Have them produce SCP sample recipes (resources provided) in bulk for CI. an offer to join their ranks will be provided at the end
UNGOC: the UNGOC High Command demands that traffic control devices be placed around Pinewood and the main rods as well as road signs due to the illegal driving by GOI. all Drivers will be stopped and given a drivers test on the lake.
Foundation Staff: RAISA gives command for the entire site (including some floor 3 areas) to be inspected with the doors checked for Inaccuracies, as well as all SCP chambers (non CL4)​
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