SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - James William ( I am not sure since I do not remember it very well )

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New Member
Dec 14, 2024

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: James William ( I am not sure since I do not remember it very well )

Your SteamID: 76561199121302353

Ban Reason: FearRp, LTAP and Severe toxicity.

Date of ban: 12/08/2024 ( I got 1 day and 8 hours left I ain't sure if thats exactly the date since my timezone is EEST )

Who banned you: Sean/Fearless

Ban length: 7 days.

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will act more maturely, follow the rules, and reread them so I make sure that I won't break them to ensure a good quality of roleplay.

Why should you be unbanned: Since I got banned I missed playing in this community and I think about what I have done realizing that I was wrong and that I ruined some people's RP or mood by doing that. Since then I have acted more maturely in other games read the rules before playing and respected other people, but I still miss playing on this server since I love SCP RP and I only have a little bit of time left and I really wanna play this weekend. I won't do this again and try my best at roleplaying my character and not breaking rules for everyone to have fun, I deeply apologize for my actions and for what I did to this community.


New Member
Dec 14, 2024
Well, I know y'all didn't reply to it on purpose because I had a little bit of time left so I can't play. There were ban appeals made recently and responded to in an hour or two while all you guys did was say don't comment on ban appeals but still what can I expect most of the people that I have met while playing were people who will get mad from everything and act like they are more superior than you and if you say something they don't like or do they will just abuse their power and arrest you or kill you.
Appeal Denied

Hi @eduard ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After reviewing your ban appeal and the description provided. I have decided to deny your ban appeal. Severe Toxicity is a serious punishment, in which we have zero tolerance for. Seeing you got banned for Severe Toxicity again just a day after this ban expired, shows me you have not learnt your lesson.

You may not re-appeal this ban due to the length of it.​
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