SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - Jonny "Bear" Hartman

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Nov 16, 2024
What server are you applying for:

Your Username:
Jonny "Bear" Hartman

Your SteamID:

Discord Username:


What's your current playtime:
~ 311 hours

Do you have a mic:

Your characters name:

Jonny "Bear" Hartman
Ben "Bulwark"

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
1st GM application

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
1x Name Con - On my first day, I tried to make my nickname "The Jew", which understandably is a religious issue, so I changed it at the behest of staff and my better judgement

How many hours can you be on everyday:
5-6 Hours (most days). Sometimes more (Weekends/non-work nights)

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
No, but I have hosted RP medical events as a consultant

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:

Oh wow, for a few reasons, definitely. I absolutely love playing on this server and I want to share that same experience I am having by setting up RP and events for other players. It's almost kind of funny to admit now that since I started playing on the server, I've barely picked up another game. I have this drive in me to create things as I've been watching other events occur around me and partaking in them. People seem to get so excited when something other than the normal Humm and Drum is broken up, I would love to be a part of setting up and running that. I'm commonly on during peak->graveyard times (6PM-3AM EST) where many players complain about missing events or not having much to do and that could, in my opinion, be a great time to plan some cool small/medium sized events for folks to keep them engaged and entertained. Basically, what it all boils down to is that I want to make the server enjoyable to all, I would like to see everyone get the same level of enjoyment and belonging that I have received, I equally want to plan events for all manners of staff from chefs to techs, CI to GOC, from E-11 to 0-1, from medical trainees to DEA directors, and maybe even some type of event for our ECMs and Site Inspectors

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:

I feel like I could bring a lot to the server as a GM.

- I spent 5 years of my life in the military and have a medical degree (LPN), I absolutely love working with a team, having met alot of staff and department leaders this is definitely a team I want to join. I love hearing new ideas and different ways of approaching various situations, problems, or events. I think I can bring a unique insight with that being my background

-I spend a majority of my time on server talking to people. As a consultant and primarily being in medical I meet a lot of people and get to talking. I have a good opportunity to ask people what they are interested in, what they would like to see happening around, and what things they would like to see differently

- I have a creative mind while also having a good grasp of in game limitations and rules, I know that as a TGM/GM there will be some restrictions to what I can do and I respect that, but I want to do my best to provide folks with good opportunities for fun and engaging content and events that will keep them coming back

- I strive to help everyone that I can. If someone were to have a good idea for an event, I get some approval and I would ask them if I could use that idea and have them help me run it. I don't want just my ideas to be made into events as I am not the only person that can be creative. This community is great, and I would love to see as a collective what can be brought to the table

- I have some experience with RP localized with the research and medical departments that I think would give me a head start over other people who haven't hosted an RP event before

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

'The sampled sampling' - "Some of our sentient SCPs have recently been complaining about the quality of the food dishes they're being provided, while some of them don't actually need to eat, they just like the routine and different flavors. Foundation Chefs, you have been asked to prepare a panel of meals to introduce to these SCPs, should they like your meals, they will be introduced into a rotating menu for them, and you will be paid and given credit for keeping our sentient SCPs happy and aiding in their containment"

'Scavenged Chemical Scavenger hunt' - "It appears that during the last parawatch foray into the foundation they have scattered many vials of surface chemicals in various places while running from the DEA. Please help us find and pack up all the chemicals so they aren't laying around for a loose D Class or stray SCP to get their hands on, who know what they would do with it. Apparently one of the chemical vials left behind holds something of high value, be on the lookout, whatever you find is yours"

'Pinewood Raceway' - " DEA dossier says that CI and GOC have been at odds again, catching pinewood in the middle of things. During a pinewood town hall meeting, civilians voted to approach the Greenies and UN to try and come up with an amicable solution. A race is what they come up with. 3 laps between the GOC and CI bases, winning driver gets a reward of their choosing (within reason), and hostilities will cease between GOC and CI for 8 hours, giving pinewood a reprieve"

Please List a map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

'MC&D - It's about playing the game'

"One day while conducting surface operations, NU-7 and CI are in the middle of a small skirmish over a shiment of vehicle tires that each side claims are theirs, down by pinewood lake, that is until they notice something. MC&D has moved a warehouse into the area, not far from where their normal shack is set up. This puzzles the men enough to stop their Squabble and inquire with each other on what it is, GOC is contacted to ask if they know anything about the warehouse. The UN tasks the mayor and rangers to keep the citizens of pinewood within their homes as a "dangerous storm" is about to roll through, so they can freely investigate. A joint team is put together of foundation, CI, and GOC research and combat personnel in order to investigate the warehouse. that's when they find out that MC&D has recently acquired some new friends from the old GOI-REDACTED. More specifically, entities of REDACTED. You must work together to either subdue, investigate or eliminate these entities before MC&D can use them for whatever strange and enigmatic purpose, they had intended them for. [Detention of the local MC&D salesmen is authorized for interrogating them to find the out the purpose of this strange phenomenon, should you be able to find them, after all who said you had to kill them?] "Just remember, IT'S ALL ABOUT PLAYING THE GAME"

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):

0-1: "Discord from within"

Reports of extremely unethical behavior and actions have been reported to the Ethics Committee. Groups of dead D-Class, Inanimate SCPs found in strange places, often surrounded by deceased foundation personnel, and security equipment being found in random places next to blood splatter, the body cameras always missing. The reports that have made it in by personnel that have survived these attacks entail that a member or members of one of the onsite MTFs are committing gross violations of the CoE and CoC. The Ethics committee has tasked you, MTF O-1 with discovering who is committing these injustices. Just be careful, after all, you are an MTF too.

A-1: "Off the tracks"

05 has tasked you, MTF A-1, with an important mission. Requiring the utmost secrecy and discretion. Lately, incoming and outgoing Rail shipments of SCPs have been going missing. Other MTFs have been scrambled to attempt to track and re-contain these anomalies, but in the meantime, someone from SC must be leaking information to GOIs and causing these shipments to be intercepted. Using all the tools at your disposal, while also remaining discreet and undetected, you must discover clues or get video footage of SC committing these treasonous acts before SCP shipments can be resumed and the others brought back on site. Good hunting A-1.

NU-7: "It kinda looks like Uncle Frank"
A lone LCPL is standing in the guard tower in front of site-65, he lets out a large yawn and snaps to look East as he sees something out of the corner of his eye. it's large and lumbering around just outside of where his binoculars can make a good impression of what it is. He radios to the other tower where another NU-7 CPL is also on guard duty and asks if he can make out the object as he is closer to it. The corporal walks outside the heated interior to the outer walkway and takes his binoculars out, cursing at the LCPL under his breath for asking him to leave his heated guard post, he used to be a part of the illustrious MTF-REDACTED until his demotion to this cold hole. He starts scanning and stops dead in his rotation, he actives the alarm in the guardhouse alerting all SOP personnel. He starts yelling into his comms about something called "SCP-1000" entities. NU-7, it is now up to you to contain, pacify, or eliminate the SCP-1000 Instances. Good luck, and hammer down"

E-11: "Opposite day"
"It's Friday finally" Says the E-11 SGT waking in his bunks, "Last shift before I can clock out and go get some real grub, maybe a coffee from Timmy H's". He groggily swings himself out of his bunks to get ready for his shift before he recognizes something. He is only one of 3 men in the bunks, "that's weird, nobody else has their name signed into the duty roster today". He gets on comms and tries to radio for other members of E-11 and is only able to reach the ones in the bunks with him, He tries to radio a few Core, medical, and research personnel and get only static. "Something is wrong" he says to his fellow E-11, "Gear up". as he moves out of his bunk with other E-11 members in tow, he finds that in HCZ non-spec there have been a few more members of E-11 locked inside the containment cells, and the SCPs are nowhere to be seen. "Crap" he says, "Its gonna be one of those days." MTF E-11 has awoken to find that SCPs are loose in HCZ and members of E-11 have been trapped inside those SCP CCs. You must move through HCZ freeing your comrades while also attempting to re-contain the loose SCPs. (Some SCPs will be excluded from this event dependent on the number of E-11 that can be made available for it)

CI: "A rather strange request"

An email missive has reached you from... SCP-079. Nobody knows how it got to your system, but after scanning it for any dangers it is forwarded off to Delcom. The missive reveals... it's soon to be 682's birthday?! SCP-079 is suggesting, that with his help and promise that 682 won't kill your men, you infiltrate site-65 HCZ and breach SCP-682 so he may wish him happy birthday. Apparently 079 and 682 have a somewhat stable friendship based upon their hate of all life. Delcom decides that this would not only be a great training opportunity for his men, but a great way to give the foundation a middle finger and replies to 079 confirming that with his help it may just be possible. CI, it is your mission to breach and escort SCP-682 to SCP-079's CC to allow him to celebrate his birthday with the one friend he may have in the world.

UNGOC: "The Shadow Dimension"
UNGOC, it has recently come to your attention that the foundation has an entire school dedicated to thaumaturgy. You have struggled as an organization for a long time to have a true grasp on what thaumaturgy truly is and in a bit of frustration command orders your to capture some foundation thaumatologists from site 65 and attempt to extract anything you can about thaumaturgy such as, the school's location, the extent of their abilities, testing documents, rituals/experimental procedures, etc. It is up to you, but only your own thaumatologists can scare the foundation personnel enough to get secrets out of them. Best of luck, gentlemen the future of combating and eliminating reality benders may be in your hands.

Foundation: "Peter Cottontail"

A new object has been added to Site-65's list of SCPs, SCP-4033. An anomalous Cadbury Chocolate egg, it will spawn and wait to be picked up. Once picked up, a voice will call out to you stating that you have joined the eater egg hunt. You have 10 minutes to collect 12 eggs that will randomly spawn withing a small radius of you, the subject. When the egg hunt is successfully completed the egg hunt, you will go unconscious and be rewarded with a full stomach of chocolate. Should you fail the hunt, or try to antagonize the voice, a REDACTED will be input into your brain, either killing you or requiring surgery to remove. Foundation personnel, should you pick up the egg and NOT be in the hunt, it will hurt you until you drop it, the voice then will declare that you are not a part of the hunt and to wait your turn. (Should you successfully complete the egg hunt, the easter bunny may give you a reward. Beware its punishment for not completing the egg hunt, as you may not return, only once sufficient personnel have completed the hunt and the eater bunny is satisfied will the egg rematerialize back in its CC.) Good hunting!​
Last edited:
Nov 16, 2024
= The application is okay,

I would suggest adding structure to the application, it being a white wall of text is just eh

Event ideas are fine, nothing crazy

Best of luck,

- Julien White
So, I figured out why I didn't have access to the text editing options and such. It appears to have been an issue with the browser I was using, for some reason. The browser on my desktop vs my laptop is working so, I have edited it to be a bit more aesthetically pleasing or rather, not a white wall of text. Thank you for the feedback!

- Jonny "Bear" Hartman
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