[USA] Adam 'Red' Renkov's DoIS Application

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Well-known Member
Jun 28, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:127479675
Discord name: ChillBreeze
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 8 Months, 300+ Hours
Age: 23

In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: EST

Character name(s):
Adam 'Red' Renkov
Allan 'Perseus' Pinkerton

Civilian name: Grey Kosnykov
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
ISD Investigator(Held)
ISD Inspector(Held)
ISD Commissioner(Holding)

MTF Epsilon-11 PVT(Holding)
CI-A (Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

No, I have not.
Why are you applying for Director of Internal Security?
I am applying for the Director of Internal Security because from the moment I was able to play another job that was not D-Class or Cadet, I played ISD (Formerly IA) I have always loved this Department and everyone in it. As soon as I got a leadership position, that being Inspector, I knew this was the only Department I wanted to go the distance with. ISD has been nothing but some of the most fun, most entertaining and most fulfilling role I have ever played on the server (and I have tried most of them) There is nothing I would love more than to lead this department alongside Strekel and continue to help ISD soar. The ISD I know today is realms beyond the IA I knew when I started my tenure, and I wholeheartedly and unequivocally love everything we have achieved as a Department.
What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Security?:
I believe I am suitable for the Director of Internal Security because of my love for the Department, I truly and deeply care about this Department and how far it has come. I have always been and always will be an advocate for the Department. I also believe I am suitable for the Role because of my experience within the leadership ranks of ISD, quickly rising from an Investigator, straight through Inspector and ending up here, as Commissioner of Internal Compliance and Interdepartmental Relations, the last part of which was added because of my recommendation to Director Strekel, a role of which I take seriously.

I have established myself with members of leadership in Departments around the site, such as Medical, GSD, and E-11, most of which have borne fruit, and led to disciplinary actions against Agents that likely would have went unpunished otherwise and remained as a stain on the person's view of ISD. I have also guided and trained numerous agents, new and returning, offering them a helping hand whenever they may need, and showing them the way I believe that ISD should strive to be, both professionally and personally.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Security in RP?:
The responsibility of the Director of Internal Security is to manage the Department as a whole, all personnel, all processes, all procedures, all policies, are decided by the Directors of Internal Security, they are the first step in the success of the Department. They ensure that all Agents, Operatives, Inspectors, and Commissioners are following the CoC, CoE, and upholding the Legal Codex. The Directors work side by side with each other in order to ensure the Department runs smoothly, and that each member gets the level of attention they need to strive for their goals and thrive in their role. They also work closely with the Ethics Committee, as well as Site Administration. They may also train new personnel, and ensure that the right values and morals are instilled within those they train and lead, in order to make ISD the Department its meant to be.
Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Much of Adam's file has been either forgotten or the originals redacted, little is know of Adam, even to himself, which some may see as odd or somewhat sad, but to Adam, his life began as soon as he was brought to Site-65. Adam isn't stupid though, he knows that there is much he does not know, but these things are insignificant and serve no purpose in his cause. What cause you may ask? Loyalty. Loyalty to Whom you may ask? His support, his blood, his sweat, and everything is he, is owed to a man only known as "Sentinel" this he knows, and abides. Adam does what Sentinel needs, from personal security to a spy, and if needed, a fall guy. Adam knows that he owes everything to Sentinel, the why does not matter to Adam and means that Adam will sacrifice himself to serve the will of the Sentinel.

The nature of Adams lack of knowledge are due to a mind wipe, why this was performed is unknown, but he knows that it was done, as he will have recurring nightmares of bright flashing lights and intense pain, but this is as far back as his memory goes. In more recent memory Adam does know that he is apart of some sort of special unit assigned by Sentinel himself, his color, Red is what he is referred to, and the only other color he is aware of is "White" whom Adam knows because they were trained and reshaped within the same time frame, and that he befell a similar mind wipe as Adam. White and Adam often work together when Sentinel deems it necessary, whether it be deep undercover investigations, or "Advanced Interrogation" as Sentinel calls it, which White seems to be specialist of.

Sentinel is Adam's one and only priority, from the moment he set upon the site, Adam serves Sentinel without question. Adam still does as his role requires within the ISD and that of the foundation, notably, when Sentinel is offsite, Adam can almost be described as cheery and relaxed. Once Sentinel is on sight, this behavior shifts, almost as though a subconscious switch flips, and he becomes cold, calculating, and quiet, eerily quiet. Unless he is performing a duty for Sentinel, he is actively attached to him at all times, guarding Sentinel's life with his own.
Later as Adam progressed under the guide of "Sentinel" he was risen through the ranks, in order to gain access to the more delicate and classified information needed to do his job. Adam was promoted to the rank of Inspector, this being his first leadership role, he had to learn how to lead. He had only ever know orders, he had never really had to think of the other side. At first, Adam was often confused, and frustrated, often chastised by "Sentinel" because of the way he handled a leadership situation, or his lack of initiative in leading the other agents. This nearly broke Adam, as he was not programmed to do this, he was not trained to do this, he was thrust in to this role because "Sentinel" was tired of having to amnesticate Adam each time he had to handle anything above his clearance level.

For the first few months of his tenure as Inspector, Adam was often speaking to Ethics and Site Administration, slowly through performance reviews and mandatory impromptu training, being punished into the correct way to lead, and of what is expected from someone with CL4 clearance, the highest that can be obtained. After 6 months on the job, something clicked. Like a wall in Adam's mind finally cracked enough to reveal a hole, which shone through a light of his past, his subconscious abilities to be human had recovered, albeit only slightly.

1 Year into Adam's Tenure as Inspector it could be said, and was, that Adam seemed a different person totally at times, his leadership abilities had done an about face, and he was shining star among the Inspectors. This of which was noticed by the Ethics Committee, whom personally recommended to "Sentinel" that he be advanced to the position of Commissioner, specifically, that of Internal Compliance. Given Adam's cold, calculating, and ruthless nature, this position seemed to be an obvious and appropriate fit. His tenure as commissioner came as a bit of surprise to "Sentinel" as Adam's base personality and function seemed to lean more towards that of a normal, friendly and caring person, but with the single flip of a switch, at the will of "Sentinel" or Adam himself, could revert back to the cold, calculating and quiet operative that "Sentinel" built him to be.
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Well-known Member
May 28, 2024
Need to meet that baseline requirement chap
Both DOISD applicants have were promoted to commissoner 11/30/2024. Due to no commisoners currently meeting the time requirement, please just speak on how you feel about the player and ISD performance
Jun 2, 2024
Red is a very competent member of ISD. He is crucial in mending ties with General Security and aiding in setting clear boundaries to make sure both ISD and GSD don't feel their job is being taken by the other


Well-known Member
Jun 28, 2024
Red is a very competent member of ISD. He is crucial in mending ties with General Security and aiding in setting clear boundaries to make sure both ISD and GSD don't feel their job is being taken by the other
Thank you for the kind words Jack, I take my role in relations very seriously, and I'm glad you feel the effects of my work, it means worlds!

Greetings @ChillBreeze,

At this time, the Ethics Committee has decided to accept your application. Congratulations! Please contact your co-Director of Internal Security, Strekel, to get an orientation.

Ethics Chairman Matthew Recker
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