SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - EImer MaureII

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Old Borne

New Member
Dec 20, 2024

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: EImer MaureII

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:199594823

Ban Reason: MRDM

Date of ban: 12/19/2024

Who banned you: Liam \'Rubion\' Londe(STEAM_0:1:506528183)

Ban length: 1 week 5 days 20 hours

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Not do the thing i didnt do?

Why should you be unbanned: I was banned while i was asleep and offline, and the only killing i did while last online, was stab another d-class as a d-class, if that warrants any punishment i will happily take it on, but i do not feel it fair to ban me for MRDM that i never did especially if i was offline.
Aug 27, 2022

Hey @Old Borne,​

Thank you for taking the time to appeal,

Im the person that banned you for MRDM and I will explain my reasoning down below.

A Report came in of ARDM I was provided a Clip of you Killing a D-class in the testing line and then proceeding to stab another person in the line after he said Oh no it appears I'm being stabbed you stopped and walked away.

I decided that there was an intent to kill more D-classes, but there weren't enough of them, so you switched jobs.

Looking into your level you weren't a "new" player that doesn't understand the rules.
Given that no Staff could take the sit during the interaction the Ban was issued when you were offline.

I understand that it seems that an MRDM is a bit too harsh but you had no reason to kill the D-Class In the testing line and try to kill more after the 1st "kill".

I cant decide on the outcome of this appeal,
A member of Server Leader Ship (Admin+) will review this appeal as soon as possible.
please be patient and thank you for taking your time,

Best regards,


Old Borne

New Member
Dec 20, 2024
I'll give a bit more context to the stabbings
So, i was in discord showing the server to a friend and was goofing off a bit more than i really should
when i was showing them the scrap dealer i bought a knife as an example and me being both low on sleep and in a semi, goof off mood had intrusive thoughts of stabbing my way to the front of the line (2 people)
but when the person went oh no it appears im being stabbed i stopped around like 1-2 hits away from killing him and walked away and made a goofy sad noise (unsure if it went into the games vc) and walked away and then jumped into the d block pit (if that wasnt shown in the clip you can hopefully check logs and see me suicide in logs)
afterwards i switched to researcher to continue showing my friend the server

I am very willing to accept the punishment for what i did but i just didnt feel it fair that it was MRDM
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