I've been playing on and off for a few months, but oh boy, have things gotten bad recently.
To start; The SCP-079 'soft rework' riddled with so many bugs, unworking features and a pretty high profile breach queue bug that a few months ago, I raised as a potentially really funny way to softlock the breach system until whoever was doing it was banned/de-whitelisted. (22415 enters breach queue when recontained, so all you had to do was recontain all 3 instances, and the breach queue would inevitably have to waste 3 slots on nothing, they dont breach when it triggers. Nothing happens) You can then repeat this as many times as you want, and until staff catch on, there's little to no consequence.
To start. SCP-079 wasn't 'buffed'. They were nerfed so massively into the floor that it's a wonder that the testing server didn't pick up on a lot of this stuff. So lets go over the average SCP-079 before the change;
-Silently breach 1-2 more SCPs
-Work on breaking out D-class as quietly as possible
-Break 914, close HCZ blast doors if you have time
-MAYBE hack E-11 turret if you have 682 guarding your cell (can take a while)
-MAYBE hack generators once the breach is underway properly (basically ruins the rest of your utility, aim to get recontained after this so more SCPs can be breached!)
Let's go over SCP-079's gameplay loop now.
Are there 60 players online? If not, leave the SCP. (Can't turn off reactors, you get recontained within 2 minutes of being noticed)
Is there a Power Malfunction? Leave the SCP. (Turret Control won't work until restart, meaning you have no way to stop the onslaught of E-11/can't troll people with turrets)
Is there a Door Control Malfunction? Leave the SCP. (SCP-079's lockdown and short circuit ability can fail if the power is out, meaning that all someone has to do to counter 079 entirely is just break one of the keycard boxes and 079 can no longer keep their cell doors locked...)
If you have somehow met the requirements; prepare yourself
IMMEDIATELY rush to reactors. You can turn 1 reactor off, fly out of the room, de-load the keypads, fly back in, by the time this is done, you can turn off your second generator. Immediately fly upwards into LCZ, drain a computer for 6 more energy, return and turn off the final generator. This is all 3 reactors down in less than 30 seconds. From there, SCP-079 has to then RUSH E-11 spawn, and pray to GOD that turrets aren't broke (they bug out constantly).
Attempt Manual Control or Hostile Targetting, turret ignores E-11. Grand.
Instead attempt to lockdown the E-11 doors so they can't get to your CC. Doesn't work because lockdown/shortcirc (if you're trying to let other SCPs into areas) fails if there's a keypad failure.
That fails? Might aswell do as much damage as possible- try and hack an SCP BOX-
This is the SCP-079 experience in a nutshell now. You have to abuse the fact you can instantly ruin roleplay, and the server for everyone else to stand a chance, and then you realise the game was absolutely rigged from the start. I don't know how SCPs are supposed to play normally when it quite literally is, in no way, roleplay. To play 079 now means you have to SPAM PM a friend to hop on 682/076/7722 to sit outside your cell for the first 5 minutes of the breach so you can atleast get to level 2-3 (so you can actually breach some minor SCPs). On lowpop, this is exascerbated.
At 58-64 pop, I had a breach that took me over 45 minutes to get to experience level 5 (What you need to breach keter SCPs, from what I've tested. Boxes almost always cost 17 energy, the max); which resulted in a nuke. Because I, turned off all reactors, broke the way to the surface beforehand, and let everything escape on an already catastrophic breach (it was a 682, 079 and 7722 breach) which was the only reason I lived as long as I did.
But lets get to the ICING ON THE CAKE
The ONLY other SCP with breach queue problems is 22415-1/2/3 where if recontained, they'll be placed into the breach queue, which has been unfixed for a few months at this point.
This is mentioned nowhere, and what staff I've asked about this either say it's a bug or intentional feature. Atop of all the outlined bugs (shit just not working), we have to deal with potentially losing our breach slot for the entire DAY because we hopped on 079 on lowpop, and a D-class breached me, resulting in me being stuck out of the Queue without realising?
-079 keeping EXP post-breach
-If you don't believe my claims about energy. This is at level 4. You MUST max out to reach 17 energy.
-Me just not being placed into the breach queue after being RC'd, awesome!
While, technically and gameplay wise, I consider the new system to be superior, in terms of bug testing (even the really basic stuff), balance testing, design philosophy; it's just a downgrade at the moment. The old TE5 079 was unfun to play as (and was carpal tunnel speedrun simulator) but it was at the very least consistent and always performed how you expected it to. This new 079 is just plagued with the fact for a Keter SCP it is now by far the worst SCP in the game.
To explain this; 079 is now the SCP which gains almost next to no EXP per action. With a huge cooldown on every action you can take (Toggling doors has a cooldown of like six seconds for some ungodly reason at times); and the main factor being the fact your energy regen is so slow (and you cant actively earn EXP while contained unlike some other SCPs, 912, 999, 22415, etc) means that in terms of gameplay, SCP-079 is now the worst SCP to grind EXP on. That's just the passive part of it that people don't really care about; but as mentioned earlier- Energy problems.
SCP-079 is abhorrent at actually performing in a breach. While yes, they are very good at locking down spawns/etc, this is extremely energy costly, and is unsustainable. With Drain almost having a 2-3 minute cooldown (if not 5 minutes, server lag makes it hard to tell sometimes); and almost all of your abilities costing half+ your energy every single time (until level 3+), you are going to be playing an AFK simulator during a breach.
This is not good. Even if roleplay is stopped, players should be interacting with the server. 079 doesn't do this. 079 cannot feasibly breach other SCPs (other than ones that just need their doors opened like 096), 079 cannot feasibly use hostile abilities (the dispenser grenade thing is so delayed it's basically useless, and requires dispenser power to be on LOL, turrets bugged, still no tesla coil stuff, doorcrushing is actually OP now), 079 also cannot feasibly contribute once it's a max-sized breach and they've turned off generators, due to the aformentioned problem with lockdowns/etc relying on keypad power.
079, even in a fully repaired and functional site, is even worse off for aformentioned reasons. They're just badly designed at the moment. 079 should hit hard and fast, then be recontained equally as fast, that's why they're a priority target, due to the danger and threat they pose. Ingame, this is just not the case, you can ignore 079 from the moment they turn generators off for about twenty minutes.
As stated - for a TLDR;
Contributes nothing to a breach (for most of it) past being a glorified door opener/breaking surface doors (as Drain has such a long cooldown its basically impossible to have enough energy to level up even REASONABLY). Is now EVEN MORE DISRUPTIVE to roleplay (has to rush generators or die, and can turn all 3 off in less than a minute); cannot feasibly breach SCPs, is not re-added to the breach queue, features are broken, ecetera. This stuff needs to be fixed ASAP.
Contributes nothing to roleplay either, frankly. Testing on SCP-079 is so suicidally hard to do because CI kept doing deepcovers back in the day and that means now you need atleast 2 documents + ID check + hume check to even enter HCZ for the 079 test, then you'd have atleast 8 E-11/combatatives in the cell with you at all times, and you MIGHT be permitted a SINGLE D-class. It's just lose-lose playing 079, you have the most MID breach ever (if you even get to have one), then get RC'd and forced to switch to another job.
Reminder: This is an SCP locked behind XK-VIP (80£ or 8000 vpoints worth of ingame cash total)
What a joke.
To start; The SCP-079 'soft rework' riddled with so many bugs, unworking features and a pretty high profile breach queue bug that a few months ago, I raised as a potentially really funny way to softlock the breach system until whoever was doing it was banned/de-whitelisted. (22415 enters breach queue when recontained, so all you had to do was recontain all 3 instances, and the breach queue would inevitably have to waste 3 slots on nothing, they dont breach when it triggers. Nothing happens) You can then repeat this as many times as you want, and until staff catch on, there's little to no consequence.
To start. SCP-079 wasn't 'buffed'. They were nerfed so massively into the floor that it's a wonder that the testing server didn't pick up on a lot of this stuff. So lets go over the average SCP-079 before the change;
-Silently breach 1-2 more SCPs
-Work on breaking out D-class as quietly as possible
-Break 914, close HCZ blast doors if you have time
-MAYBE hack E-11 turret if you have 682 guarding your cell (can take a while)
-MAYBE hack generators once the breach is underway properly (basically ruins the rest of your utility, aim to get recontained after this so more SCPs can be breached!)
Let's go over SCP-079's gameplay loop now.
Are there 60 players online? If not, leave the SCP. (Can't turn off reactors, you get recontained within 2 minutes of being noticed)
Is there a Power Malfunction? Leave the SCP. (Turret Control won't work until restart, meaning you have no way to stop the onslaught of E-11/can't troll people with turrets)
Is there a Door Control Malfunction? Leave the SCP. (SCP-079's lockdown and short circuit ability can fail if the power is out, meaning that all someone has to do to counter 079 entirely is just break one of the keycard boxes and 079 can no longer keep their cell doors locked...)
If you have somehow met the requirements; prepare yourself
IMMEDIATELY rush to reactors. You can turn 1 reactor off, fly out of the room, de-load the keypads, fly back in, by the time this is done, you can turn off your second generator. Immediately fly upwards into LCZ, drain a computer for 6 more energy, return and turn off the final generator. This is all 3 reactors down in less than 30 seconds. From there, SCP-079 has to then RUSH E-11 spawn, and pray to GOD that turrets aren't broke (they bug out constantly).
Attempt Manual Control or Hostile Targetting, turret ignores E-11. Grand.
Instead attempt to lockdown the E-11 doors so they can't get to your CC. Doesn't work because lockdown/shortcirc (if you're trying to let other SCPs into areas) fails if there's a keypad failure.
That fails? Might aswell do as much damage as possible- try and hack an SCP BOX-
This is the SCP-079 experience in a nutshell now. You have to abuse the fact you can instantly ruin roleplay, and the server for everyone else to stand a chance, and then you realise the game was absolutely rigged from the start. I don't know how SCPs are supposed to play normally when it quite literally is, in no way, roleplay. To play 079 now means you have to SPAM PM a friend to hop on 682/076/7722 to sit outside your cell for the first 5 minutes of the breach so you can atleast get to level 2-3 (so you can actually breach some minor SCPs). On lowpop, this is exascerbated.
At 58-64 pop, I had a breach that took me over 45 minutes to get to experience level 5 (What you need to breach keter SCPs, from what I've tested. Boxes almost always cost 17 energy, the max); which resulted in a nuke. Because I, turned off all reactors, broke the way to the surface beforehand, and let everything escape on an already catastrophic breach (it was a 682, 079 and 7722 breach) which was the only reason I lived as long as I did.
But lets get to the ICING ON THE CAKE
The ONLY other SCP with breach queue problems is 22415-1/2/3 where if recontained, they'll be placed into the breach queue, which has been unfixed for a few months at this point.
This is mentioned nowhere, and what staff I've asked about this either say it's a bug or intentional feature. Atop of all the outlined bugs (shit just not working), we have to deal with potentially losing our breach slot for the entire DAY because we hopped on 079 on lowpop, and a D-class breached me, resulting in me being stuck out of the Queue without realising?

While, technically and gameplay wise, I consider the new system to be superior, in terms of bug testing (even the really basic stuff), balance testing, design philosophy; it's just a downgrade at the moment. The old TE5 079 was unfun to play as (and was carpal tunnel speedrun simulator) but it was at the very least consistent and always performed how you expected it to. This new 079 is just plagued with the fact for a Keter SCP it is now by far the worst SCP in the game.
To explain this; 079 is now the SCP which gains almost next to no EXP per action. With a huge cooldown on every action you can take (Toggling doors has a cooldown of like six seconds for some ungodly reason at times); and the main factor being the fact your energy regen is so slow (and you cant actively earn EXP while contained unlike some other SCPs, 912, 999, 22415, etc) means that in terms of gameplay, SCP-079 is now the worst SCP to grind EXP on. That's just the passive part of it that people don't really care about; but as mentioned earlier- Energy problems.
SCP-079 is abhorrent at actually performing in a breach. While yes, they are very good at locking down spawns/etc, this is extremely energy costly, and is unsustainable. With Drain almost having a 2-3 minute cooldown (if not 5 minutes, server lag makes it hard to tell sometimes); and almost all of your abilities costing half+ your energy every single time (until level 3+), you are going to be playing an AFK simulator during a breach.
This is not good. Even if roleplay is stopped, players should be interacting with the server. 079 doesn't do this. 079 cannot feasibly breach other SCPs (other than ones that just need their doors opened like 096), 079 cannot feasibly use hostile abilities (the dispenser grenade thing is so delayed it's basically useless, and requires dispenser power to be on LOL, turrets bugged, still no tesla coil stuff, doorcrushing is actually OP now), 079 also cannot feasibly contribute once it's a max-sized breach and they've turned off generators, due to the aformentioned problem with lockdowns/etc relying on keypad power.
079, even in a fully repaired and functional site, is even worse off for aformentioned reasons. They're just badly designed at the moment. 079 should hit hard and fast, then be recontained equally as fast, that's why they're a priority target, due to the danger and threat they pose. Ingame, this is just not the case, you can ignore 079 from the moment they turn generators off for about twenty minutes.
As stated - for a TLDR;
Contributes nothing to a breach (for most of it) past being a glorified door opener/breaking surface doors (as Drain has such a long cooldown its basically impossible to have enough energy to level up even REASONABLY). Is now EVEN MORE DISRUPTIVE to roleplay (has to rush generators or die, and can turn all 3 off in less than a minute); cannot feasibly breach SCPs, is not re-added to the breach queue, features are broken, ecetera. This stuff needs to be fixed ASAP.
Contributes nothing to roleplay either, frankly. Testing on SCP-079 is so suicidally hard to do because CI kept doing deepcovers back in the day and that means now you need atleast 2 documents + ID check + hume check to even enter HCZ for the 079 test, then you'd have atleast 8 E-11/combatatives in the cell with you at all times, and you MIGHT be permitted a SINGLE D-class. It's just lose-lose playing 079, you have the most MID breach ever (if you even get to have one), then get RC'd and forced to switch to another job.
Reminder: This is an SCP locked behind XK-VIP (80£ or 8000 vpoints worth of ingame cash total)
What a joke.
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