What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)
Your Username: Ashton
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:196798861
Discord Username: ashton095862
Age: 17
What's your current playtime: Well I am guessing my playtime got reset cause it only says 1 minute? but I use to be 4days I think? I ain't sure?
Do you have a mic: Yes
Your characters name: Ashton "Tiger" James for foundation, Alex "Gunner" James on CI and Jeffery Myers for civilian. I have changed my names a lot though but I can't remember what they use to be.
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: N/A
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: I have quite a load mainly for just being a little shit and a troll but I am now more mature and haven't been warned in the few months I have been back.
How many hours can you be on everyday: 3-5
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: Yes I have been staff on CG, DG and my own server on CG I was a Admin, DG was a Moderator and my own well I was a owner.
Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: Well I would say its mainly the Roleplay I have had some amazing roleplay interactions with other users whether it be me on IA or DEA or being a Researcher I have always had amazing roleplay something that I say truly stands out about me more than anything else and I am always looking for ways to improve my roleplay.
Why would you like to become a staff member: I would like to became staff for a few reasons.
I have always loved playing SCP-RP mainly just as a player because it has always been the only good decent and fun sever for this game mode but I am feeling that playing as a player is getting boring for me and now I would like to do something different maybe being staff can help change that.
Next I have a passion for helping people I find helping people to be very fulfilling and fun to do it is also nice to see people happy and glad they have gotten help and their questions or issues resolved its also amazing to just be someone people can go to if they need any assistance or help.
Third I love interacting with people I feel as if being a staff I will be interacting with many different types of people from all walks of life and that is something I find amazing the interaction between users is really fun and its nice to meet new people you may have never known before being a staff.
I know that with my weird punishment record I may not be the first choice you go for when wanting to choose a staff but I feel as if now I have changed the way I play and I have since matured I can definitely show people they can turn it around from being a troll or a minge to actually someone that is nice to interact with and someone that isn't taken as a troll all the time in a way I feel I will be a good example to some people as I use to be like them.
Lastly I think that being a member of staff on any server is fun you get to make peoples day slightly better (In most cases) and you get to assist people everything about being a staff is fun to me because its mainly the interaction you get with other users like I have talked about previously that I love now I feel a big part of what made the server fun to me when I was playing it all the time was the staff as they was always their to answer my questions and it made me feel as if the community was better and different then other ones I have played in or around and I certainly feel that I could give that type of welcoming kind feeling to other players by being a staff.
If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: Well I don't think there is anything to improve within the current staff team the staff so far since my return have seemed nice, kind and helpful and have always been here to answer anything I need answered maybe I will say some ticket times could be fixed but on a server as big as this you need to except to have loads of tickets thus meaning your ticket isn't always the first they choose as getting older tickets first is and should be priority.
I want to thank you all for reading this application I know some of you may/use to know me as a troll but like I said I have matured and feel I can be a great asset to this server and really make a difference thanks again and merry Christmas everyone!