A Thesis on Santa Claus: Real or Fake.

Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
In every known corner of the world, there exists the "myth" of Santa Claus (formally known as Saint Nicholas) who is known to be a rather old, jolly and heavyset fellow climbing down chimneys and entering doors with a magic key to deliver presents and coal to both the good and bad kids respectively. He does this all in one night however, which is physically impossible for any human being. To meticulously go into each and every house around the world and drop off presents, eat cookies and sip milk, is a process that in estimation would take 5 minutes on average if you can be quick. Thus, as stated previously with regards to his magical key, Santa Claus could only operate so quickly with a magical source. This begs the question, what could be that magical source and does it truly exist?

Many Santa-deniers are under the impression that Santa Claus is a story told by our parents and that it is truly them who sets out the presents, yet this behavior of milk, cookies and presents is reflected in just about every household around the world. The best answer that can be extrapolated from this information is this: The existence of Santa Claus and what gives him the powers to conduct business in a speedy fashion (perhaps via time manipulation?) is owed to the people of this world that have faith in Santa Claus. The power of belief is so powerful that it is known to alter your body at will, which has been seen through countless observations of mass mania and depressive behaviors, both resulting in sicknesses appearing where they never were to begin with and the depreciation of ones own image where there was never any reason to deserve it.

I submit to you this final answer: The existence of Santa Claus is based solely on your belief. Not in a metaphorical sense, but quite literally. The passion and energy that we put into the belief of Santa Claus will give him the strength and power to operate with godlike abilities towards the welfare of humanity- once a year. The lack of belief reduces that energy, thus there is no need for Santa Claus to exert his energy unto those who deny his existence. Yet he has been known to do so regardless, now and then. Parents who failed to give their children the freedom of belief in this higher power have unknowingly done both their children and the world a disservice by reducing the amount of potential energy within Mr. Claus, though he is benevolent. He has been around long enough to have plenty of power to share, and though he may not visit every non-believing household, his influence spreads throughout the land one night a year in such a vast quantity that even disbelievers are compelled to conduct themselves as Santa Clauses "for the sake of their children," yet it is truly only due to this subtle influence that they place presents under tree, eat cookies and all the other Santa rituals.

Despite the negative aspects shared upon disbelievers, there is willpower present in their actions to participate in Christmas. This is due to humanity's own natural benevolence. We must strive to improve the world around us, and often do, despite the messages that we see so commonly across our mediums that say otherwise. As a kindness to provide more energy to Santa Claus and to increase the potential energy and influence spread across the world, we must maintain our faith. Ultimately, his existence persists because humanity willed it to be so, and Santa Claus strives to reward and care for us because he believes in humanity just as much as we believe in him.

Keep your faith.

-Harold Hawks
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In many stories, faith in specific beings or entities are what gives them their power, what allows them to exist. If you are a Santa Denier, you are actively weakening Santa's power; if eventually, all humans on Earth declined to believe in Santa, he would cease to exist. Ergo, Santa Denier's are actually extremely slowly killing Santa Claus.

To those eventual murderers, I say to you, what has happened to your inner whimsy? Your innate inquisitiveness, your childish belief in magic? What has jaded ye so, that you would murder Santa Claus? Do you understand that to murder him, you must have murdered your inner child?

You do not merely deny his existence, you deny yourself the singular pleasure of joy and good cheer.
Apr 5, 2024
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled deep in the snowy mountains, there was a little boy named Timmy who didn’t believe in Santa Claus. He had heard all the stories, of course, but the more he thought about them, the less sense they made. How could one man visit every house in the world in a single night? And how could he fit down chimneys that were too small? Timmy was sure it was all just a story made up by grown-ups to make Christmas more exciting.

One chilly Christmas Eve, when the village was blanketed in snow, something unusual happened. As Timmy lay in bed, staring out the window at the stars, he heard a faint jingling sound. At first, he thought it was just the wind, but then the sound grew louder—like the ringing of bells. His heart began to race with curiosity. Could it be? He quickly threw off his covers and crept downstairs, trying not to make a sound.

Timmy peered out the window and gasped. To his astonishment, there was a sleigh parked in the yard. It was large and glowing, with reindeer harnessed to the front. But it wasn’t just any sleigh—it was magical, sparkling with a thousand twinkling lights, and the reindeer had bright, glowing noses like the ones he had read about in the storybooks. Timmy’s eyes widened as he noticed a figure dressed in red walking toward the house, his boots crunching in the snow.

Before Timmy could move, the door to the house creaked open. The figure was standing right there in front of him. It was Santa Claus, just like in the stories, with a jolly laugh, a bushy white beard, and a belly that shook like a bowl full of jelly. Santa smiled warmly at Timmy and said, “Ho ho ho! I see you’ve been awake for a very special reason.”

Timmy could hardly believe his eyes. “You’re real!” he exclaimed, his voice trembling with excitement.

Santa chuckled. “Of course, I’m real! And I’ve come to show you something important, Timmy.” He motioned for the boy to follow him outside. With a mix of wonder and disbelief, Timmy stepped into the snow, and Santa led him to the sleigh.

“The magic of Christmas is not just in the gifts, Timmy,” Santa explained as he patted the reindeer’s shiny coats. “It’s in the love, the kindness, and the spirit of giving that fills the hearts of children and grown-ups alike.”

Timmy climbed into the sleigh, his eyes wide with awe. “But… how do you do it? How do you deliver presents to everyone in the world in one night?”

Santa winked and said, “Ah, that’s the secret. It’s not about speed or magic alone. It’s about the spirit of Christmas that connects us all. When people believe, when they have love and hope in their hearts, that’s what makes the magic happen. The sleigh, the reindeer, the snow—it’s all powered by the belief of children like you.”

Santa then handed Timmy a small, glowing crystal. “This,” Santa said, “is a piece of the magic that keeps Christmas alive. But it’s not just my magic. It’s everyone’s. When you believe in kindness, in joy, and in helping others, you’re part of the magic too.”

Suddenly, the sleigh took off into the sky, soaring through the night. Timmy felt a rush of excitement as they flew over the village, then across mountains, oceans, and cities all around the world. Santa’s sleigh wasn’t just flying—it was weaving through the air, moving with the magic of Christmas, filling the world with light.

As they traveled, Santa showed Timmy how the spirit of Christmas was alive everywhere. In one house, a family was sharing a meal. In another, neighbors were helping each other decorate their homes. Timmy saw how small acts of kindness were the true magic that made Christmas special.

As the adventure came to an end, Santa gently guided the sleigh back to Timmy’s home. “Remember, Timmy,” Santa said as he helped the boy down from the sleigh, “the real magic of Christmas is in your heart. It’s the belief in goodness and generosity, the way you care for others, and the joy you bring to the world.”

Timmy stood there, his heart full of wonder. He looked up at Santa one last time. “I believe now,” Timmy whispered.

Santa gave him a warm smile and climbed back into the sleigh. “I know you do, Timmy. And that’s the most important thing of all. Merry Christmas to you—and to everyone who believes.”

With a final wave, Santa and his reindeer flew off into the night, leaving behind a trail of sparkling stardust. From that day on, Timmy never doubted the magic of Christmas again. He knew that Santa Claus wasn’t just a story—he was the living spirit of love, kindness, and giving that filled the world every holiday season.

And every Christmas Eve, when Timmy heard the soft jingle of bells in the distance, he would smile, knowing the magic was real.
CONCLUSION: santa is definetly real