Pac Requesting Approval
PAC Requested (Which job): Internal Security Investigator(and other ISD jobs)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:180053171
Photograph of PAC:

Along With this second pac which uses the same ISD investigator model but with rolled up sleeves

TLDR VERSION: One day A Junior Researcher within Site-17 Stumbled across the File of SCP-1304. Learning that he could possibly have a friend of his favorite fictional character one day the Junior Researcher Decided to boot up a save file of his favorite game and follow the instructions, unbeknownst to his senior researchers. What he had done was not discovered until 32 years later when reports of an "Arthur Morgan" lookalike came in contact with the SCP foundation who managed to find out what the then Junior Researcher had done. Fortunately for Arthur this also caught the attention of O5-[REDACTED] who also happened to be a fan of the series. The O5 council member ordered the capture of him at once and once Arthur once in the SCP foundations custody, the council member had Arthur heavily amnestisized and placed within site 65, believing himself to be "Arthur 'ISD'". He remembers bits of his past, but now pledges his loyalty to the foundation working to keep everyone safe.
Proper Lore:
PAC Requested (Which job): Internal Security Investigator(and other ISD jobs)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:180053171
Photograph of PAC:

Along With this second pac which uses the same ISD investigator model but with rolled up sleeves

TLDR VERSION: One day A Junior Researcher within Site-17 Stumbled across the File of SCP-1304. Learning that he could possibly have a friend of his favorite fictional character one day the Junior Researcher Decided to boot up a save file of his favorite game and follow the instructions, unbeknownst to his senior researchers. What he had done was not discovered until 32 years later when reports of an "Arthur Morgan" lookalike came in contact with the SCP foundation who managed to find out what the then Junior Researcher had done. Fortunately for Arthur this also caught the attention of O5-[REDACTED] who also happened to be a fan of the series. The O5 council member ordered the capture of him at once and once Arthur once in the SCP foundations custody, the council member had Arthur heavily amnestisized and placed within site 65, believing himself to be "Arthur 'ISD'". He remembers bits of his past, but now pledges his loyalty to the foundation working to keep everyone safe.
Proper Lore:
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