Accepted Hands SWEP

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove?
This suggestion would add a Hands SWEP, similar to hand sweps on RP-heavy frameworks such as Helix. The Hands SWEP would replace the gravity gun for all jobs, and would be a more realistic way to grab items and entities.

The hand swep would function something similar to this:

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Gravity gun looks clunky as hell for an RP gamemode.
- Would be more realistic.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- None.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe this should be accepted and implemented as it'd just make the game feel a little more immersive not seeing weird guns picking up objects and whatnot. It's a very simple thing to implement and replace.
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