[USA] Denton's Overseer Assistant Application

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Jul 9, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:419029840

Discord name: dommynation1138

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I've been playing for at least 2 years

Age: 19

In what country are you located?: United States of America

Time zone: CST

Character name(s): Dominic James Denton

Civilian name: Sean James McCarthy

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
GenSec Captain (AXO)
Senior Researcher
Combat Medic

(Former) E-11
(Former) GenSec Sergeant and Captain
(Former) Moderator

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- https://i.gyazo.com/f8c17de7bf3086855ec207e947996ec0.png
- I have 3 warnings that are expired from like a year and a half or two years ago
- I have 1 warning for "toxicity" for telling someone to kys in OOC chat, the person in question was fine with it as we were joking around, but still got warned anyway
-I have 1 warning for "ERP" because when I was a D-Class we were rioting and a GenSec Officer told me to get back or he would shoot me and I told him to suck on something and got pulled for it and warned
-I have 1 warning for "Mixing" because I was talking about another life as a researcher and things that happened on there, I'm still mostly confused on this one not going to lie. I completely understand the other warnings but this is the first time I've ever even seen a warning for Mixing and it was just still very surprising. In my opinion this one was not deserved but according to the letter of the law I was in the wrong.

I have never been banned or kicked. But if you have any questions about any of my warnings then please let me know and I would be happy to clear anything up. I'm looking to be as completely transparent as possible with my warnings and stuff and not trying to hide them. So if I'm able to answer any questions or clear the air on anything I am more than happy to do so, and completely understand anyone being turned off because of it.
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
I've got a lot of things about me that make me uniquely qualified for being an Overseer Assistant which I believe should be absolutely essential for the running of the Site effectively

1. I'm very personable, I love talking to people, which is very obvious if you've ever met me. I am able to very effectively communicate what instructions I'm given, as well as help to work through problems with people. I like to take the diplomatic approach wherever possible, and I'm very good at managing to find a solution that is amicable for at the very least most parties involved. Yapping is my strong suite, which is very necessary for someone meant to be helping enforce the will of the O5.

2. I am not bothered by paperwork, a lot of times I want time to just document things and help to put everything together with a nice bow. I'm an amateur writer in my free time, and I enjoy putting my thoughts to paper. And in my eyes and Assistant that's not able to effectively speak their mind nor put their words to paper is not a very useful Assistant, however luckily I am able to efficiently do both, which is a major plus.

3. I'm on at hours that not everyone is on. During the week I work evening shifts, so often I come on and then watch as the server dies down before I go to bed. And often times I find that there's not always a CL4 on, especially not one that's able to approve things or help with non-combat duties. So having an Assistant that is on during those hours will help to ensure that the server continues to run efficiently even as its beginning to wind down for the night.

4. I'm not afraid to speak my mind and take flak whenever necessary. While I'm overall a very happy go-lucky person, whenever necessary I'm not afraid to tell people whenever they are wrong and correct them. And I'm not afraid to take flak for a decision that is being made. I tell my guys all the time in GenSec that as long as they are doing the right thing, I will always stick up for them and protect them from whatever is going on.

5. I always stick up for my guys. Whether that be as a GenSec Captain, ensuring that all my guys get credit and are constantly doing things, or whether that's as an Assistant if I'm accepted and looking out for everyone in the Site. I always make sure people are taken care of. The people are extremely important. While as an Assistant my ultimate loyalty lies with the O5 Council and humanity in general, the people of Site-65 are also extremely important. And as long as I'm not being told otherwise directly by Council Members I will always continue to look out for the little guy and ensure that everyone is getting what they need.

I have a lot more to say, again refer to point one, I like to yap. However I'll keep it to these 5 points, and if this application progresses to the interview stage I would be more than happy to continue to express what makes me a good candidate for being an Overseer Assistant. If you have any questions about these points, please be sure to reach out to me directly and speak to me, I would like to keep the comment section below as clean as possible.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
A lot of the responsibilities that Overseer Assistants have in RP mostly comes down to their role as essentially the mouth pieces for the O5 Council.

- They will often check up on departments and make sure that they are performing optimally, as well as ensuring that relations between the departments are remaining at least amicable. A lot of this will involve talking with higher ups within the department, checking in on the general workings of what the department is doing, and helping to resolve any potential flashpoints that might spark into bigger problems.

- They are responsible for enforcing the Code of Conduct alongside the help of primarily Alpha-1, however also with the help of ISD, GenSec, etc. They will be making sure that people are following the Code of Conduct and checking up and seeing the effects of new rules or regulations and reporting them back to the O5 Council to see the effectiveness of these measures. A lot of this comes less to personal enforcement, and more soft enforcement through talking with Department Leadership.

- Assistants might also be responsible for hosting seminars over certain topics, conducting interviews with certain personnel applying for positions within the Foundation, looking out for people that might be of interest to the O5 Council, or (primarily) acting essentially as a messenger from the O5 Council down to the lower ranks of the Foundation, and making sure that they will is being enforced to the letter.

- They will need to be on site as well to authorize things such as the Advanced Armory for when there is a Code 5 situation. They might also be there to hand out permits for the Class-D Personnel if they are able to do so, or authorize terminations alongside the help of the Ethics Committee whenever this role is applicable. Though mainly with how the site is, the main thing will likely be authorizing AA for SCPs that have breached.

Overall the roles that an Overseer Assistant has is extremely varied, and basically infinite. They're meant to be general purpose tools for the O5 Council, and therefore they must maintain a certain flexibility and be able to adapt to multiple roles that they will be filling. A lot of it however, comes down to their ability to publicly speak, their confidence, their knowledge of the Code of Conduct, and their ability to enforce the rule of the O5 Council when necessary.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

A lot of the lore that I've built up for my character so far has been mostly combat related. However as I'm playing the server more and more and loving it, I've been wanting to branch out into a non-combat role as well. However obviously that necessarily must mean that I will have to build up a lot of the lore that so far has been lacking when it comes to that non-combat aspect of my character, which is some of what I'm hoping to achieve here.

I want to start to get entangled in some long term stories and plot lines. I'm especially interested in the intrigue side of things, especially when it comes to the internal political machinations of the SCP Foundation, and I would love to sort of do my best to play politics between the different Departments and hopefully get them to work together towards a common goal, or to root out incompetent people or traitors to the Foundation from their roles.

I also would like to maybe start kind of a personal journal for my character. So like as I do more and more as an Assistant I'll continue to fill it out. And maybe in the beginning they're super excited to get started and think that they'll be doing a lot of good in their role. However over time they get much more jaded and older and more experienced, and sort of start getting a glimpse into the true horror of the Foundation, but they continue doing their duty out of a sense of loyalty, and a love for humanity as a whole. And so holds onto that belief that perhaps in the end its all worth it to keep that flame of humanity burning just a day longer.

I think that would be awesome, and especially would love to sort of over time let that sort of roleplay guide my decisions, and I want to be thinking about things from those sorts of perspectives and thoughts. Overall I think it's a very neat concept that I want to try and I'm hoping that I get accepted so that I can hopefully put it into action. I think that it would be a lot of fun not only for myself, but also the people around me to sort of experience and get glimpses into.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my application, I would appreciate any feedback that you have for me and what I could improve on. If you have any questions, like I said I am very personable and talkative, so please do not hesitate to ask in my DMs or on the forums. I am only too happy to answer. I had a lot of fun making this application, so even if its not accepted I'm still pretty happy with how it overall turned out. Thank you!


Well-known Member
Mar 23, 2024
+ Support

His 3 warns for toxicity is a little jarring. As I've not known Denton to be toxic in the slightest, I think he would make a great addition as assistant. Always fun to talk to and he is always cool calm and collected. You'd be missing out.


Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Sep 23, 2024

They have done well on their app and in game they have done quite well, however I think the warns would be the biggest concern


New Member
Dec 27, 2024
+ Support
Great application, and an even better leader. He deserves this position.
Jun 17, 2022
+ Has a great work ethic
+ They are a nice and chill person
+ Great application
+ has experience within a L4 Position

Roles Holding
DSG Captain
Roles Held
DEA Sr Agent
"I hope that you find the path to greatness and seize every opportunity that comes your way. With determination, perseverance, and a strong belief in yourself, there's no doubt you can make greatness a reality. Remember, it's your journey, and you have the potential to achieve incredible things"
Jul 1, 2023
Secure Transmission Recieved.
Decryption Key Accepted.
Opening File Message.

From: The Office of Foundation Site Inspection
To: Dominic James Denton
Subject: Response to Request

[ Request For Elevation Denied ]

Captain Dominic James Denton

Your request for employment within the Office of Site Inspection has been

You may submit another request after a period of two weeks has elapsed following this communication.
We expect you will continue to improve and benefit your current positions at the Foundation.

Assistant to Site Inspector Truman
Luna Thorne

OOC: Application Denied. If you have questions, feel free to reach out.​
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