Accepted Adding CI and GOC Logo Props

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This would add 8 new Props: (Photos for logos)

CI Logo
CI Command Logo

UNGOC Command Logo
UNGOC Diplomatic Logo
UNGOC PSYCHE Division Logo

GOC Logos are taken from Here.
And CI Logos are taken from Here. (yes a Roblox Site-19 wiki :skull: )

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
No, Not to my Knowledge

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
This Suggestion allows for Gamemasters and staff more freedom of building when hosting things for CI or GOC. As of now neither faction has a logo leaving a lot of things bland when all that's needed is a nice little logo.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
There isn't any.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It would allow more build freedom from GMs and Staff making a better RP experience for the players.

First of all, my understanding of your suggestion is give GOC more content then CI because you are biased. SCP-UK GOC correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is;
UNGOC Diplomatic Logo
UNGOC PSYCHE Division Logo
we don't use any of these. So that'd be adding unnecessary content for the benefit of 1 server.

Second of all, you want models? Do you know how much of a pain in the ass it is to get a modeler and then you think we'd task them with making useless content when there is an in-game system known as VDecals to be utilized? Lol, and you're taking content from a Roblox game. Get out of here.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
There isn't any.
Ah yes, the usual "there isn't any negatives!!1111". There is the factor of development time between making it in blender and creating a texture for it. Would also have to get it bountied but that would take 15 business days.
GameMasters and Staff below Senior Admins cant use it. So it would be better for Gamemasters for building stuff.
Also, Admins+ and Developer+ can use it. Giving access to Gamemasters would be a horrible idea and I know that for a fucking fact. You guys would start messing with my mapping decals because you think this and that looks better lol.

Furthermore, I do think both GOC and CI should have a model that represent their factions logos, similar to how the foundation does but that can be a separate suggestion so it can be added to the backlog and eventually get done.

Kind regards,
my understanding of your suggestion is give GOC more content then CI because you are biased.
They might just be more knowledgeable of GOC tbf
we don't use any of these. So that'd be adding unnecessary content for the benefit of 1 server.
UK does use these, they're part of the only real canonical rank structure for GOC on the wiki. They're mainly seen as part of docs, but I can see the use of models for events and permaprops for the FOB.
Ah yes, the usual "there isn't any negatives!!1111". There is the factor of development time between making it in blender and creating a texture for it. Would also have to get it bountied but that would take 15 business days.
Tbh I feel like dev time shouldn't be considered as much as a factor in deciding content decisions. Devs already pick things up based on what they want to do out of the dev tracker, so adding another layer on top of that of "devs might not like it" is just kind of redundant. Content also often seems to not understand the work that goes into... anything. I've had suggestions rejected because it takes too much dev time when they literally didn't use any dev time at all and only required a senior admin, so I don't trust Content to make sensible decisions around this.
Also, Admins+ and Developer+ can use it. Giving access to Gamemasters would be a horrible idea and I know that for a fucking fact.
I think that's their point. They can't make use of decals as is, and probably for the foreseeable future, unlike if they just had a model they can use however they want as part of their builds/PACs/whatever.
also why tf are you mentioning KC, he is long gone...
Last I saw, all of the logo models in game are stored in a directory named after them.
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They might just be more knowledgeable of GOC tbf

UK does use these, they're part of the only real canonical rank structure for GOC on the wiki. They're mainly seen as part of docs, but I can see the use of models for events and permaprops for the FOB.
US GOC uses these too, and they are a in lore thing that exists as you said, but their implementation is completely IC - Akin to how both UK and US CI have squadrons related to things like Medical, Combat, etc.
I do think both GOC and CI should have a model that represent their factions logos, similar to how the foundation does but that can be a separate suggestion so it can be added to the backlog and eventually get done.
Or that could just be a way that this gets partially accepted.

-/+ Neutral leaning -Support
On the overall premise based on what's been discussed, but

For a partial acceptance of this in a way where it's just GOC & CI getting a model that represent their faction's logos as Judge said. I think that shouldn't be too much of an ask to happen eventually.


SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Aug 5, 2024
Suggestion Approved

Hi Author, Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

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