(UK) Simons OSA Application

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Oct 12, 2023
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:59700227

Discord name:Simonle2025

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3 years


In what country are you located?: Sweden

Time zone:CET

Character name(s): Simon Johansson

Civilian name:N/A

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCPRP-UK

Do you have a mic?: YEs

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

GSD Captain(held
E-11(Command Sergeant) Holding
E-11 (CPL) Held

Vtime and Warning History

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I have a few warnings in game that are expired and no longer Active, I have never been banned or kicked in game. The last warning I received was more than 6 months ago.

I do have a Severe toxicity ban on record in externals(Discord) I do regret what I said and I hope I can be forgiven for my mistake. This ban was one week and expired over a month ago

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

So what makes me suitable for Overseer Assistant? I am very active currently on the server and engage in role play activities that occur and also sometimes create some rp myself. More recently I'm part of a program with ISD to better help relations between E-11 and ISD. Also adding to this i have played for over 3 years which gives me a lot of experience with rp and how the foundation works in general. I would also say that I'm dedicated to my work and duties,I do have some ideas I wanna implement if I were to get this position. Perhaps make it easier to forward concerns or issues that arise across the site this could be done with documentation or submitting forms for assistants to evaluate and send forward to the “overseers”.

Other ways this could be accomplished is by having an actual booth setup somewhere for site personell to ask questions or to voice concerns. Of course for some stuff that can't be taken in public has to be taken behind closed doors, this could be done by moving away from the booth to a secluded area to take up certain classified stuff. After all, some information is actually classified for lower clearance personell. The idea of the booth is for lower clearances to have a chance to say what they think and have in mind. Of course if higher clearances have things they want addressed to they could also come but behind doors like i mentioned earlier. This is one of some ideas I have but this one is the one i most have thought about so far. The assistants could then forward the information gathered to the overseers in documentation or either speaking directly. Could be like a good oppertunity to gather intel on what people actually think and feel around site also a good roleplay aspect as u can discuss certain topics with other people further.

I'll mention some more reasons below that makes me suitable for this role assingment.

  1. Dedicated to my work and care for it.
  2. Good team working abilities with others
  3. High Stress tolerance in demanding situations.
  4. I act professional and mature on site.
  5. Long playtime on server plus very high activity.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

The overseer assistants have several responsibilities on site, first and foremost they are the faces of the overseer council. They represent them in situations when either they can't be present or it's more suitable with an assistant, they also assist the overseers with their requests. They also make sure to enforce the code of conduct around the site and the “overseers” orders.

I do have some more responsibilities I wanna list down below.

  1. Do investigations that the Overseers want you to do.
  2. Work in collaboration with A-1 to do certain tasks that need to be completed.
  3. Observe and report back to the Overseers.
  4. Approve certain documentation.
  5. Authorization of AA when no Site Administration is available
  6. Interview with departments
  7. Can if need be auth sweeps of D block.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and
what storylines they would be
involved in:

Simon, a 21 year old male born in 2002 in a small village in Sweden, Simon was born into a poor family and therefore had it very hard in the early stages of his life. In school in his early life they usually bullied him and he never could do stuff with the others due to lack of economy with his parents. His parents had worked as miners but their mining company that they worked for unfortunately went bankrupt. This forced them to get new jobs but with less pay that also meant they lived very simple and it was not a lot to do for Simon. However even though Simon had it very hard he was very good with all the subjects in school and got very high grades, once he reached High school he had almost A in every subject. During High school Simon got money from the school through something called (CSN) this is a government program to help students wanna continue in school,this helped him as his parents could not afford to assist him due to the poor pay of their jobs. When Simon became 18 he got a job as a contract Security for vips and those jobs actually paid very well which means he was able to support himself now. He worked there until he was 21 when he got a special offer to work for something known as the “foundation” .

It sounded interesting and promised an even bigger payout. He accepted their offer and he was started off as an Guard in something known as D block. The first work week went well but Simon realised he wanted to become something else. Something known as Epsilon-11 had his interest as it seems to be dealing with anomalies which to him sounded very interesting. He attended a tryout and eventually passed this and was instated as an E-11 private. He soon realised this was the place for him and he really enjoyed it. His superiors also saw the dedication and after half a year of working he was promoted to Command Sergeant. He now performs the very tryouts that he attended when he first got introduced as well as other duties such as some logging of stuff in the computer systems. He continued to work in this position even to this day however he has eyes for another position……………………

Written by Simon Johansson

Thanks for reading! I did however want to cover up "overseer" to make it look more realistic as an actual application but this was not possible here unforcently.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
May 28, 2023
+/- Support

I never had an interaction with you.
Saw you a couple of times on E-11 and saw good things.
Not sure about your roleplay potential, but your app seems promising, like your lore seems to be linked to your actual nationality and your app seems to be well thought out.
Best of luck to you!
  • Love
Reactions: SimonL2002
Jul 30, 2023

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello @SimonL2002,

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us.

You may re-apply in one weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​
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