Denied Chemical Bank Transfers

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
Jul 27, 2024
What does this suggestion add, change, or remove?
This may be a lot to ask, but I feel that adding the ability for players to transfer chemicals to the chemical bank will significantly increase the subscription's value.

Currently, transacting using the chemical bank is more complicated than just holding the chemicals in your inventory stash, especially if it's a large order.

If I have 40 liters of Potent Duloxetine, I could drop them from my stash and transact with another player, but with the chemical bank, I will have to obtain 40 flasks then manually load every one of them.

It would be much simpler and more efficient if we could have an additional button called "transfer," where we could select a chemical, the amount of said chemical, and a player on the server and instantly send it to them.

This would significantly increase the value of the Chemical Bank subscription and make it almost necessary for those selling chemicals wholesale.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?
No, I do not believe someone has posted something similar to this.

  1. It'll significantly increase the inherent value of the subscription.
  2. The Chemical Bank will become significantly more straightforward to use when exchanging chemicals.
  3. Chemical sellers and buyers will no longer worry about theft, flasks despawning, or getting the wrong amount of chemicals.
  1. Players without the subscription will be disadvantaged if they wish to sell or buy chemicals.
  2. Chemical sales volume may dramatically increase, causing the economy to become even more chemical-oriented.
Based on the pros and cons, why should this suggestion be accepted?
I believe the current subscription price is meager, making it accessible to nearly everyone who plays on this server. I don't necessarily think a disparity regarding the chemical bank system will become a massive issue if this is implemented, mainly because you can easily buy 300 Vpoints using in-game currency. The price is already low enough as it is currently.


Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hello as the user is blacklisted this is for the community.

After discussion we have decided to deny this suggestion as we feel it will further commodify chemicals in a way we do not wish to support, as a result we will not be moving forward with this suggestion.

Kind Regards