SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Edward 'Sigma' Chad

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Sigma Chad

Well-known Member
Aug 15, 2024
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: Edward 'Sigma' Chad

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:861418935

Ban Reason: RDM

Date of ban: 17/12/2024 2:40 AM

Who banned you: Trickl

Ban length: 4 weeks 3 days

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Will not do it again, because what I did was misunderstanding and I didn't know about the rule because it is not stated anywhere and later I got banned, i shouldn't have go out and killed him that was my bad.

Why should you be unbanned: This is my 2nd ban appeal on this case so after waiting 2 weeks I decided to do it again. As I said I learned from my mistake and will not do that again and if you are interested in what happened please check my past ban appeal because it takes long time to write all that again. So it might seem that this appeal is short and the answer is Yes, so all I want to say is that I shouldn't have killed that guy and that misunderstanding had an bad outcome of 31 day ban. And I learned from my mistakes and I will try to prevent it happening in the future guaranteed.

Link to previous appeal:

EDIT: Link
Last edited:
Dec 25, 2023
Appeal Accepted

Hi @Sigma Chad,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After reviewing the initial reason for your ban as well as your ban appeals in regards to them, I have decided to unban you at this time, due to the fact that I believe it was truly an unintentional mistake and something you will not do again. Please be aware that the ban will still remain on your record, as is it was still the correct punishment given.

Please also be aware that should you RDM again anytime soon, or break the rules to the point of a ban, that you will be banned for a longer period of time than you were this time. I recommend focusing on not breaking any of the rules while on the server.

If you have any further questions, please message myself or a member of SL.​
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