SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - Element

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Nov 22, 2022
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: Element

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:38407400

Discord Username: element9818

Age: 28

What's your current playtime: 24 Hours (Had LOA) Actual is months

Do you have a mic: YES

Your characters name: 'Element' C. Johnson

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
(Previously accepted, had to take emergency LOA after acceptance and finally now able to return and peruse the GM route)

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Clean Record to my knowledge

How many hours can you be on everyday: 2-4 +

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
Old DarkRP servers, and other games like RedM and FiveM
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
Creativity is a key to keeping things fresh and fun. I believe I can help players achieve this with unique experiences to fully enhance rp situations, and provide a helping hand to there requested scenarios [that are in reason] to make the overall experience of the server even better.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
I believe I easily gadge what scenario is playing out sherly from the job types or environments presented in front of me, with those elements to work with I can add anything to make it even better, weather that be the scenery, props and access to items not available but fitting for the situation. [Again that being all within reason and not giving any player an advantage over another.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
1. Zombies VS D-Class (D-class morale is something often over looked due to waiting around to being tested on all the time, this event would be a good way to purge. D-class would be armed with knives and suitable health in a controlled area while the very testers and gensec can volunteer to be the opposing side in a mass battle.)

2. Surface plains royal. ( A scene of post war carnage [with even some lore to it] that CI,GOC, and Foundation can participate in capturing objectives, search and destroys and last team standings.

3. Foundation Sites Meetup ( This one would need a lot of effort and coordination but basically it'd be a set meeting rp where the USA and UK site CL4+s can be invited over for an open forum in lecture hall where people can ask questions and get to know each other [ Do think it'd be a cool way to have more of the community meet each other )
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

Lore Idea for this event [ CI have created experimental mechs from the successful raids and returned information (The Gms would play as this role) to be tested in a mega raid. Resourses to create are extremely limited so this rare opportunity must be led by the highest ranks. The CI must have one mission in mind before starting. Foundation must defend at all costs [ possibly with there own experimental tech]. Due to the mechs being so experimental, they have no camouflage technology, so foundation will know the forming of this mega raid and have time to prepare. G.O.C may choose whos side they will join for this epic battle.
With the strange fumes being exhausted from the mechs, the air has made a strange tint. This will be a good warning sign for foundation once they have entered the facility that they are close, its very potent! Anomalous exhaust may even make some strange materialization across the foundation and pinewood....
List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):

O-1: "The ethical plant" An ethics member wants to check if certain branches are keeping there work as ethical as possible with his own eyes. The mission entails protecting him at all costs while conducting his research, without blowing his cover. It is up to the O-1 to formulate a plan for this to yield the best result for the ethics member.

A-1: " Identify and safely extract the 05 member from D-Block" This mission includes a volunteer 05 member [ who of course will be stripped of Cl5 id card and anything else temporarily] who will be disguised as a D-Class and put into D-block circulation. The A-1s mission is to form a plan to insert themselves , identify and secure the 05 member before being compromised or killed. They will have no clue who he is disguised, and use there own integration into D-block (disguised) and remain calm under pressure to find out who and where he is without breaching the mission to the wrong person.

Nu-7: "No photos please" A Para watch has broken into foundation and got out with a bit to much knowledge and escaped somewhere on the surface. He must return to his para watch station (para spawn) with the intel to conclude his mission. Nu-7 must prevent this at all costs and locate and detain the para watch. This will not be easy because the para watch may have some help from some unlikely green friends...

E-11: "Something haunts us" A strange anomaly is roaming around HCZ. There is no knowledge of its intentions but one thing is for sure... it must be contained. E-11 must coordinate how to capture the strange anomaly, as scp-beams and usual tactics may not be as effective on this one. Knowledge of this getting out may cause mass panic in LCZ, so E-11 must be attentive in securing HCZ as best as possible until the anomaly is caught.

CI: " Secrets of Pinewood" A mysterious door has been reported by civilians popping up around pinewood for a short time before disappearing. If there is anything that gets the attention of Ci, its opportunity, and whatever's behind that door they want it all. Unfortunately, the mayor believes anything in pinewood is property of his and he has sent out an army of rangers with the same goal in mind. CI must work together to secure this anomaly or risk handing it over to the mayor of pinewood.

UNGOC: "Diplomacy of Pinewood" The Goc have turned there secure outside part compound into a setting for a public forum [ With help of Gms], mayor/civilians/rangers/etc. may attend for a questionnaire and a "meet the UN" type way. It is up the GOC to coordinate this to ensure everything goes as smooth as possible and demonstrate there capabilities and professionalism to the pinewood people, perhaps even inspiring some future recruits.
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Well-known Member
Feb 24, 2024
+support , super fun ideas-this man accompanied me on my journey to get a forklift operators certification
Jul 1, 2023
Here are my comments, they are quite blunt:

The small event ideas, while might be fun, don't have a depth of lore and seem quite surface level.
For example, why are F, GOC, and CI fighting on surface? What are their goals and objectives? Is there some anomaly they want to capture, some kind of weapons technology, what's the reason?
And what you are describing with "Zombies vs D-Class" essentially is how D-Block operates at a base level without GM intervention.
The UK and USA site visit is interesting, but that would depend on Foundation leadership from both sides actually wanting to visit and having a clarifiable reason to do so, since usually the servers are regarded as separate universes. For what reason would another universe want to visit a sister site that would be significant enough to warrant breaking down universal boundaries?

The map change event is interesting, but again, there is a lack of details that I think draws away from the idea.

Most of the example missions also seem very surface level in a different way, in that most of them could realistically be organized by the playerbase without a GM at all, and others just aren't detailed enough.
- Ethics already orders O-1 to investigate different branches
- I'm not sure why an O5 would ever be in d-block disguised as a D-Class, considering they are extremely important.
- Parawatch already break into foundation and some do successfully leave with information.
- I would have preferred specific details about the SCP other than "Its an SCP"
- The concept is interesting but I want to know what is behind the door and why it is appearing in your pitch.
- The GOC concept does actually sound like something a GM could assist with.

Gamemasters have a lot of power, both with prop spawning, building, and GM tools the server provides. I would think a little deeper in your ideas with these three main questions.
What do you want to happen?
Why would it happen?
Why is a GM required to make this happen?
And finally, a suggestion. Write these from an OOC perspective. How would the event progress? Is there background lore? Etc.
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