SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Bob Loblaw

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Dec 17, 2024

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Bob Loblaw

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56084266

Ban Reason: MRDM Stacked ban

Date of ban: 12/31/2024

Who banned you: Holland \TULP\

Ban length: 2 weeks, 3 days

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Not stab D-class as D-class.

Why should you be unbanned: Everyone stabs D-class as D-class and the particular d class I stabbed had been cuffed for several minutes by another D-class because apparently mass cuffing isn't against the rules, half of the ones I stabbed thanked me except one who "had shit" even though he was cuffed and standing in the airlock and bound to die anyway. Holland didn't even give me a chance to explain and he apparently doesn't know how D-class works because they kill eachother pretty much constantly. I had been RDMed a few times leading up to my ban and didn't complain because thats what people do in D-block, they talk trash and otherwise roleplay as violent inmates.
Aug 27, 2022

Hey @Bob Loblaw,

Thank you for taking the time to make an Appeal.

I will explain my side of the situation.

3 different reports came in of you Killing Random D-classes after looking into logs and receiving a clip I could see that you killed 4+ D-classes while they were cuffed. I Brought you to a sitroom and asked you why did you kill all those D-classes you responds as I can recall was :
"Wdym D-classes are stabbing each other all the time, and 1 guy wanted me to kill him"

Yet this doesn't mean you can kill all the other D-classes.

You stated in your appeal that 1 of the D-class was standing in airlock and was bound to die
This doesn't mean you can kill the D-class.

Within that 1 hour I have issued more than 5 warnings of other people RDMing each other knifing etc.

Other people breaking Rules doesn't mean you can do it as well.

I had been RDMed a few times leading up to my ban and didn't complain because thats what people do in D-block, they talk trash and otherwise roleplay as violent inmates.
Roleplaying as a violent Immate is fine but you need a good reason to attack someone you hadn't one there for I deemed it RDM and because of the amount of players you killed I declared it MRDM.


Please try to refrain from saying these things as it doesnt show if you want to improve or understand why you cant do something.

A member of Server leadership will review your Appeal and give a verdict as soon as possible,
Best Regards,
Dec 17, 2024
How the actual fuck am I supposed to know you are issuing warnings? I am not an admin You are. You are omniscient, I am not. surely you must have seen that I stabbed only d class who were cuffed by a mass cuffer. Surely if you were so present in d block you must have seen what led up to this, including the several RDMs on me I didn't complain about because this is how d block works.
Dec 17, 2024
Also, I didnt say "1 guy" thats bullshit. I said half the guys. Meaning literally half. Including "you're a real one bob"

ONE guy was mad I killed him, I didnt stab the guy who was hacking you will notice. It wasnt RDM. I was killing cuffed people who I assumed wanted to be reset because they had been complaining about being cuffed.
Dec 17, 2024
You didnt even give me a chance to talk, you interrupted me to tell me about what happened, over and over as if I were child, as if I were a MINGE and I am frankly fucking offended, pardon the alliteration.
Dec 17, 2024
Furthermore stabbing d class as d class has never been against the rules. At least as long as I have been on. Never been an issue. If you issued warnings to others in this time period than surely you know others RDM count was higher than mine. Surely you know. You're an admin, you know yeah? 100%?
Appeal Denied

Hi, @Bob Loblaw

I have decided to deny your ban appeal for a few reasons:

Firstly, it doesn't matter if 1 or 5 people break rules, all players are held to the same standards of following the rules, if you don't follow them, punishments will follow, as shown in this instance.

Secondly, The addition of stacked bans tells me you simply do not learn from mistakes, so I do not feel allowing you on without actual time to think of what has led to the ban will help.

Thirdly, your attitude to the situation, shown by this appeal and discord, shows me that you really should take some time off the server to chill out.

Due to the above, no action has been taken in regards to your ban appeal.

Kind Regards, Tommy Lee​
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