SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Puma Bea

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Puma 'Providence'

Well-known Member
Sep 14, 2024
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Puma Bea

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:631805011

Ban Reason: Minor Glithcing | Stacked Bans [X]

Date of ban: Wed Dec 11 03:54:35 2024

Who banned you: Artemis

Ban length: 25 Weeks 6 Days 7 hours 19 minutes

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I did not even know It was a glitch I was tabbed out then tabbed back in then I spawned outside of the 079 SCP Chamber. I am sorry but I have never received any warnings on my account for Minor "Glitching".

Why should you be unbanned: Because I spend a lot of time on this server, and I feel like this ban was very long for such little actions that had happened. Keep in mind I didn't intend on breaking the rule and was freaking out when I found that I was banned for almost 6 Month over this.

This is my first offense of “Minor Glitch” and I believe I have not a single warning for it either.
I believe I haft to have 1 Warning for it before banning me which like I stated was not the case.​
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Puma 'Providence'

Well-known Member
Sep 14, 2024
because I feel that I was indeed changing whilst playing on the server and genuinely wanted to rise the ranks of Research, and the research department loved me, and I had started taking everything more seriously when playing on the server. Every day in the past 16 days straight I had looked to see if I had gotten any feedback. I feel that the fact I have received no active warnings on this makes it kind of strange to ban me for a "Minor glitch". I still think what I did was wrong even if I did not know that I wasn't breached, but I would really love to have a shortened ban time or if you are feeling in the Christmas spirit maybe take the time to think about accepting my ban appeal. Thank You for Looking at my appeal also, Merry Christmas!
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