SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Edward 'Sigma' Chad

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Sigma Chad

Well-known Member
Aug 15, 2024
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: Edward 'Sigma' Chad

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:861418935

Ban Reason: Inappropriate Conduct [Stacked Bans X]

Date of ban: 2/1/2025

Who banned you: Kayla

Ban length: 26 Weeks

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I don't know where to start from, looks pretty embarrassing this is my 2nd appeal in this week, just got unbanned and I got banned again. On my last appeal I've said that I won't break any rules when I got unbanned I got more than 90-100 people just being an ISD Operative, nobody was RDMed or similar. Based on that kind of things RDM/FearRP all the previous stuff I did and that makes my ban records long will guaranteed not happen again. Everybody knows that I am active player even in the low pops too, the stuff like RDM and other things was some misunderstandings so it won't happen again as I promised in the last appeal. This time it's a little bit more serious offense because I didn't know how can that AI voice-line ↓ be that harsh and I didn't know that is prohibited and I know what's ERP and by some meanings servers have different rules (ERP) and I thought it's not a little problem if I say that because people say far more worse things than I did.

Why should you be unbanned: The ban happened because I was using a soundboard (not constantly) the soundboard was AI made by me where I type anything I want and it says it so just for fun my mind came up with something weird where I wrote "I bet you have a really small p*nis" and I used it for a little until I got RDMed and I wanted to report it and I did and the admin 'Snake' told me this is a bit of a self report he said if I had to warn him you would get warned too and I said alright do not warn me where he said nothing and just let me go I didn't know it was ERP (Inappropriate Conduct) he might thought that the comment isn't meant to be sexual and that I didn't have any bad intention and I really didn't, so I thought well that comment isn't treated as Erotic so I said a couple more times before I deleted my old ones to make new slots where actually I didn't have anything similar to that one, for example "Good Boy" and things like that. After I was afk I removed my slots so I can use lists on my numpads and somehow that voice-line that contained that was still there on NUM * maybe because I was adding some on both G-Man list and the other soundboard list I don't really know how was that still there because it was funny 2-3 times no more. And around 3 AM I think it was 2:40 people were using soundboards in D-Block and after that I pressed * for it to say "look at this fool 912 here" but it was still saying that and I removed it fully and it wasn't showing up again. I forgot about it and I was talking with Hans and I got brought into a sit. And I asked her that I didn't know about it and that I won't use it again but still... And before that I was called retard like twice by not even the same guy, both of them were D-Class I reported that and the sit took the same admin that banned me and she said that they are D-Class and the context is important, the way he say it and the way he mean it. I didn't know that my comment was Erotic enough and harsh and used in any sexual way that would get me to a 26 weeks ban. Yes I know that the Stacked Bans X play the role and that triples my ban time and I didn't mean to offend anyone as I couldn't while it was a IC situation and it was just a 1 sec AI Generated voice-line where I just say that and go away from the person, some of them laugh some of them just ignore. While this is my like first serious offense because RDM and other things are completely different situations where it can come to misunderstanding and other... In this case I can't say that this was a misunderstanding I can say that I thought this wasn't erotic in any way as it is speculated because it was made as a comment to a character without any bad intention. And sorry isn't enough because I said that multiple times but I know that in the future things like this won't happen because this is serious offense. I played on other servers, other games where ERP exists and I actually never did that anywhere I mean you could say p*nis and other stuff and not like do other erotic things and say other erotic things because the word itself "P*nis" means medically and anatomically correct term for you know... And thats why I thought that it's not inappropriate in any way and didn't want to escalate in much worse things because I know that when you say worse things and start actually roleplaying that you get warned/banned. I know that you would expect from me to know things like this because I am level what 140 maybe and the truth is no, didn't know about those small comments can bring you to a punishment I know that similar and harsher things can lead to the ban, some weeks ago one if I can call him a well known player said "I will chop your d*ck off" in front of an admin and nothing happened to him that day. And lastly I want to say that I did not mean to offend anyone or anything like that because it is a IC thing, and I didn't know that this comment can bring me up to 26 weeks ban as I thought that is allowed because the admin heard me if he told me to delete it (as I did without him telling me but didn't work and I successfully deleted it from pc because removing it from soundboard didn't work for some reason) I would delete it and wouldn't use anything like that ever again and I said that in a sit but they didn't believe me because I had big ban record that wasn't serious like this. And if this gets denied I understand because you think that my ban record already showed you all. But even if it gets accepted and it gets reduced I would still appreciate it the same as the full unban. Because I know that you have zero tolerance on ERP, but just for saying that and now escalating it I think that 26 weeks ban is just too much. And even after I talked to her in the sit she said that alright that's not ERP but it's Inappropriate Conduct where I can't see it in the rules anywhere only ERP 2.10 where it says "2.10 ERP - Erotic Roleplay (ERP) is strictly prohibited. Engaging in or attempting to initiate ERP will result in severe consequences." and she told me that it isn't ERP and I looked for the Inappropriate conduct rule because when I was reading rules before I couldn't see I thought I skipped it or I didn't read properly but no I cannot see where that rule is, once again I apologize for what I did because I thought it's not actually Erotic because admin saw me and I heard many people say p*nis, d*ck and other things but nothing happens. On my previous ban appeal admin stated if you break the rule again that I would get higher punishment and I knew that I was on Stacked Bans E and I was trying not to make any mistakes or anything and this happened, the voice-line of G-Man was said with no intention of any ERP or anything like that.

Oh God who's gonna read all this may God be with you admin.

Audio that was used :

EDIT: Little errors fixed. + Added link to the audio that was used.
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Appeal Denied

Hi @Sigma Chad,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

The actions you did were classified as against the rules. And the fact that this ban happened the day after your ban appeal got accepted, makes it seem like you really did not improve, and your statement of going to follow the rules in the future false. Due to this i will deny your ban appeal.

You may re-appeal in 4 weeks​
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