Zoru for Executive Researcher SCP-RP-USA

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Active member
Dec 21, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:107353353
Steam IDx64: 76561198174972434

Discord name: TroubledZoru

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1-2 Months

Age: 23

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: Central Standard

Character name(s): Zoru

Civilian name: Zora

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

None I don't play many combat characters. With an exception to ISD

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

RDM once. Someone was harassing me and wouldn't leave me alone, I got fed up with it and ended up murdering him. He was banned, I got an RDM warning cause I shouldn't of done what I did.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

Cause So far Research is my favorite department. I have been enjoying it and I think its about time for me to request a Rank Up. Im excited to continue working with my co-workers! A few people have also been pushing me to apply. I think it will be fun and a nice step up.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

I tend to think of tests others may not think of. I still need a bit of work on document making having some issues getting them perfect or to excellent grade, but Im still wanting to learn and expand my horizons. I feel like this could be a good step forward for me and the foundation as I continue to Improve myself and continue my experiments. I can rush things a bit, but I love to work with people and Im excited to continue my work in the foundation as a member and possibly as an Executive.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

I believe I have 2-3 Excellent graded documents, Im still in the process of learning how to make documents though but I believe some of the best parts of a document are the detail and the amount of information put into it. A document with little to no information in it isnt much use to the foundation. We need to properly test everything we and properly document it. Forgetting to leave out details can skew the results of the experiment or even give the wrong impression. Its best to do your best.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
It is an executives goal to stive for perfection, be a boss around the facility. Be an example for fellow researchers. They need to supervise experiments but also sign documents while also giving tips on how to improve them. You shouldnt go around and be lazy. Your goal is to be a role-model for everyone else around you. You should be giving and approving credit from/for your Junior's and also teaching them what to do and how to properly do things.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Zoru was born 23 years ago in North Dakota. Middle of nowhere so his climb to researcher was difficult, but he managed to do it. His younger life was pretty uneventful do to where he lived, but by the time he hit 20 he ended up finding an anomalous object. In time he started to research what it did curious about its properties. After some... extensive testing and multiple city wide blackouts caused by his testing. The scp foundation eventually traced his location, but instead of wiping his mind they offered him a job and took the object into containment. Zoru began working in the foundation as a Junior researcher being assigned to nothing specific in his time at the foundation. Though eventually he ended up growing an Interest into Type-Blues and Type-Greens. Zoru researching their capabilities and their limits hoping to discover if its possible to make more of them and how powerful they possibly can make one while keeping them stable. After extensive testing Zoru himself eventually became a Thaumatologist continuing his work on their powers and limits. Experimenting and practicing with the power. Eventually researching Type-Greens thoroughly attempting to learn what their limits are eventually determining that its only growing. He has eventually thought of the idea of putting a Type-Blue within SCP-914 in an attempt to improve them and see if he can make a type green within it.

[He is wanting to experiment with Thaumatology and Type-Blues/Greens and see what he can discover in the process, I wanna make a story line of essentially putting all different types of Type-Blue, Greens, Etc into SCP-914 and see what happens even the process of making them may be upgraded.]
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Doug 'TrippleD'

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 19, 2024
+/- Neutral leaning -support

I have decided to leave this because of a few reasons which I will list below:

- App is fairly lacking, you don’t seem to understand how to grade an excellent document which is one of your main objectives as an executive

- Application is hard to read, a lot of grammar errors can easily be found

- Lore is an interesting read, although doesn’t really make sense, a TB is pretty different to a TG but could have some nice lore

Regardless, best of luck in your application and this is more of suggestions to improve upon :)


Active member
Dec 21, 2024
+/- Neutral leaning -support

I have decided to leave this because of a few reasons which I will list below:

- App is fairly lacking, you don’t seem to understand how to grade an excellent document which is one of your main objectives as an executive

- Application is hard to read, a lot of grammar errors can easily be found

- Lore is an interesting read, although doesn’t really make sense, a TB is pretty different to a TG but could have some nice lore

Regardless, best of luck in your application and this is more of suggestions to improve upon :)
My goal with the TB experiment is more of a Psudo-TG. Not a true one per-say. The goal of this test is to essentially see how far I can push a TB and if it can get into TG territory. If 914 doesn't work for upgrading a TB I have other idea's as well. Essentially I want to see what I can do to push the limits and boundaries of TB. Obviously they wont be as strong as a TG in actuality but its the experiment that matters even failure can lead to discoveries.

Grammar has always been an issue for me as well, and I did make this when actively sick and being distracted by others constantly. So Things are a bit messy, I plan on re-doing the application next time if it gets denied. I would edit it, but I was told it's to late for that and I have too wait 2 weeks. So in the mean time I've been working on a new one just incase.

And yeah, Im still learning how to make documents. Its something I've been working hard to try to understand and learn though and I have great people helping me learn the process. Im willing to put the time and effort in to learning and improving myself and learn what is needed to be done. That in the end is why I think I may end up being a good choice as well. I am always trying to improve and learn. I may be rough currently, but I want to do better.

Thank you for wishing luck and the constructive criticism. Its appreciated!
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Well-known Member
Oct 30, 2024
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REGARDING: "Zoru for Executive Researcher SCP-RP USA"

Good day to you, Zoru. I hope this email finds you in good health. We in Research Leadership first want to thank you for applying for the position of Executive Researcher. We also wish to apologize for taking a while to respond to your application. Unfortunately, it is my burden to inform you that you have been DENIED for the position of Executive Researcher.
As I stated to you prior to my appointment as Director of Research, your application lacked several factors that we expect from an Executive Researcher. However, we in the Research Leadership team believe that you have what it takes to become one.
Before you reapply, we have some suggestions for areas for you to improve.
  1. Improve your writing skills. This comes from some documents we read and your application. We believe that you should refine your document work and correct easy-to-find spelling and grammar mistakes.
  2. There were a few reports within the past few weeks of you mingling while working as a traumatologist. While I understand your perspective, we still believe that you should fix this before applying again.
  3. Please don't give us a few sentences on your applications. It reflects a disinterest in the position, which we know you don't have, seeing how passionate you are about research.
These are just some things we believe you should improve before your next application attempt.

Again thank you for taking the time to apply for Executive Researcher, you may re-apply again in two weeks.

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