SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Remmy 'Brightside' Marshall

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What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: Remmy 'Brightside' Marshall

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96962464

Discord Username: weestink

Age: 19

What's your current playtime: Month: 2D 21Hours [Please take into account the Holiday period]

Do you have a mic: Yes.

Your characters name: F: Remmy 'Brightside' Marshall [Various other characters].

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: I've not made any non-RP position applications here.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: I've two warnings dated over a year ago, FailRP and FearRP, I believe.

How many hours can you be on everyday: I'd estimate 1-2 hours on weekdays, potentially more on weekends.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: I've held several prior staff positions on Civil Networks. Notably, on the DarkRP [CG] & CityRP [CC] servers that are unfortunately no longer active. I was SSL on DarkRP, and oversaw the Community Division (Content, Platform). Despite the fact that DarkRP was not an overall success, I believe my prior holding of an SSL position displays that I am trustworthy, and of the heightened level of aptitude required to be placed into a Server Leadership position.

Due to my previously held positions, I have a seasoned understanding of staff structure and performance. Including:
  • Hierarchy and escalations.
  • Internal personnel procedures (Infractions, appeals, applications, requirements, etcetera).
  • Staff divisions and teams (Content, Platform, Resources, and Events).
  • Punishment procedures and guidelines.
  • Rules in-game, and in externals.
Alongside my understanding of the staff team, I'm very familiar with administrative suites that CN makes use of. ULX, FAdmin, and VWar administration to name a few. Alongside my understanding of the aforementioned staffing tools, I am well-versed in the use of external communications and their administration, such as the forums & discord. And, I've a wealth of experience in the proper handling of sits and how to effectively communicate with players during, and after them.

I've previously held Gamemaster (Formerly Roleplay Keeper) positions on DarkRP [CG], CityRP [CC], and MRP. Which further display my overall competency in trusted roles within the community.

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: I am proud to have achieved the position of Ethics Committee Chairman, alongside prior positions as ISD / IA Director, and Ethics Member. I believe my achievement of this positions in a timely manner has showcased my steady progression, and I feel I've made a positive impact on RP overall.

Why would you like to become a staff member: Plainly, I'd like to assist the current staff team in the day-to-day operation of the server. I believe I'll be able to leverage my previous experience within the staff team and my concurrent experience as CL5 to make informed decisions and impact the server positively.

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: I believe a consistently prevalent issue within the staff team is communication. Despite not being a part of the team at this time, I'm able to see quite clearly the lapses in communication that occur between SL, Sever Staff, and players. Resulting in overall dissatisfaction from the playerbase at times, and a staff team that is overall less efficient. I do believe, for the most part, that the staff team is operating at a good level. But, establishing some best-practices when it comes to community interaction and sit resolution may be beneficial for newer staff members.
+/- Neutral

I'd highly suggest moving towards the GM field rather than staff. It's a lot less intense and you'd still be able to provide RP within your current position. Let alone the fact that if you get to SGM you can transfer into Staff. Juggling staff duties and the roles of a roleplay lead is difficult, I say that from experience. Nonetheless you'd be a good asset to the staff team if you were to join

Best of Luck,

Doug 'TrippleD'

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 19, 2024

- Active
- Plenty of experience
- Good community member
- Mature

I would like to see you becoming a game master instead, as other people have highlighted but obviously its completely down to you in the end and I'm sure you'd make a great staff member regardless.
Dec 19, 2020
+ Support

During his tenure as staff on CityRP and DarkRP, Remmy consistently demonstrated exceptional qualities as a team member. His rational and level-headed approach to decision-making ensured fair outcomes in even the most challenging situations. Remmy's dedication to the staff team was unparalleled, always going above and beyond to support the community and his colleagues.

He was an invaluable asset to both the CityRP and DarkRP teams, setting a high standard for professionalism and reliability. I have no doubt that he will bring the same level of excellence to the SCP-RP UK staff team, making him a fantastic choice for the position.


Senior Developer
Senior Developer
Programming Team
Jan 21, 2022

  • Extensive Staffing Experience: The applicant’s role as a DarkRP [CG] Superadmin and SSL highlights their capability in managing staff hierarchies, escalations, and server leadership. However, the mention of DarkRP’s lack of overall success raises slight concerns about their ability to contribute to long-term server stability.
  • Strong Roleplay Leadership: Their experience as Ethics Committee Chairman and ISD/IA Director on SCP-RP demonstrates a deep understanding of roleplay mechanics and leadership within the server. These roles are crucial for balancing RP scenarios and administrative duties.
  • Room for Improvement: While they highlight communication as a staff team issue, their prior experience in a server that struggled might leave some questioning whether they can fully address these challenges. Still, their proactive suggestions for best practices in staff-player interactions are promising.
  • Mature and Reliable: At 19, with a professional application and prior trusted roles, they appear reliable and capable of contributing positively to the staff team.
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