[UK] George vest scp-22415 application

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Dec 3, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:18475900
Discord name: Tedo76
For how long have you played on CN SCP: i think about 3-4 years.
Age: 14
In what country are you located?: I am located in Sweden.
Time zone: gmt+1
Character name(s): George Vest
Civilian name: George the 3rd
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
-What is your SCP level and total level? SCP level is 16 and total level is 94 1735826883329.jpeg
(Provide a screenshot of the level menu):-List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: I was in MTF NU-7 before and i was a lance corporal.
-Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: i had gotten a few warnings for toxicity and rdm, but that was over 1 year ago and i have double checked with a staff member to make sure they have expired.
-What makes you suitable for SCP-22415?: I have played on the server for quite a long time and ive observed people who play the SCP and i know what to do, and what NOT to do
What is the usual behaviour of SCP-22415?: Usually just roaming around and checking out stuff, socialising with others and helping people in need if they qualify
When there's a CI raid, you see MTF's combatting CI, you also see researchers running away from the fight. Who do you aid and why? I aid the Researcher because he has not actively went into the gun fight there for he's morally correct to avoid them-
You are playing as SCP-22415-3, 076 is currently running towards you. There is a researcher behind 076 which he hasn't noticed. Should you repel 076 and why? I will not considering that 076's attention will turn to me behind him and the researcher will enter his line of sight making him a easy kill and a fail on my a part as a protector
-You are playing as SCP-22415-1. A D-Class is proactively escaping D-block, he is low on health and demanding medical attention what do you do? I do not give him the AID and instead report him instantly to a security guard, after he was caught and cuffed i will ask the guard if i can heal him and if i am approved to do so i will help the class-d
Last edited:
Dec 25, 2024
You need to provide a screenshot of your level screen to prove that you have the required levels to become 22415

But other than that, its a +Support from me, as i remember seeing ya as 096, doing a decent job as him. Therefore, i can tell that you can be trusted with 22415 without much issue
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Walter Unrich

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Feb 9, 2023
HelloHello, @Tedo^

will be Denying your application for the position of SCP-22415 for the following reason "Recently Committed a Class Red Rule Infraction"

I wish for you to re-evaluate on what rule you have broken, especially when it comes to applying for Roleplay positions within this server.You may

Re-apply in 2 Weeks

Kind Regards
Walter Unrich, Platform Supervisor.
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