What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)
Your Username: Father Wulfric
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:70105258
Discord Username:
Father Wulfric
Age: 20
What's your current playtime: Within the a month it is 8ds and 23hrs and 34 minutes, AFK time is from making apps and writing documents and also going to the chippy for dinner.
Do you have a mic: Yes
Your characters name: Foundation: Omega-1 LCPL 'Prydon' l Senior Researcher Walterus Black l Inspector Jacobi Masters l CI: CI-Gamma Samuel 'Hackerman' [IRU-EOP][PLP] l Civilian: Tiffani
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my first application
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Nope
How many hours can you be on everyday: At least 4 hours (usually more)
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
I have been a GM in dozens of older Gmod servers, most commonly StarwarsRP servers spanning over 6 years now. During that time I gained a lot of useful knowledge/experience in hosting events, one of these being my ability to make up RP/Events on the fly. Some servers I have played on would hound out it's GM teams to create event after event with relatively short breaks leading to frequent and constant creation of events on a whim involving a full story, objectives for each regiment/group and co-ordination with RP leaders and other GM/Staff to organise the event.
Another thing my experience has yielded me is my RP ability and story creation, at the start my ability to create RP was small and not very sophisticated such as merely doing a bunch of /mes for running scans or defusing bombs however as time passed I was able to develop more sophisticated RP involving entire groups of people working in tandem to achieve a goal such as a fully planned out investigation with evidence and clues scattered everywhere for people to find and perform further RP with people to analyse objectives and systems to gain further information.
My ability to create coherent and long on-going storylines developed massively as well, when I started off I was creating very linear and simple stories such as attacking or defending a place or places for a time until the event would end to eventually creating massive world building character driven stories which would have re-occurring characters and were non-linear allowing players to steer the direction of events based on what they would do but in an organised fashion. An example of a storyline I had going on was a multi chapter storyline with one huge overarching story and several smaller chapters linked to each other, the first chapter in this storyline was the invasion and capture of an undiscovered world with a side operation of identifying the enemies intentions with the planet eventually ending with the reveal of a hostile sub-faction and the liberation of the planet, the next chapter would be the investigation of the sub-faction and an all out attack to stop them completing there master plan and finally a final chapter cleaning up the mess removing all remnants of the sub-faction before they could re-group and restart their war plans.
Finally the last couple of thing I gained from my experience was the creation and management of documentation based around the events for either creating a storyboard or creating documents that were useable by players in game or even interactable to assist with in-game operations, an example of one of these was a marketplace in which the commanders in game could purchase vehicles which would appear in another page and where you could see the vehicle's status. Lastly I also gained a knowledge for using tools and commands for helping create events and building dupes, along with an overall creativity for things to make maps more complex using said tools.
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
As my 6 years of prior experience would hint at I am a bit obsessed with gamemaster, I love creating stories and making RP for people it's just something that I thoroughly enjoy. When I was staff previously I joined the event team because I wanted to make events and get the best of both worlds form the two but since my leaving I have decided not to re-join staff for the time being and instead deciding to focus solely on events as they are my true passion.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
I believe I can bring an experienced member to the playing field, I personally enjoy making large storyline based events with a dozen threads for people to pull on. I can bring a great story driven line of events for all to jump on and enjoy no matter who they are whilst allowing the freedom to do what they wish in these events rather than trying to force people down a pre-determined narrative.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
Your Username: Father Wulfric
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:70105258
Discord Username:

Age: 20
What's your current playtime: Within the a month it is 8ds and 23hrs and 34 minutes, AFK time is from making apps and writing documents and also going to the chippy for dinner.
Do you have a mic: Yes
Your characters name: Foundation: Omega-1 LCPL 'Prydon' l Senior Researcher Walterus Black l Inspector Jacobi Masters l CI: CI-Gamma Samuel 'Hackerman' [IRU-EOP][PLP] l Civilian: Tiffani
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my first application
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Nope
How many hours can you be on everyday: At least 4 hours (usually more)
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
I have been a GM in dozens of older Gmod servers, most commonly StarwarsRP servers spanning over 6 years now. During that time I gained a lot of useful knowledge/experience in hosting events, one of these being my ability to make up RP/Events on the fly. Some servers I have played on would hound out it's GM teams to create event after event with relatively short breaks leading to frequent and constant creation of events on a whim involving a full story, objectives for each regiment/group and co-ordination with RP leaders and other GM/Staff to organise the event.
Another thing my experience has yielded me is my RP ability and story creation, at the start my ability to create RP was small and not very sophisticated such as merely doing a bunch of /mes for running scans or defusing bombs however as time passed I was able to develop more sophisticated RP involving entire groups of people working in tandem to achieve a goal such as a fully planned out investigation with evidence and clues scattered everywhere for people to find and perform further RP with people to analyse objectives and systems to gain further information.
My ability to create coherent and long on-going storylines developed massively as well, when I started off I was creating very linear and simple stories such as attacking or defending a place or places for a time until the event would end to eventually creating massive world building character driven stories which would have re-occurring characters and were non-linear allowing players to steer the direction of events based on what they would do but in an organised fashion. An example of a storyline I had going on was a multi chapter storyline with one huge overarching story and several smaller chapters linked to each other, the first chapter in this storyline was the invasion and capture of an undiscovered world with a side operation of identifying the enemies intentions with the planet eventually ending with the reveal of a hostile sub-faction and the liberation of the planet, the next chapter would be the investigation of the sub-faction and an all out attack to stop them completing there master plan and finally a final chapter cleaning up the mess removing all remnants of the sub-faction before they could re-group and restart their war plans.
Finally the last couple of thing I gained from my experience was the creation and management of documentation based around the events for either creating a storyboard or creating documents that were useable by players in game or even interactable to assist with in-game operations, an example of one of these was a marketplace in which the commanders in game could purchase vehicles which would appear in another page and where you could see the vehicle's status. Lastly I also gained a knowledge for using tools and commands for helping create events and building dupes, along with an overall creativity for things to make maps more complex using said tools.
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
As my 6 years of prior experience would hint at I am a bit obsessed with gamemaster, I love creating stories and making RP for people it's just something that I thoroughly enjoy. When I was staff previously I joined the event team because I wanted to make events and get the best of both worlds form the two but since my leaving I have decided not to re-join staff for the time being and instead deciding to focus solely on events as they are my true passion.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
I believe I can bring an experienced member to the playing field, I personally enjoy making large storyline based events with a dozen threads for people to pull on. I can bring a great story driven line of events for all to jump on and enjoy no matter who they are whilst allowing the freedom to do what they wish in these events rather than trying to force people down a pre-determined narrative.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
Event 1: A tunnel collapse occurs within the train network in HCZ, engineers are required to repair it without delay, this coincides with some deliveries. Due to this foundation personnel must unload some goods from a halted train and store them until the tunnels can be cleared, during this time a CI will receive information from their agent, who caused the tunnel collapse, on the supplies and launch a raid to locate and capture these supplies for their own purposes.
Event 2: After months of investigation a strange occurrence would happen at the town of pinewood, the real Canadian military would appear in the area on the search of a foreign terror threat from the Russians and begin to notice the oddities about the place, the PDF, UN, MCD and a Canadian Military base.
Event 3: A sudden increase in humes on surface would be detected by anomalous organisations however instead of the standard SCPs an anomalous humanoid would appear trying to locate the UNGOC. The humanoid anomaly is a type green who has gained the power to sense and connect with other type greens, however this is a one way connection as other type greens can not sense them back. This type green has been trying to locate its brother type green from across the world but keeps getting cut off however on one of it's attempts where it nearly reached a fellow type green all it found it's dead body and witnessed the Unite Nations forces leaving the scene. This type green has gone on to learn more about the UNs involvement with anomalies eventually discovering the Global Occult Coalition and is now here at pinewood to get revenge on the GOC for murdering their brothers.
Event 2: After months of investigation a strange occurrence would happen at the town of pinewood, the real Canadian military would appear in the area on the search of a foreign terror threat from the Russians and begin to notice the oddities about the place, the PDF, UN, MCD and a Canadian Military base.
Event 3: A sudden increase in humes on surface would be detected by anomalous organisations however instead of the standard SCPs an anomalous humanoid would appear trying to locate the UNGOC. The humanoid anomaly is a type green who has gained the power to sense and connect with other type greens, however this is a one way connection as other type greens can not sense them back. This type green has been trying to locate its brother type green from across the world but keeps getting cut off however on one of it's attempts where it nearly reached a fellow type green all it found it's dead body and witnessed the Unite Nations forces leaving the scene. This type green has gone on to learn more about the UNs involvement with anomalies eventually discovering the Global Occult Coalition and is now here at pinewood to get revenge on the GOC for murdering their brothers.
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1989465042 -The map
The Chaos Insurgency have begun an attack on site 47 searching for a particular SCP and begin wiping out the personnel in the site until they eventually capture the SCP but by doing so release the other SCPs on the site. Eventually MTF reinforcements from site 65 would arrive to assist with the CI raid unaware of the containment breach that has occurred. It is up the the foundation and chaos insurgency to battle for control of both the site and the SCP whilst trying to survive the breached SCPs.
The SCP that the Chaos Insurgency would be after would be SCP-005 as this would allow the CI to open any door they wish enabling them to break into almost anywhere across the world including the foundations most secured facilities, the SCP unleashed from the CI's raid would be one of my own making and group of SCPs that hunt purely on smell not sound or sight, they would travel in a pack and once they pick up the sent of a target would surround and devour them.
The Chaos Insurgency have begun an attack on site 47 searching for a particular SCP and begin wiping out the personnel in the site until they eventually capture the SCP but by doing so release the other SCPs on the site. Eventually MTF reinforcements from site 65 would arrive to assist with the CI raid unaware of the containment breach that has occurred. It is up the the foundation and chaos insurgency to battle for control of both the site and the SCP whilst trying to survive the breached SCPs.
The SCP that the Chaos Insurgency would be after would be SCP-005 as this would allow the CI to open any door they wish enabling them to break into almost anywhere across the world including the foundations most secured facilities, the SCP unleashed from the CI's raid would be one of my own making and group of SCPs that hunt purely on smell not sound or sight, they would travel in a pack and once they pick up the sent of a target would surround and devour them.
List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
O-1: Ethics Committee Member Teresa Cyder has been found dead in mysterious circumstances, it is up to the Laws Left Hand to identify how she died and if anyone had a part to play in Teresa's death. In the EOC where the body lies the O-1 will be able to find an empty chemical injection vial and a disable drone damaged in the corner of the room with one of the chairs knocked over. For this investigation Omega-1 would have to begin analysing evidence and using their own creativity to put the pieces of the puzzle together to find the truth of what has happened by doings so they would find that the ECM was killed by a lethal injection delivered to them by drone with an injection gun mounted on it in which the ECM swatted away the drone but not before it could inject the ECM causing their quick and painful demise shortly afterwards. This would lead them to the department of external affairs in which they can begin questioning it's members who were on site at the time until they catch the culprit lying to them in interrogation. Afterwards it would be up to O-1 to interrogate and find the motive behind the DEAs action, from then on it would be up to O-1 to decide the DEAs fate, likely execution, but they can then use the information to investigate further into a whole new storyline.
A-1: An associate of the Ethics Committee will be arriving at Site-65 within the hour, A-1 must plan the assassination of the associate without being caught. For this one it would be up to A-1 to really think out of the box and get creative to come up with a method of death that the Ethics would never be able to trace back to them. Once the associate arrives it will be time for A-1 to put their plan in motion, they may be assisted by the GM to perform certain actions they otherwise would not be able to in game but it is primarily their responsibility to avoid being caught by O-1.
The reason behind the assassination of this associate is that they have discovered information against O5-11 where they have been discreetly stealing funds from the Committee for the council by working with equipment manufactures to inflate the price of the equipment they supply to the committee and have been splitting difference between them 50/50. The associate is aware that O5 is monitoring them and is worried that their communications are bugged and as such wishes to meet the Committee in person to disclose this information.
The reason behind the assassination of this associate is that they have discovered information against O5-11 where they have been discreetly stealing funds from the Committee for the council by working with equipment manufactures to inflate the price of the equipment they supply to the committee and have been splitting difference between them 50/50. The associate is aware that O5 is monitoring them and is worried that their communications are bugged and as such wishes to meet the Committee in person to disclose this information.
Nu-7: An attack by the Chaos Insurgency on a supply truck has caused for site-65 to send reinforcements out to assist the convoy, they will be sent out armed to the teeth to assist the convoy in fending off the chaos Insurgency. During this time they will battle on an equal playing field, CI will be allowed to use their full array of jobs to combat the Nu7 however in return the Nu7 will receive additional armoured support in the form of a tank and attack chopper. In the event that the convoy is destroyed in the conflict as collateral damage than it's cargo will be unleashed upon both sides, this being SCP 058. SCP 058 will begin to indiscriminately attack both sides and attempt to escape into the wilderness when both sides are low on numbers, it is up to CI and Nu7 to capture the SCP before it can get away.
E-11: Site-94, a completely brand new site, has gone dark after receiving it's very first SCP, Site command has ordered Mobile Task Force Unit Epsilon-11 to investigate the site's status and to deal with whatever has caused this black out. Within site 94 lies a mystery for E-11 to explore and decipher what has happened to Site-94 however there is a section of Site-94 that has been completely locked down and can not be entered without authorisation from the site directors office. After finding out what happened or by opening the lockdown area the SCP that caused the blackout will be unleashed to hunt down E-11. It will be up to E-11 to discover the anomalies abilities and come up with a plan to deal with it as bullets simply won't cut it. This SCP is SCP-25890 a being made of wood that feeds off biochemicals found in the brain however doing so will allow the creature to learn a partial amount of information from it's victims and be able to start using their equipment.
To discover what has happened to site E-11 will need to examine logs on computers and analyse the lay out of the rooms to figure out what happened, if they get all the logs they will be able to piece together a timeline of events leading up the deaths of the personnel and the trapping of SCP-25890 within the lockdown area. The Site Directors Key card would be on his body which the E-11 will need to locate to open their office and shutdown the lockdown.
To discover what has happened to site E-11 will need to examine logs on computers and analyse the lay out of the rooms to figure out what happened, if they get all the logs they will be able to piece together a timeline of events leading up the deaths of the personnel and the trapping of SCP-25890 within the lockdown area. The Site Directors Key card would be on his body which the E-11 will need to locate to open their office and shutdown the lockdown.
CI: After discovering a new GOI with similar goals to the Chaos Insurgency, it is up for Sierra-7 to locate and begin diplomatic relations with this new GOI in the efforts to ally them against the foundation however there is something hidden about the GOI that the insurgency are not aware of that could make or break a deal with them, it will be up for the CI to negotiate and investigate this new GOI before relations with them are ruined by a lack of intelligence or outside interference from the foundation.
In order to investigate this new GOI the CI will need to speak with many of it's members to try and ascertain they true motives and what powers the GOI may bring to the table, during these interviews if they ask the right questions and follow along subtle hints given out by the GOI's members they would discover that the GOI is against releasing SCPs into the world and instead wish to see SCPs capture in a dimensional pocket controlled by them where they can attempt to use the SCPs as they see fit.
In order to investigate this new GOI the CI will need to speak with many of it's members to try and ascertain they true motives and what powers the GOI may bring to the table, during these interviews if they ask the right questions and follow along subtle hints given out by the GOI's members they would discover that the GOI is against releasing SCPs into the world and instead wish to see SCPs capture in a dimensional pocket controlled by them where they can attempt to use the SCPs as they see fit.
UNGOC: The UNGOC in pinewood have been tasked with setting up a new base for research and testing of new Anti-Anomaly technology however the only suitable candidate for the project within reach of the pinewood division is a small foundation storage facility. It is up for the UNGOC to make dealings with the foundation to use the facility for their research or to take the facility by force for the furtherance of the Global Occult Coalition.
This Anti-Anomaly technology would be a hume based deterrent system similar to hume shields used by ERT however instead of a plant able shield this would be one that could wrap around an individual allowing for what is essentially a personal forcefield that block anomalies from touching the individual with either anomalous powers or direct physical contact.
This Anti-Anomaly technology would be a hume based deterrent system similar to hume shields used by ERT however instead of a plant able shield this would be one that could wrap around an individual allowing for what is essentially a personal forcefield that block anomalies from touching the individual with either anomalous powers or direct physical contact.
Foundation Staff: A robotisation virus has begun to spread around the foundation and is transforming site personnel's organic matter into a metal alloy overtime, it is up to the combined efforts of the research, medical and engineering departments to work together to research the virus and come up with a way to combat it. To do this they will need to have medical staff analysing patients and taking samples of the virus, engineering department would need to examine patients to see how they are adapting to the robotisation process to see if they are merely becoming pure metal or if their bodies are turning into a sophisticated piece of machinery with rotors and motors to move limbs and mechanical contraption to pump energy around the body. Finally the research department would be using the information gathered from the medical and engineering departments to run trial and error tests to find a way to halt or reverse the robotisation process.
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