Denied UNGOC Weapons Changes/Balancing

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Change: UNGOC Strike Team: M60 -> KBAR
Change: UNGOC Soldier, UNGOC Field Op: AKZ -> M16A4 (With Same Stats)
Change: UNGOC Marksman, R&D: SR-2 Veresk -> Raijin

Fix: Align AMR2 Scope, currently slightly raised above centre of the screen meaning the scope is really aligned to 1 notch down.

Buff: M240B Fire rate
Nerf: M240B Recoil

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Probably, but the GOC is in the most unique state it has been in (UK side) right now though.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
For Changes:

The M60 is ill suited for a strike team operative, it is a slow, heavy, outdated Vietnam war era machine gun. The KBAR would incentivise the intended play style of the Strike Team allowing them to push forward with accuracy and damage with a non restrictive magazine capacity.

The AKZ is a weird choice for the UNGOC, to my knowledge it was chosen at a time before the rest of the MRP VGuns were imported over and was one of the last weapons left, replacing it with the M16A4 would make more sense lore wise as the North American GOC would be unlikely to use anything on the AK platform as it is outdated and hard to source locally.

The Raijin is a hard hitting but slow and heavily inaccurate rifle, it makes for the perfect weapon for R&D and Marksman as they would both use it when up close with someone, it also fits the GOC advanced technology themes.

For Fixes:
It makes the AMR usable.

For Buffs:
The role of the GOC juggernaut, and be extension the M240B, is to provide suppressing fire on a target or area. However, currently the M240B has an incredibly low DPS such that a person with full armour and health or simply a shield would be unaffected by suppression.

For Nerfs:
The change in skill level required to handle the M240B, should these changes be implemented, would balance out the buffs whilst also making the gun uncontrollable enough to fire on a single target over an extended period of time.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Would require a Senior Admin+ to edit jobs and VGuns
Could be unbalanced if implemented incorrectly
There are more important suggestions at present

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This rework would improve the combat on the GOC making it more lively and engaging to be in/around by promoting certain playstyles and tactical thinking. It would also help to improve immersion as people would be confused on why the GOC is using such mismatched and outdated equipment.

Doug 'TrippleD'

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 19, 2024
Okay I'm just gonna say this,

Most UNGOC players play for the roleplay, not for the combat.
UNGOC is a roleplay faction and this is a tiny little FOB we're talking about. They would not possess top of the line weaponry, logistics or manpower.

Most GOC players with all due respect, are pretty bad at PVP imo. Feel free to disagree with me but yeah, I dont think a buff to the GOC is going to do that many changes to the overall GOC. The faction isn't supposed to be a powerful GOI that can do main raids all the time, its supposed to be able to DEFEND itself.


Jeffrey Nut

Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 6, 2023
i need to smoke the shit that you smoked before you made this frfr (-support) no need 4 kbar
also big skill issue go reach GOC LT then you got your kbar and one thing i gotta say bro 8 kbars in 1 regiment is like not balanced at all


Well-known Member
Nov 3, 2024

This is probably the worst suggestion I have seen in awhile. If GOC had any skill in the game they would run the server. GOC has the best kits by far in the game. GOC has access to thaum, and O-Suit on top of that. This suggestion would be like me asking for A-1/O-1 Operatives to all have QBZs and give all COs KBARs. The server would go up in flames. GOC does not need a buff. They have access to the best kits and jobs in the game, and on top of that they have tactical tablets.

For the bug fixes that I can understand you weapon should probably hit where you aim, but other than that this suggestion is atrocious and shows how much experience GOC really has in combat on Civil.
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Ignore all the comments that say -support "le bad suggestion".

~/- Support.

GOC has some powerful weapons, but I think people blow those stats out of the water. The KBAR is overrated, and the M60 sucks, so instead of replacing the M60 with KBAR, replace it with the M240B. Low recoil, low-ish firerate, but it can 1 shot headshot with a weapon upgrade and has really high accuracy.

M16A4 has been suggested before, mostly for something like a replacement for Field Op's gun, and I think swapping the AKZ and M16A4 would work so long as the M16A4 has good animations and sounds, since it isnt used anywhere else, it might be broken in some way aside from stats.

Never heard of the Raijin, but I think new, cooler weapons for GOC that are high tech would be a welcome change. Isn't it the ERT gun?

Honestly, I think GOC needs a few dynamic loadouts thrown in the mix to help ensure GOC is flexible for the situations it faces. More airstrikes would also be appreciated, and I think the US site needs more freedom given to its GMs when it comes to GOC stuff.

If you ever need to reach out to the US GOC CO team, contact MAJ+ since nobody below that rank really has a say right now for US GOC. Which sucks, but its the best way to get heard or acknowledged right now lol
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Jul 9, 2022
-support GOC has now for the longest been the regiment on top when it comes to having the absolute best kits in the game on top of have legit airstrikes that nobody else has access to. you guys cried about having the MSBS Changed because it got nerfed after being made a perma and it legit had the same stats as the KBAR. those saying the KBAR is overrated, m240b and the M60 is shit im pretty sure any faction would love to trade with you guys i loved the M240b when i was in beta-1 thing it's a better version of the PKM. this is a skill issue suggestion because you guys are absolute dog water when it comes to any sort of PVP put the drugs down, quit larping and get in aim labs.

M60 Clip-

<MTF Alpha-1>
- MTF A-1 LCPL (Holding)
- MTF A-1 SGT (Held)

<MTF Omega-1>
- MTF O-1 COM (Held)
- MTF O-1 MAJ 2X (Held)

<MTF Nu-7>
- MTF Nu-7 CPT (Held)

<Chaos Insurgency>
- CI DELTA (Held)

- Special Agent (Held)
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