Grigori Haus Executive Application [USA]

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Dec 25, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:76404074
Discord name: pandainshitpostland
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 253 hours, had a little stint about 2 years ago but only played Class-D
Age: 17, 18 on the 20th
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Eastern Standard
Character name(s): Grigori Haus (Research), Sheldon Larson (MTF)
Civilian name: John Marshall Carter
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Indeed
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF Nu7 SGT (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Not that I know of, and if I do they should be after the 2 year mark

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
- I am applying because I believe I'm ready to take the next step. While I haven't been around as long as some people I put a lot of effort into all aspects of research. I enjoy conducting experiments and helping others preform theirs while giving tips and advice when applicable. I find the CRB incredibly interesting and feel more should join in the art of making chemicals. More people should be making chemicals and trying to find interesting combinations (making "Juice" like Jan and Jinngle). People struggle in getting into chemical making even though it isn't too difficult and I want to be a gateway into doing that.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?
- I am someone who puts my all into whatever I'm doing. I enjoy helping others and pushing them to do well. I want to make research a fun, social place for everyone involved. When I decide to do a test I spend a long time debating on how to preform it, making sure it goes well, and writing the ensuing document. I was a high rank in a previous RP server for a combatant branch, so I do have some experience in leadership, which should translate to being a non-combatant, however I am not perfect, and do tend to goof off from time to time, though I make sure when I do preform a little tomfoolery it is in an appropriate situation (I wont begin messing around in the midst of a serious situation, and only when there is downtime.) I enjoy helping branches grow and can come up with new ideas to make research more inclusive for all branches, even branches like Nu7/Dea and A1/O1.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
- I have written 3 excellent documents, though 1 has been lost and must be redone. My first Excellent document was with SCP-7722 and how he acts when under the assumption he's alone with a catholic priest. My second Excellent document was with SCP-008 and how SCP-008-2 instances and the SCP-008 prion itself reacts under extreme conditions and stress. The third document was about Type Green reality benders compared to Type Blue reality benders, how a Type Blue can mature their powers and what makes a Type Green stronger than a Type Blue (this was the document that was lost).
A document is Excellent not because it checks off boxes, instead its the amount of effort a researcher put into it. If its clear the researcher making the Excellent document truly cared and put a lot of effort into the document, with a creative idea, good flow, and making sure to proof read it and make sure there are no mistakes, its Excellent. Everyone makes documents differently so its impossible to simply judge it by checking off boxes.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
- The responsibilities of an Executive are to make sure tests being preformed by lower clearance researchers are safe, ethical, and make sense. Executive Researchers provide insight on the scientific process, helping others with ideas, documents, and the procedure itself, if a researcher needs help with a test, its the job of an Executive to oversee it and help out. Executives take a leadership role when a new SCP arrives on site, spearheading the research department into finding out its object class, what it can do, how dangerous it is, and how it can be utilized.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Grigori Haus comes from a modest background, except for his love of chemicals and drugs. Grigori spent long days making different chemicals just because he could, selling what he made after testing them to keep fueling his hobby, making his hobby his job. He was arrested for Drug Distribution due to this, but after the foundation found him and his creations, they decided to give him a shot.

[Personnel Report & Transfer regarding Grigori Haus from Site Director [REDACTED] of Site-02 to Site-65]

-Message to Site-65 from Site Director [REDACTED] of Site-02

Hiring Grigori was definitely a gamble, but it seems to have payed off. His methods are unique, but he brings results. He's highly intelligent despite how he acts and is on-par with some of our best researchers we have in Site-02. He has made numerous new chemicals I've never even seen before, Somehow managing to get samples from an SCP-1507 instance and turned it into a chemical, my question is how does one turn plastic into a chemical that gives you heavily increased stamina? I have no idea but somehow he figured it out.

He has some professionalism issues, but none of his tests have resulted in a breach, broke the Code of Conduct, or broke the Code of Ethics. He treats everyone, including his Class-D with extreme respect and we've had almost no issues with him other than his overly playful attitude. I'm having him transferred to Site-65 as the SCP's in containment over there seem significantly more suitable for utilization over the limited quantity we have over here. I talked with him about it and he seems ecstatic.

I would suggest you prepare your chemical lab and restock it, as its about to get a whole lot busier.
I give my best regards.

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Oct 30, 2024

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Good day to you, Brody. I hope this email finds you in good health. We in Research Leadership first want to thank you for applying for the position of Executive Researcher; it is my pleasure to inform you that your application
has been ACCEPTED

Please schedule a time for your interview with me (lucifersmorningstar) so we can continue your application process.


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