My problem with the current state of roleplay on SCP RP!

Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
Valid ideas, hope they come to Site 9. Breaches based on RP rather than hacks or timers would be interesting, however people suck and will breach SCPs on purpose. Recontainments by staff would be annoying, dragging SCPs and their breachers to sits constantly, egh. Logistics is cool too, ammo and weapons being limited would be pretty interesting and not spawning with weapons would be good for the sake of the fact that you dont get out of bed with your equipment in your arms unless you're going through Full Metal Jacket marine school.

CI revamp would be interesting but at this point CI's purpose is ultimately Chaos and terrorism, this is the path we're on and it isn't changing soon. The best we can do is steer more towards RP and less from combat but CI have a difficult time finding much to do besides raids, we don't have any readily available things to do so we usually just end up being an enemy MTF with extra rooms- though we seriously try with our subdivisions and trainings. We can always improve of course, not like it's an impossible idea to shoot for.

Another big point, players taking RP as personal insults. Feels like it happens constantly, mainly because rarely does anyone discuss RP scenarios that have occurred with opponents or enemies in a joyful manner. It's almost always just "ugh, why did they do this, they're totally metagaming, that was straight up rdm" yadda yadda yadda. Not just CI, but D-Class, GOC, DEA, Nu-7, E-11, A/O-1, so on so forth, and all of these groups will have people who metagame for an advantage over the others. Honestly it may just be the player base in general. We could encourage RP leads to be cracking down on this more as an issue, besides that I don't know what the best fix would be besides reminding people to turn the other cheek or just enjoy the scenarios. I think recently a rule was introduced to combat this issue of people taking in-character stuff as an ooc problem or ooc stuff as a reason to mess with someone ingame but I forget.

Lastly just more stuff being done ingame like comms and messages would be fire. Though it's definitely become an important part of our server so it would be hard to live without but would improve quality of life. SCIPNET rework for emails and better docs would be enticing for creating docs and whatnot. Can give submissions for contests or send work via email to executives and stuff, that would be cool asf.

Overall though I really just wanted to say if you have something you want to talk about you don't have to be so crude about it. You can get a point across without calling everyone degenerates and saying all this stuff we've culminated is bullshit, everyone here is trying right alongside you to make the best of it, yknow?
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Well-known Member
Jun 12, 2024
(S)pain user detected 🤮🤮🤮
using shit from is like going to poundland and expecting the same quality of products as going to M&S
On the 'CI wiki' there are 80 articles written collectively by 20 people, and of those 20 people 2 PEOPLE HAVE WRITTEN HALF THE ARTICLES (and of those two, one of them wrote 30 OF THEM)
if you want proper CI lore go onto's chaos insurgency hub there's not as much info there but i can guarantee you everything is much higher quality than on the bootleg ci wiki site

i dont know why i hate 'ci wiki' so much but there's something about it i just really don't like 😭

Returning to lore, If you knew about CI they were ex A1 when they were first formed 100 fucking years ago do you seriously think there's just been a steady stream of A1 joining CI for a hundred years???

Btw if you're chatting about how CI works, here's a brief description from the wiki:
The Chaos Insurgency's Delta Command, shrouded in mystery, issues orders to the lower ranks. Gamma-class researchers and military commanders have oversight over the execution of the Delta Command's orders.
Beta-class personnel, while not given the same level of command as Gamma-class, carry out the Insurgency's work in the field.
Alpha-class personnel [are] often recruited from individuals with little to no knowledge of the anomalous... They are the grunt workers: numerous and expendable... They are told that they will use the anomalous to build a utopian future, where humanity is master of everything, not just a mirage.
about that cognitohazard thing i was saying earlier, here's an excerpt from one of the SCP wiki tales about CI:
[Tale protagonist] felt his mind begin to run wild. He was being told something—the engine was telling him something. It whispered at the corners of his mind, speaking a language that Arjun couldn’t understand. The patterns of science and logic unraveled to reveal higher and higher forms of knowledge while the remains of discarded theories piled in the sewers of humanity and began to rot.

what are you even trying to say here????
First thing first. I do not read from CI page (the page you are refering that much, only the spanish version of the page which is different, the english one is meh).

Second thing. I hadn't said that A1 had joined for 100 years. There was a civil war and they assented as another organization Do not put words that didn't come from my mouth, indeed american. I hadn't said that A1 kept going and joining, they formed they classified they have an organization. Not only that, they have bases all around the globe. I often read things in english but scp wiki I rather read it in spanish my main language, there you have examples CI that have killed the O5 council, another example is in the main scp page (their sister is the wanderer's library) is CI making contact with organizations such as GRU-P, Obskura or even SEPIA. Indeed, I do not know if in international page the publish stuff like we spanish do.

Third, if you have ever been in a military training which you show that you hadn't been. They do do tests, theory for mainly officers about strategy, tactics etc. Though the real training for most of elite forces and special forces around the world are exams. Exams which are practical duties such as exercise, KH tests or in mayor trainings they do A army vs B army. Another good training for elite units such as snipers is their cammouflage, their accurate aim and their training for survival. Traduced to the game. You wouldn't do a forum theory test, you would do a proper training. Not difficult to understand.
First thing first. I do not read from CI page (the page you are refering that much, only the spanish version of the page which is different, the english one is meh).
I often read things in english but scp wiki I rather read it in spanish my main language, there you have examples CI that have killed the O5 council, another example is in the main scp page (their sister is the wanderer's library) is CI making contact with organizations such as GRU-P, Obskura or even SEPIA. Indeed, I do not know if in international page the publish stuff like we spanish do.

my bad man i didn't consider anything about international pages 👍👍👍

Second thing. I hadn't said that A1 had joined for 100 years. There was a civil war and they assented as another organization Do not put words that didn't come from my mouth, indeed american. I hadn't said that A1 kept going and joining, they formed they classified they have an organization. Not only that, they have bases all around the globe.
Third, if you have ever been in a military training which you show that you hadn't been. They do do tests, theory for mainly officers about strategy, tactics etc. Though the real training for most of elite forces and special forces around the world are exams. Exams which are practical duties such as exercise, KH tests or in mayor trainings they do A army vs B army. Another good training for elite units such as snipers is their cammouflage, their accurate aim and their training for survival. Traduced to the game. You wouldn't do a forum theory test, you would do a proper training. Not difficult to understand.

thanks for clarifying what you meant, if i'm not misunderstanding you i think we're both in agreement in what we want coming out of CI?
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Dec 10, 2022
Most of this has been suggested numerous times before and rejected again and again tbh.

You mean like the 079 rework, which is almost exactly the same to multiple suggestion threads that were denied previously, which has now (after SCP SL has realised how bad it was to play the SCP) been accepted?

I'm aware the content teams have changed since, but CN doesn't have the best of track records when it comes to, yknow, doing this sort of stuff. Just because something is rejected doesn't mean it isn't worth talking about. Clearly.

On that note, it'd help if S9 (Site 9) Community Updates were more common, so the community actually have something to look forwards to. Don't want this becoming another SWRP sink.
Dec 18, 2022
My problems with civil networks SCP RP come to it not being a true dynamic role-playing experience, I could talk forever but I have 3 main points
  1. The lack of player influence on the server in content, function and in consequence
  2. The CI problem.
I will start with my first point, you as a player have very little to no influence on the server. Breaches are as a matter of fact a core part of the concept of SCP however the way that the functionality of the server impacts this is very negative to the role playing experience and my beloathed concept of "server health"

I would like to say I have absolutely no care for the concept server health but you degenerates of civil networks are hard enough to reason with, realism to the setting, lore accuracy and role play should always come first in crafting a good role playing experience, combative balance is not something which interests me and it is not what I wish to achieve in any capacity
Back to my point, breaches are the main problem in my view
They happen at random intervals or they happen due to them being "hacked out"This is horrible for role playA roleplay server at its core MUST be to the fullest possible extent be driven by the heart of the community, the playerbase!
If players aren't actively making in character choices in an environment things should not occur abnormally
Things don't happen for no reason, Google newton's laws. If I am a researcher and I fuck up during testing a breach should be possible, if I am a containment engineer and I improperly configure something a breach should be possible
It should not occur for absolutely no reason, power failures and outages that happen randomly aren't player actions and are not good roleplay in any capacity
And to the "hacking" problem
Hacking as it exists in the server does not make sense, the fact that the security of the site can be compromised with some device and matching patterns is not something is viable, site security shouldn't be this weak (without other things being sabotaged)
Another thing that diminishes player impact on the role-playing environment is the issue of replenishables with the idea of logistics and also in character obtaining of itemsI'll start with replenishables
Chefs, vending machines, chemists, medical cabinets
They all have things in common
You can take items from them and they run out
However they automatically will become replenished after a length of time

This is bad for the reason that it is another thing that diminishes player interactivity with the server
My solution?
The implementation of the group of interest known as Logistics global operations into the server
Implementing logistics would be a great thing for the server for a few reasons, firstly they are already an established group within the server and have contracts with both the foundation and UNGOC
Secondly it completely solves the replenishables problem!
Logistics will deliver crates with chemicals, food, medical supplies and weapon equipment on to the site, perhaps other materiel once they are implemented
Now what was I saying about in characterly obtaining items
Of course you should in fact spawn with items which are key to your class
Your clipboards, binoculars disguise cards
But there are some items I believe one should not spawn with

That would be weapons and this should apply for every class which currently spawns with weapons
Every player which spawns with weapons should have an item
This would be a key of sorts to access their weapon kit from an armory
You might ask, why do we need this?
I wish to make weapons a replenishable for all groups
Armouries must have weapons delivered to them to function
LGO would not only be a key part of the server but also something that drives teamwork in surface operations
I believe I've blabbered about my first point enough

CI as it exists currently does not have a realistic place within the role-playing environment and must be either immediately removed or entirely revamped with all current holders removed and a new team consisting of event team and game masters being put as temporary leads
I'm not even going into detail on why they shouldn't exist in their current form
Their blatant disregard for server health isn't my main issue even, my main issue is the blatant disregard for resource and human lives, CI are meant to be a terrorist faction, if you can justify them having something of an "infinite man generator" realistically then by all means however I suggest that they be MASSIVELY reduced.
The new CI should be a group that must operate in secret
Still as evil and brutal but under much more cover
They must entirely integrate themselves into the ranks of the foundation to survive
They need to be able to hack into the foundation databases via roleplay driven means and spread disinformation on the scipnet
The main focus of CI raids will be infiltration, information extraction, theft of resource and on rare occasions the theft of SCP items

They will have to work hard to achieve anything as upon spawn they will have nothing bar hacking devices and disguise equipment
I believe this would harbour a greater RP experience than the CI of now and I believe it is entirely possible
Perhaps they could even try to blackmail LGO into delivering equipment to them as LGO won't inherently be controlled by the foundation as an independent company
We could even see RP storylines of LGO entirely embargoing the foundation. there is so much possible RP that CI could do, this amount will be increased with these changes I believe. However what I instead see from CI is a group that rove around the site and generally disrupt roleplay, with no regard to the lives of themselves or foundation members and every time this happens they are alive again, this has no place in a serious RP server and SCP RP should never again advertise itself as such if it wishes to preserve this status quo of subpar roleplay


In game, in character, in roleplay
As much as the discord makes interacting with members of the community easy, as much as teamspeak makes in character communication during combat scenarios and such easier and as much as the forums are a good tool for challenging staff all three of them have something in common
They fundamentally take away from the player roleplay experience and curb immersion
People using external documents is permissible as the ingame functionality of what we have been given is subpar at best, people using discord is permissible as there is no good in character way to divulge key information to large groups of people who may even be offline except for documents which again barely function
How do I propose to fix the lack of things being done in character? My first thought is a complete revamp and optimisation of the in game documentation systemAlong with this I'd propose a completely new scipnet, with an email system, departmental chat room and keeping the document storage mostly intact as it hasn't raised problems itself
The new email system would be a great alternative for departmental notices and operations, secure communication between individuals and even some in character banter
Who doesn't love harassing their colleagues on email? Anyway I believe revamping the document system so that it is optimised and suited for proper formatting would bolster use of ingame documentation, of course external could be acceptable in out of character circumstance however this would make in Character affairs easier by tenfold
Anyway what else? The forums, applications for positions should be done entirely in game and in character
Just for the reasons of roleplay, in character stuff yada yada
Teamspeak is alright for now but the amount of metagaming that takes place there is appalling, the radio system being reintroduced would be a viable option if optimised to not light the server on fire

Hope you fellas enjoyed this bit of yap, feel free to comment why you think I'm right here or wrong, I hope to receive a response to this from SL, NL or the like for I must ask? when will this bullshit end? When the fuck will I be able to join your server and roleplay without being randomly engaged with these freaks who do nothing but ruin everyone's day?
u gotta realize if they were going to help/fix the server they would have done it already. Ventz doesn’t care about the server as long as it generates him money

Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023

u gotta realize if they were going to help/fix the server they would have done it already. Ventz doesn’t care about the server as long as it generates him money
I've been in meetings with him as previous content team and we've had back and forths regarding multiple different topics. It's not a secret that we've discussed what to do with Site Command and A/O1 and I guarantee that he was not passive in that conversation, nor any of the other conversations we've had. He cares man.

u gotta realize if they were going to help/fix the server they would have done it already. Ventz doesn’t care about the server as long as it generates him money
I'm quite the Ventz critic sometimes but he is extremely passionate about the server and has demonstrated that in the sheer effort being invested into Site-9.

Players can fix the roleplay on the server, they just don't want to own up to it. UK is stepping in the right direction recently but I can't speak on behalf of the US Server.
Jan 6, 2023
What storylines?

Everything is player run at the moment. I've seen incredibly little from the UK GM team at the moment
storylines in general, I haven't been too caught up with whats going on in the server

and I'm not saying from the GM team, I was asking if staff still intervene in things that could get roleplay going, but teters on the edge of breaking rules
storylines in general, I haven't been too caught up with whats going on in the server

and I'm not saying from the GM team, I was asking if staff still intervene in things that could get roleplay going, but teters on the edge of breaking rules
Some interfere some don't. Really depends on the staff at the time. Ideally, they need to be putting the RP first and foremost over punishment in your minor cases.


Well-known Member
Jun 20, 2024
The issue with all of this is the fact that they made Deep cover VIP only. I doubt none of this will have an effect and I believe a lot of this is on the foundations part Aswell. They shouldn't be able to make it to the front door with NU-7 being almost filled to the brim with people. The issue is the fact that foundation has people that die and come back with no regard for their life. If they made it so they only had one life per raid it would cause people to actually try hard on CI. In the words of sun tzu, when faced between the shore and the land then burn the boats leaving no escape, this motivates to troops to fight harder and more. Using this sentiment then I genuinely believe it can build RP between the two sites. Dev's should design a counter that doesn't allow you to exit your bunks after a certain amount of time. Also a part of me thinks that NU-7 isn't being trained as there supposed to but I can't say much on that as I've never been in NU-7 so that's just a rough estimate. Then on the blatant disregard for server health some people actually want that. They are bored when nothing is happening so when CI breach's something like 008 then it makes more since to let them because people would like it. Another thing SL/NL can do is allow Parawatch to "RP Breach" scp's and treat those breaches like a passive breach. SL let me do that once with 8837 and it was one of the greatest RP moments I've ever had with civil networks. Also if you have a problem with that there's been quiet a few stories of Parawatch members broke into foundations bases to breach SCP's. (The first one to come to my mind was 682 but in 914) that specific story starts out by a guy letting out 682.
Jun 24, 2022
The issue with all of this is the fact that they made Deep cover VIP only. I doubt none of this will have an effect and I believe a lot of this is on the foundations part Aswell. They shouldn't be able to make it to the front door with NU-7 being almost filled to the brim with people. The issue is the fact that foundation has people that die and come back with no regard for their life. If they made it so they only had one life per raid it would cause people to actually try hard on CI. In the words of sun tzu, when faced between the shore and the land then burn the boats leaving no escape, this motivates to troops to fight harder and more. Using this sentiment then I genuinely believe it can build RP between the two sites. Dev's should design a counter that doesn't allow you to exit your bunks after a certain amount of time. Also a part of me thinks that NU-7 isn't being trained as there supposed to but I can't say much on that as I've never been in NU-7 so that's just a rough estimate. Then on the blatant disregard for server health some people actually want that. They are bored when nothing is happening so when CI breach's something like 008 then it makes more since to let them because people would like it. Another thing SL/NL can do is allow Parawatch to "RP Breach" scp's and treat those breaches like a passive breach. SL let me do that once with 8837 and it was one of the greatest RP moments I've ever had with civil networks. Also if you have a problem with that there's been quiet a few stories of Parawatch members broke into foundations bases to breach SCP's. (The first one to come to my mind was 682 but in 914) that specific story starts out by a guy letting out 682.
i tried making a suggestion about it 2 years ago
it was denied
also if one life per raid was a thing foundation wouldn't stand a chance